My Sexcapedes Episode 14
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Sexcapedes Episode 14 Of My Sexcapedes by Nwigbo Chimaobi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Sexcapedes EPISODE FOURTEEN:
The unexpected happened the following week. It was on Saturday afternoon. Susan and I went to work. Along the line, my phone rang and it was my brother. I picked up the call. He said that he wanted to see me at home with immediate effect. Unlike him, he didn’t even ask me how the work was going. The harshness in his voice alone spoke volumes. The urgency of the call showed that something was obviously wrong. My breath immediately ceased.
‘Jude, what’s the problem?’, I managed to ask amid panic.
‘Don’t question me. Steven I want to see you at home now’, he said and ended the call.
I stood stranded. Many thoughts raced through my head. Despite the air conditioning, I sweat profusely. After much thought, I couldn’t still phantom what the problem could be. But my mind kept telling me that he had found out that his wife’s pregnancy wasn’t his. I was panicking. Shivering. You need to see how the shirt I was putting on was drenched with sweat.
‘God! What have I gotten myself into? What will I tell him? My brother will skin me alive!’,I was talking to myself. ‘Should I run away from here? Go to a place where no one knows me and never come back again..’
I was still wallowing in the ocean of thought when an idea striked through my mind — to call Susan first and know if she had an idea of what was going on. I reached for my phone and dialed her number. But she didn’t pick. I called about five times and all to no avail. I slumped back to the chair to think. I have been standing up all this while. But I couldn’t concentrate enough to think; there was a total blackout in my head.
At one point, I had to try Susan’s line again but she refused picking. I dialed my brother’s line and he picked with immediate effect as if he was waiting for my call. I could hear noises in the background.
‘Are you home?’, he asked, ignoring what I was asking him.
‘N-n-no’, I stammered. ‘But is anything the problem?’, I managed to ask.
‘Steven stop asking questions. I want to see you at home now’, he authoritatively said and hung up the call.
‘I am doomed.’ I said to myself while calling Susan again. But she didn’t pick.
‘Stevo, what’s the problem?’,Taiwo had to ask after a long observation.
‘Nothing’, I managed to reply.
‘Steve, you can’t tell me nothing while It’s very obvious you are in trouble; it’s written all over you’, Taiwo said.
‘Taiwo mind your business. Please leave me alone’, I yelled at him, scratching my head like one who recently ran madd.
Immediately, I surged up with a great force like a big masquerade. Straight, I headed to Susan’s office. On getting there, I was told that she was in the operating theater room in an emergency.
I dashed out like a maad dog and headed home immediately. I was already inside the bus when I remembered I should have gone with my car. Even, I left my second phone at the office. In fact, I was very disorganized like a woman who just lost her dare husband.
I was already close to the house when my phone rang. Behold, it was Susan. I picked it up immediately.
‘Susan, there’s fire on the mountain. It seemed like he had found out the whole thing. You need to see the anger in his voice when he asked me to come home over the phone’, I managed to tell Susan.
‘Impossible..’. Susan sounded so confidently on the phone.
‘I am telling you something and you are saying it’s impossible’, I said, panicking.
Susan kept quiet. I could hear her heartbeat over the phone. I sensed her panicking too.
‘Are you sure?’, Susan asked in a cracking voice.
‘Of course. Didn’t he call you?’, I asked.
‘I am seeing about six of his missed calls here’, she said.
‘Jesus!’, I shouted. ‘Susan you have killed me. Look at what you have done to me..’
‘Shut up! You better comport yourself there, go and know why he’s calling you. Don’t do anything stup|d that would implicate us.’ She paused. ‘End the call now. Let me answer him. He’s calling me.’
Afar, I was hearing people’s voices. When I came into the house, there were only a few faces that I was familiar with, the rest, I don’t know their faces. But I guess they were my brother’s friends. I went straight inside the house, panicking. I didn’t even greet anybody as I wasn’t myself; I couldn’t think straight. My brother was in the sitting room having a talk with some friends. He wasn’t smiling. I went to him and he asked me to wait for him upstairs.
You need to see how I was pushing myself upstairs as I couldn’t climb the staircase with ease. It was as if the whole of my blood was drained off me. The whole of my body was intensively shaking, especially my legs like one who was just revived from the severe damage of electrocution.
