My SEX Teacher Season 2 Chapter 5
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My SEX Teacher Season 2 Chapter 5 Of My Sex Teacher Season One by Empress Bims Myaman Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My SEX Teacher SEASON TWO CHAPTER FIVE: ????
????????( Use What You Have TO Get What You Want ) ???? ????
????SEANSON 2 – CHAPTER 5: SEX At Paragon High School ???? A Glimpse Of The Future ????
Yes indeed memories indeed I smiled a sad smile. I Rebecca Ken the disciplined daughter of Rtd Col Ryu Ken I smiled.
I don’t hear from Ian again maybe he finally agreed to marry Helena I don’t hear from Ricco again I now realize the meaning of the adage… 20 children cannot play for 20 years indeed its true.
“Yah’ let’s choose this ” liyin said as we walked through the popular AEON shopping mall, Shopping has been one of my past times here. We brought different clothes, we tested some and dump some, then all of a sudden, I noticed that the people in the Mall all headed to one direction.
“What’s going on?? I asked a passing man
” Carina Carter taquilala” he said in a Chinese accent (taquilala means arrived)
” What Carina Carter ?? I rushed to the direction and there is my La posh La gaga babe, Carina Carter of Gravity Girls waving at everyone as she walked to the VIP side of the mall. I rushed after her, her bodyguards didn’t allow me near her but I shouted
“Carina its me Rebecca”
She looked back our eyes locked for moment ????
“Rebecca Ken?? She asked
” Yes did i change that much?? I asked as her body guard make way for us to pass.
“Rebecca where have you been? She asked
” After my dad’s death I came here to further my education
“Humm it had been a tough journey do far, after our high school, My father sponsored me to release my first single song and with that, I won Grammy awards” Carina explained
“Indeed, what of others?? Did you hear from your friends?? I asked
“Angela Is an actress, Mary is also a rapper, and Mimi is now the queen of casita.
“It’s okay Whatsupp with you?? I saw your sister’s advert she is now a big time model we meet once in a while” Carina expressed
“I’m a computer hacker and programmer did you hear from Ian?”
” Well I don’t, since my award I have been busy, traveling and touring around the world, going to shows and live concerts it’s tough” she replied
“why are you in Beingin? I asked
“I came for live concert, its tomorrow, Senwell Hotel, 22:00Pm they will be hosting Carina Carter”
Carina and I exchanged contacts and she went away.
“Miss Ken pls…. we really need you to go there, our agents there are really having hard times with those cybercriminals” Mr. Gu the CEO of the company I work for is telling me to go to the company branch in Los Angeles…..
“Boss! Cant it be somewhere else?? I don’t want to go to Los Angeles”
“miss Ken….. you are our last hope for now”
Going back to Los Angeles will really be difficult, I have a lot of memories there….. if I leave for casita then mum and Dan will have to leave Africa then….
I sighed looking at the letter on my desk. I am the only hope for the company now, cybercriminals are rampant in casita these day and we hackers and programmers have a lot of work to do on that. The problem isn’t doing it because I can as well have free accommodation, Tessy is there and money is not the issue…. The problem is the location… why must it be Los Angeles?? Not Illinois not anywhere else
I have had more than one reasons to go there but I’ve always ignored it now fate has decided to mock me and bring this plague to my doorstep. I cant help but think about Killian . I wonder how his life had been…….
“babe go there opportunity comes but once” suliyin said
“c’mon liyin remember I told you about my past I don’t want to go”
“if you are still stuck with the past you won’t make it these days ”
I had to let go of the past like she said but how? What if I met Ian there? Well I have to leave for Los Angeles by tomorrow.
TO Be Continued