My Sexcapedes Episode 25
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Sexcapedes Episode 25 Of My Sexcapedes by Nwigbo Chimaobi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Sexcapedes EPISODE TWENTY FIVE:
I was severely tormented by a guilty conscience to the extent I was so disorganized that I couldn’t think straight.
How could I even forget so quickly that there was no cause for alarm? That since Jude was my blood brother, definitely, our blood would match. That as siblings, we share the same bloodline. I was contemplating while waiting for my brother to be through with the blood donation.
Amid my contemplation, Susan bumped into the ward like a mad person.
‘Steve, what happened to my children? Tell me it’s not true that my children were involved in an accident? I hope nothing happened to them?,’Susan asked me all these questions almost at the same time.
‘Don’t worry, they are fine. Everything is okay’, I consoled her.
‘Where are they? What’s the doctor doing? What about the nurses? What are they doing?’, she asked in distress.
‘Susan, calm yourself down. The doctors and nurses are attending to them. They will be fine’, I said to calm her down.
‘What of my husband? Where is he?’, she asked.
‘The twins need blood. He’s donating blood for them. They lost so much blood’, I said to her.
‘Are you sure that my children are okay? Steve, please talk to me. Please tell me the truth’, she asked with curiosity.
‘Don’t worry. The twins will be fine’, I replied.
Susan sat next to me on a long chair. I was very selfish with my shoulder because she looked so desperate for a shoulder to lean on for comfort. We waited patiently for my brother to come out.
‘I hope his blood matches their own. Just praying that our secret will not be exposed in the course of the whole thing..,’ I said to her.
‘What are you even saying? Are you okay?’, she yelled.
‘Susan, I mean it. Let him not find out that the twins are not his children’, I said.
‘Steven, are daft? I am talking of how to save my children and you are here talking trash’, she ended it with a long hiss.
‘I am just worried. I just hope his blood will match with that of the twins’, I added.
‘There is no cause for alarm, their blood will definitely match. He is your brother, so you people share the same blood’, she explained.
Just then, I took a deep breath. It’s not as if I don’t It, but I just wanted to be very sure that my mind had not been deceiving me all this while.
Moment later, my brother came out, putting on a long face. What could be the problem? Has my fear come to reality? I asked myself.
Susan rushed him and held him tight, crying.
‘What’s the problem? What happened to our children?’, she asked him.
‘They are fine. Just that our blood did not match,’ he stuttered.
‘Impossible!,’ she reacted. ‘Doctor, how do you explain this mystery?
I was speechless like the doctor. Panic gripped me. My fear has finally come to pass. But how come? How can that be possible? I asked myself amid confusion. I was of the great wish for the ground to open its mouth and swallow me up.
‘Something must be wrong somewhere. It can’t be possible’, I managed to say.
‘We don’t have time. I think your brother has to stand in, let’s save the souls’, the doctor finally said something.
My brother signaled to me to follow the doctor. He was so weak that he couldn’t even say a word to me at that moment.
I stood up to walk but I couldn’t. It was as if the whole of my blood was drained off me. But I managed to drag myself into the room for the test, and if possible, donate the blood as well.
After all said and done, the test was successful and the result came out positive. My blood matched with that of the twins. Other tests were immediately carried out. Their results came out positive also. Blood was taken from my body. It was a whole lot of it. You really need to see the way I slumped to the chair after the whole thing.
Surprisingly, my brother was very happy when he heard that my blood matched with that of his children. Susan told me that I needed to see how my brother f00lishly hugged her tightly amid happiness upon hearing the news. He was excited because the blood type of the twins was said to be unavailable in the hospital blood bank at that moment. And the need for the blood was very urgent. It was a matter of life and death. But thank goodness I saved the day.
But what I seemed not to understand was, does it mean that my brother was so blind that he couldn’t read the handwriting on the wall? Or he understood the whole thing but was pretending just to save the lives of the innocent children first before any other thing? I asked myself.
But If actually Jude didn’t know, then, illiteracy is a big disease indeed.