I waited for him upstairs in great panic. I was of the wish for the ground to open and swallow me. I shouldn’t have come back home to honor his call. I should have run away from the office. I said to myself. My phone kept on ringing but I couldn’t pick. I had no strength for the phone — I was just staring at the calls absentmindedly. Susan called. My brother also called.
I was totally lost in thoughts. It was when I heard a loud noise outside that my consciousness came back. The noise was emanating from outside of the compound. At the car park to be precise. I had to rush downstairs to know what the problem was.
When I got to the sitting room, nobody was there. I pushed open the central door and stepped outside. Lo and behold, look at Susan jumping up and down in excitement as congratulations rolled to her in order. In total loss, I drew myself closer to the small gathering to know what was going on. Meanwhile the panic in me had left, the seconds I found out that the occasion was that of joy; contrary to my initial fear.
‘I have been calling you to come join us but you are not picking.’ My brother told me in joy, pointing at a ride. ‘The car, a surprise present to my wife. I just want to thank her because she’s about to make me a dad. I wanted to take you all unaware. Sorry for the inconveniences’, he said while turning to receive his own shares of the congratulations.
I shook my head in relief and heaved out a heavy deep sigh. I slumped on a chair to catch my breath and calm my nerves.
Just then, Susan came and handed a box to me ‘Take, it’s for you. My husband got it for you.’ She said. You need to see the look she gave me and left.
‘Thank God I survived it’, I said while joining the merriment inside the sitting room with my box of gift. It was a phone. The phone he promised me for a very long time ago.
The following day being Sunday, my brother embarked on a short journey to Ondo State. It was a business trip. In fact, I was the person that dropped him off at the airport while Susan was at home preparing the Sunday ritual — white rice and stew.
I dropped him off and returned home immediately. Though his flight was scheduled to take off around 4:00 pm. But he had to leave early to catch up with an appointment at the airport vicinity before leaving.
Susan was done with cooking before I returned. She served food for us to eat.
‘Why do you panic like a woman?’, she asked, defiling the table manner.
‘Don’t pretend as if you didn’t panic when he must have asked you to come home’, I replied.
‘You are right.’ She said laughing. ‘The urgency of the call forced me into panic. You worsen the whole matter by refusing to pick up my calls. I called you more than ten times all to no avail’, she said.
‘I was upstairs then. He asked me to wait for him there. I was actually staring at the phone absentmindedly when it was ringing but I couldn’t pick it up. I wasn’t myself.’ I explained.
‘But thank God it ended well — contrary to what we all thought. I now have a new car. I am very happy right now’, she said.
‘Congratulations ‘, I added.
‘Thank you. This winning called for a special celebration this night’, she whispered into my ears.
‘Allow me to be healed from today’s mental and emotional strain before you will put me into another one’, I said, resistantly.
At night, I had already gone to bed when my phone rang. It was Susan calling. I picked. She pleaded I come upstairs to help her with something. After much resistance, she persuaded me to come. She promised that it wasn’t what I was thinking. That she needed my help urgently.
Reluctantly, I climbed upstairs. When I came into their room, she complained of back pains and pleaded I help her with a message. I hissed but she pleaded and pleaded. I had to help.
Amid of the messaging, one thing led to another, we ended up into l0ve mak|ng. Slow and steady, I was thrusting my dIckk into her v|g|na. It was a pleasurable experience despite my tiredness. I must confess, Susan’s v|g|na was the tightest and sweetest I have ever fuckkked in my life.
It was in the middle of the enjoyment that we heard a knock on the room door.
‘Who’s that?’, Susan managed to ask in the peak of the enjoyment.
‘It’s me honey’, the voice echoed.
That was my brother’s voice. He was the one at the door. I mean their matrimonial room door. The only door to the room that we were def!lling and polluting. Immediately, Susan pushed me off her. My d|ck had run inside just like a tortoise met with a harmful animal in a sudden. How come? How managed? Those were the questions I was asking myself. I then remembered that he had the spare keys to the house and he always traveled with them in case of necessity.
‘I am coming. I am inside the toilet’, Susan said when his knock was persistent. She had to lie to buy more time while I ran helter- skelter in great confusion on a verg hope of finding a way out.
But no way out for me!
To Be Continued…
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