My SEX Teacher Season 1 Chapter 10
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My SEX Teacher Season 1 Chapter 10 Of My Sex Teacher Season One by Empress Bims Myaman Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My SEX Teacher SEASON ONE CHAPTER TEN: ????
????????( Use What You Have TO Get What You Want ) ???? ????
????SEANSON 1 – CHAPTER 10: Help Me IAN ????
Judy woke up with stomach pains expecting Rebecca to ask her what the issue was but Rebecca is not in her bed….
She checked the bathroom but her roommate is absent…. “did I wake up too late and she left for school already? She asked herself as she she checked the time on her Samsung Galaxy S7 phone it was just 6:25 am so where will Rebecca had possibly gone to? Today is Tuesday, which is Dorms inspection day any student that was absent from the dorm will he penalized by having their scores reduced.
Rebecca and Judy never joked with inspection days because of the scores but how can Rebecca ignored this sacred day?
Paragon high school time schedule is just like any other schools, The raising bell is rung at 6: am and breakfast was served at 6:30.
School hours starts at 7:00 am and Lunch is served at 2:00pm while dinner is served at 8:30pm. Rebecca is not the type to joke with food Judy decided to call Ricco….
“Did you guys graduated from quickie doggy to overnight missionary? Judy asked angrily as she brushed her teeth.
Ricco was still in bed, it was the call that made him realize that time is far gone. “Hey… Judy what’s up? Did you dial the wrong number? He asked sleepily
“You’re still in bed at 6:20? Ain’t you eating this morning and where did you hide Rebecca?? Just give her the phone and let me skin her alive” Judy yelled
Ricco is now up… “Hey is this some kind of prank? What are you suddenly saying?, Rebecca is not with me… Or you are trying to use her stall time because you didn’t sleep in your hostel?
“The one that didn’t sleep in the hostel was Rebecca, I have been dialing her phone since I woke up but it’s switched off so I called maybe she was with you” she said .
Ricco is now fully alerted! What?? Rebecca is missing? Where can she possibly gone to? Try to save food for her in the dining I’ll go look for her” Ricco replied
“That’s not the issue now, today is dorm inspection and the dorm mistress will soon reach our room what will I do? Judy asked fearfully
“Hey Judy!!! Can’t you ever do anything right Without asking me?? C’mon find something and stall time I’ll look for Rebecca…. Rebecca can’t Leave her Issac and her Jacob alone” He said.
They sometimes tease Rebecca about her being the Rebecca in the Bible. Rebecca: Isaac’s wife… Mother of Jacob and Esau.
TO Be Continued