My School Lover Episode 8
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My School Lover Episode 8 Of My School Lover Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My School Lover EPISODE EIGHT: ????
He was still mopping at me like a morron.
After I was done with the food and drink ,i looked at him.
Me: sir what did you say?
Corper Isaac: have you had s-x with her?
*** i stood up and clean my mouth and turn around ***.
Me: thank you sir for the lunch.
Corper Isaac: Com’on, i ask you a question.
Me: thank you once again for the meal.
*** i moved out of that place,to the school without uttering anymore word to him.
When i got to the school premises,breaktime was over,i rushed to my classroom, unfortunately,a teacher was in our class teaching which happen to be Mrs sharp sharp.
I asked her for permittion to enter inside the class,
she turned to me****
Mrs sharp sharp: JOSH, where are you coming from?
Me: corper Isaac sent me on an errand.
Mrs sharp sharp: since when?
Me: during break time ma.
Mrs sharp sharp: come in and sit down,after teaching,you go to my office and wait for me there for proper introduction because i don’t understand you.
Me: yes ma.
*** i entered inside the classroom and after teaching,
she left but i didn’t follow her immediately.
I looked at FAVOUR and her face was not encouraging***.
Me: FAVOUR ,what is the matter?
*** she didn’t talk to me ***.
You have started again ooo by ignoring me. Tell me,what is the problem?
FAVOUR : where are you coming from?
Me: ah! Are you not here when corper Isaac sent for me?
FAVOUR : but it wasn’t his office that you came out now.
Me:yes.he sent me on an errand.
FAVOUR : sent you on an errand?
Me: yes.
FAVOUR : when did you guys started associating to that point. Mind you he was not happy when he saw us together the other day.
Me: i know… Please let me go and answer Mrs sharp sharp.
FAVOUR :what other introduction do she want you to do rather than what you told her?
Me: i wonder oo…
FAVOUR : am beginning to suspect that lady.
Me: hmmm. Please let me go.
*** i went to her office but she wasn’t there because it was locked.
I step out to go inside our classroom,
i met her and she dragged me to her office,
she told me to sit down and i sat ***.
Me: good afternoon ma.
Mrs sharp sharp: where did you go to?
Me: corper Isaac sent me to buy something for him.
Mrs sharp sharp: for how long?
*** i was muted ***.
Do you know why i like you so much JOSH ?
Me: *** hmm like ke?** no… ma.
Mrs sharp sharp: you are intelligent and industrious. Education is the key to success,forget about girls and focus more on your studies. Don’t look at what others are doing,but focus more on your dream and i know,the sky will be your starting point.
Me: thank you ma, for that word of encourage.
Mrs sharp sharp: you are welcome dear. JOSH tell me,just say the truth.
*** i was scarced ***.
Do you have a girl friend?
Me: no ma.
Mrs sharp sharp: how sure are you? I always see you and …………what is that her name? That new comer in your class.
Me: do you mean FAVOUR ?
Mrs sharp sharp: yes.
Me: we are just a classmate.
Mrs sharp sharp: but she is always beside you.
Me: yes,bcos we are neighbour.
Mrs sharp sharp: alrite.. I want you to come to my house on sunday,there is something i want you to help me to do….
Me:i don’t know if i will have chance bcos of some domestic works. And secondly i don’t have t.fare to come.
*** i went to her house once with our classmates when she was sick. Her house is far from ours***.
Mrs sharp sharp: *** she dipped her hand inside her bag and gave me N1000*** this is for your t.fare.