My Sexcapedes Episode 35
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Sexcapedes Episode 35 Of My Sexcapedes by Nwigbo Chimaobi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Sexcapedes EPISODE THIRTY FIVE:
..I thought my truth shall set me free, but now, it seems like my truth has landed me into more trouble. I started this journey in the hope of setting my marriage free from the bondage of barrenness, but now, it seems like I have finally shattered the marriage myself.
Should I have kept the secrets all to myself?..’, I was crying out loud in regret. But no one was available to console me.
My fear. My dream. All had come to pass.
Ever since my wife left my house with her things, her phone has been off. I have not been able to reach her. I have gone to her father’s house time without numbers, there were no traces of her in the house at all. Even their neighbors, estate security, all of them said that they have not set their eyes on her for a very long time. Likewise Annabel, my wife’s friend, denied seeing her. Though, at first, I didn’t believe Annabel, but I have trailed her to her house severely to no avail — she wasn’t in her house.
The worst part of it was that my wife has stopped going to work. Because I have been to her place of work several times and I didn’t see her. Though when Annabel told me that, I didn’t believe her not until three different people in her place of work told me the same.
One fateful day, I was so courageous enough to go see my wife’s boss in her office. I waited about thirty minutes before it was my turn to see her. Her secretary was the person that ushered me into her office. I wore a smile and a perfect touch of gentleman.
‘Good day gentleman’, she greeted me.
‘Good day ma’, I replied to her greeting.
‘Please have a seat’, she said while showing me the seat.
‘Thank you very much, ma,’ I said after sitting down.
‘Please how may I help you?’, she asked.
‘While, I am Mr Steven Eze. The husband of Lucy Eze..’
‘Oh, you mean my own Lucy?’, she interrupted.
‘Yea’, I nodded in affirmation.
‘Wow, it’s nice meeting you’, she said amid a smile.
‘My pleasure’.
‘So to what do I owe this visit?’, she asked.
‘Madam, please I need your help. I have some issues with my wife and she left my house to God-knows-where. Her phone has been off. In fact, it has been two weeks now. I have not seen my wife and I haven’t been able to communicate with her,’ I had to narrate. ‘ Please help me ma’, I pleaded.
‘Mr Steven, I don’t know how to come in here,’ she paused. ‘ Actually, Lucy came to me weeks ago requesting for an emergency leave. Her reasons being that she was sick and she had a family issue to also deal with. Lucy was like a daughter to me. And seeing how peeled she looked, I granted her the permission to go heal herself and her marriage. Although I tried to intervene, but she was not ready to talk to me about the whole thing..’ she explained.
‘Madam, I am worried. Please did she by chance tell you where she was going?’, I had to ask.
‘I am sorry, she didn’t’, she said.
‘God!’, I screamed out in pain. ‘I am doomed. What have I gotten myself into?..’
‘Mr Steven, you have to take it easy. The solution to your problem is prayer..’
‘Ma, what of her phone number, you have it?’, I had to ask.
‘Lucy’s phone number I have with me, I don’t think she’s still using that number because I have tried reaching her several times but the line has not been available,’ she paused. ‘It seems like she changed her line because the last time she called, it was with a strange number. Though I didn’t save the number on my phone’, she explained.
‘Madam, please can you help me to go through your call know if you can figure out the new number she used to call you, please ma’, I pleaded.
‘I don’t think so because it has been a long time since she called with that number,’ she explained while flipping through her phone in search of the number. ‘When I wanted to reach out to her, I searched for that number but I didn’t find it again on my phone..’, she heaved a sigh. ‘The number is no longer on my phone. But don’t worry, anyday she reaches out to me again, I will send the number across to you. I promise you that. Meanwhile, keep on with your efforts in search of her, you will find her one day. Although I know she’s not lost. Probably, she needed privacy to cool off her head, eh?’.
‘Okay ma’, I nodded.
‘Be praying over it as well. The lord is your strength,’ she added while dipping her hand in her drawer. ‘This is my complimentary card. Call me so I will save your number on my phone,’ she handed me the card.
Even if my wife was not staying with Annabel, there was no way the two would not be in touch. I was very much convinced that Annabel knew where my wife hid. Probably she was just acting according to the instructions of not telling me. I have pleaded with Annabel several times, that even if she would not tell me where my wife was, at least, let me have her contact so as to reach her via the phone. But Annabel kept lying to my face that she didn’t know my wife’s whereabouts and didn’t have her contact.
As such, I have trailed Annabel several times so as to know if I would get a lead from her but all to no avail. I have also accosted Annabel several times, to the extent of using many tricks on her including threat, mouthwatering incentives, even, I have gone down to my knees to plead with her but all my efforts were all futile.
Meanwhile I have contacted Ichie Amadi to let him know the situation of things. But he assured me light at the end of the tunnel. He had gone to AFA(divination) with my wife’s name just to find out her condition. The result was positive — she was hale and hearty. She went to her father’s place to hide. That were the revelations.
However, I have called about three of my wife’s aunts who could harbor her in their house, but they all denied seeing her, not talk of harboring her. Instead, they all teamed up against me. They mounted a lot of pressure on me with a deadline to provide their daughter to them or I face their wrath.
Ever since I confessed my sins to my mother, she has refused to pick my calls. Even when I used a different number to call her, whenever she picked and learned it was me, she would end the call and blacklist the number. Meanwhile Amadi has been in touch with my mother trying to appeal to her angry spirit but she was finding it very difficult to forgive me. Although the last time I spoke with Amadi on the issue, he told me there were a lot of breakthroughs. That my mother needed time to accept the fact that the deed had been done. That in due time, she would forgive me.
Anytime I cried to Amadi about the disappearance of my wife and how her people had been on my neck to find their daughter for them, he would laugh it off and encourage me not to lose my sanity. ‘ son, what your inlaws are doing are the right things to do. Nevertheless, don’t lose your sanity. But you have hurt your wife and mother so badly that they need time to heal. Keep on doing your best. I am assuring you that after rain, comes sunshine,’ Amadi would tell.
TO Be Continued