My Sexcapedes Episode 11
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Sexcapedes Episode 11 Of My Sexcapedes by Nwigbo Chimaobi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Sexcapedes EPISODE ELEVEN:
Lucy didn’t see Susan coming. It was me that sighted her from afar. To avoid embarrassment, I let Lucy go. So before Susan could get to the scene, Lucy had left.
‘Steve, I have warned you to stay off that girl. I don’t want to be seeing you with her’, she yelled.
‘Susan why are you controlling me like a little child. I am not your husband for God’s sake. Allow me to live my life on my own terms’, I pleaded and yelled at her.
‘Steve, you must be mad for talking back at me in such a manner. Do not push me to the wall.’ She angrily said.
‘I am not mad. Susan, you are taking this thing too far. Allow me to live my life. I am your brother’s wife or do you want to marry two brothers at the same time? So..’
‘Steve you are very stup|d. You are madd’. Susan angrily interrupted me and landed a hot slap on my cheek. Then, left.
I couldn’t believe Susan would do that. This was the first time Susan slapped me. I stood stranded. I was totally confused. I was boiling in anger. I couldn’t go back nor could I go front as I stood bleeding in anger.
‘What nonsense is this? I am totally in a big mess. What have I done to myself?’, I asked myself while trying to put my head together.
That day I ended up not going back home. I slept in a hotel. Thank goodness I had some clothes in my car I collected from my dry cleaner. That night Susan nearly ran my phone battery down with calls to the extent I had to block her line. I drank myself into a stupor to be able to sleep.
I went to work the following day very late. I didn’t even know when the day broke. I really drank so much that night. It was already 9:00 am when I woke up. I couldn’t take my bath that morning because time was against me. So I rushed off to work. In fact, I went to work very disorganized. I was also under a severe hangover that morning.
When I reached to work, I was told that Susan had checked up on me twice. She even dropped a message saying I should come and see her at the office. I ignored the message. I didn’t go. Instead, I went to congratulate Lucy in her new office. She just got promoted.
I knocked. She asked me to come in. Then I pushed the door open and went in. The beauty of the office caught my attention. I looked around in admiration while Lucy was busy staring at me from head to toes.
‘Hey, how are you?’, I asked while taking my seat.
‘I am good,’ she replied with her gaze still fixed on me.
‘Big congratulations’, I added.
‘Thank you’.
‘Nice office you have here’, I said while still taking a look around.
‘Yea, thanks.’ She paused. ‘You looked stressed. Did you sleep at home at all?’, she asked with her eyes firmly fixed on me.
I couldn’t talk. I buried myself in shame.
‘Have your mistress sent you out of the house?’, she had to ask again.
‘It’s a long story Lucy.’ I heaved a sigh. ‘This place is not convenient for us to talk about it’, I said worriedly.
‘Okay, we talk later then?’, she asked, staring at me in disgust.
‘Yea’, I nodded.
‘You smell alcohol. Steve, you drank a lot last night? Even, you woke up with a hangover?’, she predicted.
‘Lucy, you are right. I am just going through a lot‘. I replied, putting up a pitiful face.
‘Don’t worry, it’s gonna be fine’, she consoled me. ‘We will talk about it later’. She added.
‘Thank you. But that doesn’t stop you from buying me a drink today. Because your promotion called for a big celebration’. I chipped in.
‘No problem.’ She said, smiling.
‘Big congratulations once again’, I said before leaving her office.
Lucy was promoted to the position of laboratory manager. She was responsible for oversight of the day-to-day laboratory operations as well as the personnel conducting the tests and reporting results.
Susan came to meet me that day and pleaded I meet with her. I told her that I would come see her. I went to see her at her office later that day. She pleaded I forgive her and come back to the house. She talked about how she missed me. This and that. She even went down on her knees begging me. I promised Susan that I would come back home.
Though I know deep down inside me that I wasn’t going home that day. Because Lucy promised to come to my hotel after work for us to talk and as well celebrate her promotion. So let me capitalize on that opportunity to have a quiet time with her without Susan’s disturbance.
I left work very early that day. I told Lucy the hotel I lodged at and thank goodness she knew the place very well. She later came over. I had to switch my phone off because Susan had been calling.
I explained to Lucy the whole thing. Though I lied to her. I didn’t tell her about my intimacy with Susan, my brother’s wife. I only told her how she has been policing me like a child all in the name of protecting me against the Lagos girls. How she doesn’t want to see me around women, her reason being that women would ruin my life.
‘The major one that forced me out of the house was her slapping me.’ I said.
‘She slapped you?’, she asked in great surprise.
‘Yea’, I nodded.
‘How? What happened?’,Lucy asked in curiosity.
‘Because she saw me and you together..’.
‘The day you accosted me after work, right?’, she interrupted.
‘Exactly.’ I said in great surprise.’How did you know’.
‘I sighted her coming even before you did. Her countenance alone showed she was up for trouble. That was the major reason I left In a hurry that day’, she explained.
‘My dear, I am just tired of the whole thing. Susan is policing me like a little child. It’s very frustrating.’ I said.
‘Well, she means well for you. She’s just practicing a mother-role on you.’ She paused before continuing. ‘Just that she’s overdoing it. But you really need to talk to her. Let her understand that she’s overdoing it..’
‘I am just tired. I even don’t know how else to talk to her again. Because I have done that time without numbers all to no avail. Susan always sees me like a little child. I have even let her know that I am a mature man that has to get married someday.’ I paused. ‘Do you know what she said?..’
‘She said that there’s time for everything. That the time I am into now is time to focus on my career and make good use of it now. However , when the time for marriage comes, I would see a wife to marry…’
We talked at length. We popped champagne in celebration of her promotion. We ate amid the celebration. Then, at the right time, I finally professed my love for her. Guess what? She accepted me right away. Though I know very well it would be a smooth journey for me because we were already in love with each other. We fell in love at the very first sight. We had quality time together that day. In fact, we made love. She even spent the night with me at the hotel.
The next day, we went to work together happily. She had spare clothes in her car that she picked up from her dry cleaner.
To Be Continued..
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