My SEX Teacher Season 1 Chapter 51
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My SEX Teacher Season 1 Chapter 51 Of My Sex Teacher Season One by Empress Bims Myaman Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My SEX Teacher SEASON ONE CHAPTER FIFTY ONE: ????
????????( Use What You Have TO Get What You Want ) ???? ????
Rtd Col Ryu Ken shuddered, he was sad that his so much trusted daughter can be the object of the scandal and at his friends school at that. He remembered when they are still close at College life. His wife, Japheth, His wife and him are known in school as the most powerful friends.
Their friendship broke when Japheth’s wife died at childbearing which was because of his (Ryu Ken’s) mistake. He didn’t expect them to meet like this again and the cluster to the story is that….. His children Tessy and Daniel are carrying Paragon’s DNA and Rebecca his own biological daughter is not borne from his wife.
Still on this Haven of silence and recollection, His phone beeped… It was a call from Tessy…..
“Dad… Dan is dying! The doctor request for blood transfusion from his biological father!” She said.
“What? What happened to Dan?”,
“He had an accident while running away with Mum…. He’s in need of blood” Tessy cried and hung up.
Rtd Col Ryu Ken was devastated…. He looked at his friend, his friend looked at him…. The both shook thier head in pain.
He is devasted about his school and he is sad about his family.
“Paragon…. Follow me to the hospital Daniel needs blood transfusion” Mr Ken said.
“I won’t follow you…. Why will I follow you when I am not sure of what you’re saying?? I never slept with your wife so why will I take responsibility for your son? He asked.
Finding no other way to console him…. Mr Ken resort to pleading…. “Okay… Follow me to the hospital for the sake of our old friendship!”
TO Be Continued