My Side Chick Episode 24
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Side Chick Episode 24 Of My Side Chick by Tony Sang Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Side Chick EPISODE TWENTY FOUR: ????
Belcy had left the sofa and started taking a walk in the house,she opened the children’s room to try and check if she could find something that would show her anything that might be useful.
The wardrobe was empty,she checked around and found crayons under the bed,she had never bought crayons before she therefore became more suspicious.She removed the pillows and found a childs t-shirt, however she didn’t react.She kept quiet and walked to the other bedroom.
The room was shaggy as if there had been a commotion or fight or something since Faith had thrown everything as she looked for her things.She looked at the bed that were full of clothes then stared at the shinny thing in the floor and what she saw shocked her.It was an earring.
She then walked to the disrupted closet to check for more evidences.Due to the hurry that Faith had, she had misplaced and mistakenly drop her lipstick in the closet.She had also forgotten some of her pants.
She couldn’t hold herself any more,she was very angry.The coffee was ready by the time she walked downstairs,she then helped the husband serve the children and pulled him to the bedroom trying not to express her anger in front of the kids.
What is it babe? Fayez had asked shocked by how she was behaving.
What is this? Hmm ,she said collecting the earring then showed her the lipstick in the closet, And when did you buy lipstick and furthermore for who? Worst of it all a woman’s pants in your closet?
Fayez was lost of words,he didn’t know what to say.
I can explain babe,he said trying to hold her hands.The wife stopped him from what he was about to do.
You can explain how you have been cheating Fayez,do you even care about your family? Your children?
Yes I really do babe,it was a mistake and we ended up getting a child.
And you didn’t bother to tell me,so all this time you’ve been fooling me that you had loans,I need money for this and that,very lame excuses so that you could use your money to spend on another woman.
Babe please I love you,he said as he tried to hug her but she had pushed her away.
It was already late and the wife couldn’t go anywhere so she slept but she didn’t allow him to touch her at all.
The following morning very early in the morning as Faith was still sleeping,she received a call.Belcy had called her,she then knew that everything wasn’t right at all.
Yes foolish woman,what do you want now,she had first spoken after receiving the call.
Come to the house now,I arrived yesternight,I have your stuff,you may have forgotten.If you claim Fayez is yours come now with your child,let us settle this once and for all,Belcy had replied back.
It was then that Faith knew that the truth had come to open,there was no need of hiding anymore,she took a motorcycle with Precious and drove to the apartment,she had to fight for herself and her child now.
Belcy was at the door, waiting she was shaking waiting to kill someone.Ten minutes later Faith walked into the compound,she saw Belcy at the door, waiting for her.
TO Be Continued