My SEX Teacher Season 1 Chapter 17
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My SEX Teacher Season 1 Chapter 17 Of My Sex Teacher Season One by Empress Bims Myaman Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
????????( Use What You Have TO Get What You Want ) ???? ????
????SEANSON 1 – CHAPTER 17: Speechless ????
“But I’ll help you on one condition” Ian said ignoring her excuses
“What did I have to do for you?
“Be my sex Teacher…. Teach me how to have this sweet sex that you are willing to give up studying for… And I’ll make sure you pass your exams”
“What!? Rebecca Ken exclaimed……..
“Are you insane?? Teach you sex? Is this some kind of a joke or provocation?? C’mon stop this if you’re joking” Rebecca said waving her hands but Ian’s response is firm and responsive…… “Yes, I mean it… Teach me how to have sex and I’ll teach you how to pass your exams” he repeated.
Rebecca was left spellbound as he ascend the stairs and made for his room…. ‘is he drunk or trying to make jest of me? Who learns how to have sex? As if sex is something big?
She also fell asleep on the couch.
Ian and Rebecca arrived at the school premises in Ian’s car, Rebecca was afraid to go out in case she was spotted, she doesn’t know what lays in store ahead of her if the teachers had discovered she was missing. She crept out of Ian’s car and grabbed his shirt tightly as if using him for shield.
“What’s up with you? Anyone seeing you clutching my shirt will think I owe you any money, get your hands off me” He grumpled.
“What if Miss Tiffany realized I was gone? Then she’s gonna turn me into a lesbian like her” She lamented.
Ian hissed “At least if she does that, you won’t be that bastard Sexmate”
Very soon they got to class, Rebecca had gone to the hostel to change her dress and come back to class, the class is rowdy as usual nothing had changed, Judy and Ricco are in the back seat as usual always together cracking jokes. As soon as Ricco saw Rebecca he stood up from his and rushed to her and was about to hug her when Ian stood beside her.
“Didn’t I tell you not to have anything to do with my friends again? Ricco asked
Ian smiled but didn’t say anything but instead walk to his seat…. Ricco faced Rebecca and Judy joined them
“Rebecca where have you been? Did that bastard do anything bad to you? He asked
“No Ricco it’s not him infact he helped me I’ll explain to your later. Just then Gravity Girls came around….
“Hey Rebecca Ken, did you enjoy your holiday? We didn’t see you around these days or did you got pregnant while you’re away? Carina asked scornfully but was interrupted by Ricco’s arrow shot eyes. Then she continued…. “hey Handsome don’t gimme that face, you’re not either…. I just want to tell you that I love that sex.. you’re pretty good on bed” Carina said and left with her friends.
Rebecca faced Ricco, “Ricco what have you been doing behind me? You don’t even what to know whether I am dead or I am alive and you Judy what are you two doing behind me? She asked angrily
Ricco was helpless, he didn’t know how do defend himself from her and he knows how arrogant as Stubborn Rebecca can get if she hears such thing. Rebecca left them and walked to her seat besides Ian ignoring the dagger shots Carina of Gravity was shooting at her.
After lunch, Rebecca and Ian met at the library as they agreed and Rebecca brought her books.
Ian was a very brilliant one, as he explained each topic Rebecca had been having problems with to her. As they were in the library, different girls were jealous of Rebecca been taught by the hot dude that just arrived.
After lunch break, upon returning back to class, Ricco already designed Rebecca’s locker with flowers and apology letters… He keeps running after her to everywhere she goes so that he could explain himself.
TO Be Continued