My SEX Teacher Season 1 Chapter 36
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My SEX Teacher Season 1 Chapter 36 Of My Sex Teacher Season One by Empress Bims Myaman Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
????????( Use What You Have TO Get What You Want ) ???? ????
????SEANSON 1 – CHAPTER 36:????
Still trying to act hard to get, Rebecca shrugged “Well, I don’t say so… But it’s just that you’ve stopped teaching me as it’s making me lag behind and you heard that I created a study group would you like to join?” She asked
“That’s not a case, we can study and become close friends even with Helena because she also have a study group” He said and texted Helena but at the mention of Helena, Rebecca cringed and remembered how she had told her off.
“So will you join my study group or Helena’s? She asked
“I don’t need to join any study group, I am brilliant as it was but if you insist…….
Still on this, Helena came looking gorgeous as usual.
“Hello Rebecca, how are you doing? She asked as she at down seducively as if trying to outshine her.
Timidly too, Rebecca replied casually “Hi Helena, I am doing fine”
Ian didn’t notice the timidity between the two of them.but Instead begin explaining things to Rebecca and Helena at the same time.
The relationship between the two of them deepening so much that everyone in the school now knows that Ian, Helena and Rebecca are the best of friends but deep down, Helena isn’t happy the way Rebecca and Ian are so close. The sometimes even exchange kisses.
Ricco is getting angry and distanced from Rebecca same with Judy.
“You waste so much time with Ian and Helena these days that you don’t want to hang out with me again? And I heard that you created a study group? Judy asked in the night while Lying down.
“That’s why I say you should come and join my study group and get one or two things in that dumb brain that is filled with Cummins”
“The last sanest thing I’ll do in my life…. Look who’s ready to learn now after spending your first 4 years in school fucking and sucking Riccos red d!ck”
“You and Ricco also forgot me I don’t know what you two are up to these are you two fucking or what?”, She asked
Judy fidgeted on her fingers nervously but can’t say anything that gave Rebecca the lead… “I see… So you and Ricco had become something? Don’t you think you’re crossing the line?, Ricco is my sex mate… And you’re already fucking with him already,?” Rebecca asked.
“Hey you always waste your time with Helen and Ian and besides we are not dating we’re just having fun” Judy countered
“But one thing is bothering me… Why is Helena always mean to me? I mean Ian and I were friends and we’re close but she always Threatened me as if we had some feud before” Rebecca confessed
“Then you change it for her…. She is just jealous that you’re close to Ian and nothing else”, Judy explained through her half closed eyes because she’s already sleeping.
“Hey dude, what are you doing this weekend? My father just called that he won’t be coming during visiting days and I don’t feel like staying in school Judy and Ricco are not helping matters” Rebecca asked during lunch that day.
“Helena says she’s going to be busy that day and my dad will be going for some business meetings so I’ll also be jobless on Saturday or you wanna come over? He asked
“Really? Sure, I’ll stop by” she assured.
Came Saturday……
TO Be Continued