My Sexcapedes Episode 13
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Sexcapedes Episode 13 Of My Sexcapedes by Nwigbo Chimaobi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Sexcapedes EPISODE THIRTEEN:
The day I confronted Susan on the pregnancy issue was on Sunday. That day we sat in the sitting room watching a movie.
The ‘Who’s responsible for the pregnancy’ question seemed to be a very difficult one for her to answer. She kept quiet, staring at me with pity. My heartbeat was very high. My curiosity intensified. Let it not be true. Let it not be I am responsible. I said to myself while looking into her eyes. I saw a faint of disappointment in her eyes. I saw a faint of regret. I saw a faint of pity also.
‘Susan, please answer me. Who is responsible for the pregnancy?’, I had to ask again amid curiosity.
She heaved a heavy sigh before beginning to speak: ‘Who is responsible doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I am pregnant’. She confidently said.
‘I-I-I don’t get it’, I stammered, panicking.
She looked at me and giggled. ‘Steve, don’t panic. I am in control. Be rest assured that I will not do anything that will put you in harm your relationship with your brother. Don’t worry, I will handle it.’ She confidently assured me.
‘How do you intend to handle it?’, I said, relaxing a little bit.
‘I will pin the pregnancy on my husband’, she added.
‘How? Wouldn’t he find out because he hardly had time for you?’.
‘Yes, he hardly had time for me. But he sleeps with me also. So it’s an easy thing to do. He wouldn’t even suspect anything.’ She said.
I paused while contemplating the whole thing. While, to some extent , Susan was very correct. Because they do have sxx aswell. So it would be very hard for him to suspect. Besides, my brother hardly spent more than a month away from home without coming home to check up on us.
‘Steve, I know that a day like this will come. Although I have prepared for it’, Susan had to break the long silence.
‘What do you mean by that?’, I asked.
‘Whenever I made l0ve with you, I made sure I slept with him also provided he’s home. Sometimes, after making l0ve with you, I had to force myself to sleep with him too. You know why?’. She asked.
‘ To balance the equation in case of necessity.’ I replied.
‘Exactly.’ She paused before continuing: ‘So that if a day like this eventually came, he will not see any suspicious trace even though he decides to do the calculations himself. Although I know your brother is not that clever enough to go into such mathematics,’ she concluded.
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before continuing staring at Susan in disbelief. Although I wasn’t that totally surprised because I know Susan already. She’s a very clever lady. She was this genius type who always thought ahead of something before going into it in order not to be caught off guard. In fact, whosoever that’s dealing with her, she’s always two steps ahead of the person.
‘Sometimes, I wonder if truly you are a human being. Because you are very clever to the core’, I had to heap praises on her.
‘I am a genius. I am a special creature. In fact, there are so many things you don’t know about me.’ She said.
I have had enough for the day. So I didn’t bother asking her the things I don’t know about her. Though I actually thought I knew her very well.
‘Even, why are we doing this? It’s very wrong. What we are doing is an atrocity against God and man’, I said, keeping a face full of guilt with a heart ready for repentance only if Susan would see reason with me.
‘I am very sorry for putting you into this. It’s all my fault. But you will not totally blame me. We all have a share in this including your brother who has the lionshare of the blame.’ She sighed before continuing. ‘Steve, I am a lady with a high sexxual libido. My husband is not helping the matter. He doesn’t have time for me. All he is after are his business and politics. Even when he has a little time for me, he doesn’t satisfy me sexxually. In fact, he is not sexxually active as a man. He will put me in the mood and abandon me halfway. His d|ck is so tiny that it cannot even drill a quarter of my hole. The major problem is that I can’t see myself cheating on him with an outsider. That’s why it has to be you; an insider’, she explained.
‘If I tell you that I don’t understand your pains that means I am a liar.’ I paused. ‘But there’s no justification for a sin’, i added.
‘We are all sinners. We dwell in sin every now and then. We were born into a sinful word. But I know God will have mercy on us.’ She paused. ‘Steve, I am not letting you go anytime soon. I am sorry,’ she concluded.
I had Susan loud and clear. That she’s not letting me go anytime soon. Though I chose not to reply to her. You know why? I had my own plans as well. Just that money has been the major factor stopping me from not carrying out my plans for a long time.
So I had to continue dancing to her tone until I achieved what I wanted to perfect my plans.
Every now and then, I was praying to God to see me through this pregnancy of a thing and aswell save me from the hand of Susan.
My brother finally returned home after spending a long time in the East.
Meanwhile Susan planned to break the news of her pregnancy to him in a very romant|c and surprising way. She wanted to serve it to him as a lunch on a Sunday — to put the medical report confirming her pregnancy inside the plate of food so that when he opened the plate he would see the result.
But Susan ended up breaking the news during the family dinner one Sunday. She announced it to the hearing of everyone. The reason she couldn’t break the news as she earlier planned was that her husband was not romant|c. Susan doesn’t want to get angry him. So she avoided anything that would provoke her. Because her husband doesn’t reciprocate back with the same energy when it comes to being romant|c. You know very well the relationship of a wealthy igboman and romanticness — very bad.
You really needed to see the way my brother jumped up in joy on hearing the news. Halfway, he had to pause requesting for the test result. He eagerly unveiled the pregnancy test result and jumped for joy again the second he confirmed on the report that his wife was truly pregnant..not a kind of prank.
‘We’ve been praying for this day and it’s finally here. I love this woman with every ounce of my being and I can’t wait to repay her back for I am about becoming a father. My brother, join me to God for this miracle.’ He said to me amid tears of joy.
That Sunday, the family dinner turned into a very big party.
But along the line, something happened. The unexpected hit everyone like a thunderbolt..
To Be Continued
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