My Private Teacher Episode 7
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Private Teacher Episode 7 Of My Private Teacher Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Private Teacher:
(Continued from the last scene of the previous episode)…
Me: hi ma
Amaka: how are you jason?
Me: am fine ma
She demanded for handshake and I quickly accepted her warm hand..we shaked for few seconds before we broke off..
Dad: she will be starting on monday..from 4pm to 6pm..I just think I should introduce her before then..
2hrs?..its too much now..her eyes was fixed on me,,but I just stared elsewhere avoiding her gaze so shy..
Dad: where is kudirat and my girl(jessy)
Me: they are playing upstairs..
Dad: alright,,goodbye,,I won’t be coming home tonight also..
So he really didn’t come last night,,is that what he called to tell me last night?…
Me: alright sir..
Dad: where are you going?
Me: to val’s house..i lied
Dad: let me drop you there..
Me: no need sir..I will board a taxi..
Dad: those taxi’s are dangerous..come on let me drop you there..
That’s it,,he is overprotective..I was left with no choice than to follow him..we went out,,entered his car and zoomed off..I and amaka were sitting at the backseat,,I can’t stop staring at her beautiful face,,human can’t be beautiful like this,,she might be a real mermaid..she caught me many times and smiled over it..I was later dropped at the front of val’s house while dad went his way..I should greet val..I opened his gate and walked straight inside,,this guy no close the gate..
I was about knocking when I heard different moans..”F–k me val” joyce voice..”Harder”..chaii..dis guy sha..I went back out then board a taxi to tina’s house..on getting to her duplex house painted yellow and white..I walked inside after greeting the gate keeper..I can hear music coming from the house..I opened the door after knocking many times to see tina dancing to tire by mayorkun all herself..she lowered the music and ran to hug me..
Me: did I keep you waiting?
Tina: sure,,I can’t wait to see you..
we enagaged in a very passionate kiss and we later broke off
Tina: how about dancing with me?
Me wey no sabi dance..I disagreed and we both sat down..she stopped the music and we started watching film..I was suprise to see its p– dis girl sef dey watch p–n..she shifted closer to me,,there I see she was wearing a very skimpy skirt..she take my hand to her lap and she shifted it to her kitty which sent shock to my body..she was wearing no pant…she noticed this but just no time our head collided and we started kissing while rubbing my d–k with her left hand..we suddenly heard knocks on the door which made us disengaged immediately..she switched off the tv..
Tina: come in..
I was suprise to see the figure was eric..tina clutched her hand in mine leaning on my shoulder..I can see the look of anger shown on eric face as he walked to us holding a flower I guessed its to impress tina..
Eric: hi jason..
Me: hi eric with scared tone
I stylishly pushed tina away faking smiles..
Me: tina I have to leave now,,dad sent me somewhere..
Tina: are you sure its not because of eric?..
My phone started ringing,,its unknown number..I picked it and quickly recognise the voice as kudirat’s.
Me: alright sir,,am coming i pretended its dad
I stood up then walked past eric while he have this murderous look on his face..”Watch your back” he whisper to my hear..
Tina: jason
I turned back waiting for her to say whatever she wanted to say..but she walked to me and planted a deep kiss on my lip leaving me astonished,,even in front of eric?…the girl really want me dead..I later evacuate the house and went straight home..I entered my house that’s when a call landed on my phone..its unkown number,,it must be kudirat,,I cut it..the person called again and I picked it at the third ring..
Me: hello..
Person: its amaka,,just wanted to know if this is really your number..see you on monday..
hang up
Her sweet natural autotuned voice nearly bursted my hear..I made my way inside the sitting room smiling to see kudirat and jessy in the sitting room playing again..this kudirat sef b kid..
Kudirat: welcome..what did you mean by all you said on the phone..
Me: I did that on no need to worry about it..
Kudirat: anyway there is a visitor waiting for you in your room..she said she is anna she looked at me somehow
Anna?..anyway this is not the 20th time she did visit me and have entered my room..I just ignored kudirat then went upstairs..I opened the door to see anna perfectly sitting on my bed..she was wearing a black mini skirt and a sleevless top..I stylishly locked my door..I know something great is gonna happen..
To be Continued …