My Side Chick Episode 4
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Side Chick Episode 4 Of My Side Chick by Tony Sang Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Side Chick EPISODE FOUR: ????
Mama Cheru had walked directly to Faith’s bedroom and banged the door continuously.Faith had opened to door and they met face to face with her furious matter
“ Faith,so you have decided that you want to get married,mmmh”
“ Mum who said I want to get married?”
“ So where have you been with your boyfriend today?”
“ Mum I don’t have any boyfriend or any man,I went to see my friend Judy she is back in the village”
“ Okay,go and prepare supper”
Faith had left the mother at the door and ran to the kitchen that was separated from the main house.Her mother stood checking if she could see anything fishy but the room was just the same as always,she then left into her bedroom.
Fayez had driven to a local bar and restaurant in Mboko,took two bottles of bear with his friends then drove home.He had arrived at around 5:00 pm.
Her wife was at the sitting following through some Nollywood movie when the black Tundra drove into the compound,he went and Parked the car inside the car park where two other cars had been parked.He sat and cross checked the car to see if Faith had forgotten anything inside the car that might cause suspicions,he then checked himself on the mirror,rubbed his face and then sprayed himself.
Hakim the watchman had come running towards him,he opened the booth as he had instructed and took out some luggages that Fayez had managed to buy then followed him to the house and put it on the table and went back to the gate.The wife had carried the goods while Fayez sat watching.
She then came back with food and gave Fayez.The man of the house was taking the food while busy on his phone,he didn’t even finish the food and he had left to the bedroom pressing the phone.The wife didn’t bother as she thought maybe he ate outside while he was on the way to home.
Faith was busy preparing supper while chatting with Victor and Fayez but she made sure that her mother couldn’t get her while chatting.She would smile on the beautiful words that Fayez was sending and she was seriously falling for him although that is what she didn’t want.Faith loved Victor as they were of the same age group,she just wanted to use Fayez.
Victor is a son of Dr Bill the aeronautical engineer.He lived with his strict parents in Matu center but would oftenly sneak to go and meet his girlfriend.Victor loved Faith very much and even his friends knew it.
Fayez had sat chatting for some time then switched his phone and plugged it into the charger as he stared at the ceiling smiling.He was busy thinking about Faith and how the girl was sweet.He just wanted to have more time with her.He stared until sleep had taken him away.
The wife had to wake him at around nine pm so that he could have dinner.He ate the supper,then went to have a shower and the two went to sleep.Fayez felt tired but he had to lie to his wife that he felt some headache and therefore they didn’t make love that night.
TO Be Continued