My brother, Jude, was illiterate. He didn’t not go to school. He just managed to finish his primary school education before following one of our uncles to Lagos for an apprenticeship.
Jude was a stack illiterate who doesn’t know how to read and write. But very literate when it came to business. Thank goodness for Susan who was brushing him up and he was fast learning.
Although I believed that my brother would have gone to school had it been my parents were capable enough to train him in school. Because he was very passionate about education. But our parents were so poor that they could not send him to school. So he had to forfeit the school path for greener pastures in business.
And as God may have it, he made it so big in business. In Aluminum village, Lagos, Jude was one of the big names in the business. Not just that, he was becoming a big gladiator in politics as well.
Meanwhile before my brother got married, he had vowed to marry a graduate. That was the major reason he refused to marry Ifeoma — the lady our parents wanted him to marry. Although Ifeoma was a very beautiful and hardworking girl, the only turn off point was that she didn’t go to school. I remembered vividly my brother telling our parents that he can’t be illiterate and still marry an illiterate.
My brother had this zeal for education. There was this passion he had for education to the extent that if you see him advising the young ones on the importance of education, you would think that he had a formal education whereas he didn’t. He always made it clear to us that it disheartening his heart that he didn’t go to school. He vowed that in his next world, he would attain education to the last of it. Even when my brother was still struggling in business, he had some children on his benevolent list that he was paying their school fees. He always said that nothing gave him joy than seeing himself as a ladder in which the young ones were using to attain their educational goals. In fact, Jude single-handedly trained me in school. As a matter of fact, he was ever ready to sponsor me to any level of education I wanted to attain in life. He told me that to my face severally. But I was the one that decided to pause, so to know what this life has in stock for me before furthering more.
To the glory of God, the twins survived. They made it out of the hospital alive. Everybody was really happy but my brother was the happiest. We did a thanksgiving in the church. You need to see the party he threw that Sunday. The party was a blast. The blood of a giant cow was shedded for merriment.
Susan wanted to use the opportunity to make up with me. Though I was open for peace, but her immoral interest was what I said no to. So the peace talk collapsed.
I was really happy that the blood transfusion incident didn’t expose my secrecy with Susan. But what I could not get off my head was the mystery behind the whole thing. How could my brother’s blood possibly not match with that of the twins? Even if he was not the real father of the children, he should be in the position to donate blood for them considering the fact that he was my blood brother. Something was definitely wrong somewhere.
‘What could be the problem?,’ I kept asking myself this question any day the thought of the incident surged up in my head.
Susan kept on asking the same question. Even her, as a medical doctor, had no satisfying answer to the question. Although she gave me a possible answer, but I refused to believe her. Her answer was totally unacceptable to me because I couldn’t see the possibility. In fact, I couldn’t imagine it because it was not possible.
‘From the medical perspective, you might not share the same father with my husband’, that was the bullshit Susan told me.
‘Susan, so what you mean is that, Jude, who I grew up with, is not my biological brother?’, I had to ask In disbelief.
‘The two of you might share the same mother but not the same father’, she explained.
‘Impossible! Jude is my blood brother. I know the story of our birth very well. Our parents always shared it with us,’ I argued.
‘If the two of you are of the same bloodline, why then did his blood not match with that of my children?’,Susan asked me that day.
‘Then one thing is involved?’, I said, after a while of silence.
‘What is that thing?’.
‘I think it is a technical error or there’s mixup somewhere . The laboratory equipment, probably, is faulty…’
‘That’s not possible. That hospital cannot make such a mistake. I am very sure,’ Susan intercepted.
‘Susan, you are saying bullshit. I need satisfactory answer to my question. Where can I get an answer Susan?..’ I was curiously asking before she interrupted me.
‘From your parents, especially your mother. A woman is the only person that knows the true father of her children’, she said.
I must tell you, this issue was a very big thorn in my flesh. It really gave me sleepless nights.
What if Susan was right?
That was one question I always avoided but it kept surging up in my head every now and then.
To Be Continued..
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