My Private Teacher Episode 23
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Private Teacher Episode 23 Of My Private Teacher Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Private Teacher:
In no time I have already stripped myself naked and later tie a white cloth..the man then gave me the already prepared sacrifices in a two calabash…I carried one in my left hand and the other in my right hand..we stepped out of the room and I was suprise to see lola sleeping like she was hit by a truck..”Stupid girl” I said in my mind..we later exited the house now starts the dangerous journey..we walked while the man kept calling incantations..
After 20minutes.
After 20minutes of walking,,we finally got to one big iroko tree..
Lola’s dad: put the one in your left down..
I quickly put it down and the man continue calling his incantations..nothing happened..all I can hear is a voice crying at a long distance..
Lola’s dad: congratulation young man..its accepted..but the tree monster’s queen really loves you..I can hear her cries..
I really pitied the thing but weytin concern me..make she go love her kind..she dey mad..the sacrificial calabash I putted down suddenly dissapear and I can’t deny how shocked I was..
Lola’s dad: let’s go to the river now..your problem is even easier than I thought he giggled and patted my back
I was smiling all myself as I walked with kudirat while the man was calling incantations walking faster than did he memorize all those incantations sef..chaii..a hand made it way to my shoulder,,I smiled immediately I realise it was kudirat’s..
Me: what’s up?
Kudirat: what will you do after this ends?
Me: what did you mean?
She slapped my shoulder..
Kudirat: don’t tell me you have no thought of marrying me..
Me: smiled but it will be too early..
Kudirat: early for you but not for me..besides I already have your baby in my womb..
Me: hmmm..using that against me?
We both laughed and continue gisting until the man motioned to us to stop..we immediately stopped walking..
Lola’s dad: I thought I heard another footstep apart from yours..
Kudirat: you mean following us?
Lola’s dad: kind of..
Me: you must be mistaken,,at this hour,,who will follow us..i smiled
Lola’s dad: I must be..let’s go he ordered
We continued walking until we finally got to a very big river..the river was very big that it kept winking at us..I felt like jumping inside..
Lola’s dad: this is the sacred water of this town..orunmila created it millenium ago to heal all kinds of ailment or diseases..I think its the best place we chase away the mermaid..
He started calling incantations while my heart was beating hard and fast..I was even shaking..he later asked me to put the calabash down beside the river and I did so whole body was still shaking as the man kept calling his incantations..kudirat held my hand as she notice this..”All we be better” she whispered..about 2mins later..the man was still singing and calling incantations..weytin weytin you go do faa…”Dad” we heard lola’s voice and all looked back..what is this b—h doing her?
Lola’s dad: what are you doing here lola,,quickly go back home..
Lola: I can’t dad,,I can’t live an hour without seeing him,,I was scared something bad might have happened to him..she ran and hugged me
Lola’s dad: “eewo” he shouted..quickly get off him lola..
I quickly pushed her away..
Me: what’s wrong with you lola?
Lola: you are the cause of my problem..I can’t stop loving you..all you have to say is yes and I’ll leave..
Lola’s dad: please youngman,,say yes,,we have no time..
I looked at kudirat who immediately faced down in agreement..
Me: y..e..(Interrupted)
A strange thunder came from the sky and slashed the calabash into two..what the heck..I watched as lola’s dad held his neck and the staff he was holding fell from his hand..”Get out of here” he managed to say then fell down,,is he dead??..just like that..”Dad” lola screamed..
Kudirat: let’s go now lola,,unless you wish to join him..
We all ran home..lola and kudirat were crying while I was thinking of how the man died because of me..
Lola: I killed him,,I killed my dad she sobbed
Kudirat calmed her down while I just felt like smashing her head or shoot her,,make she just die sha..later in the day..the rest herbalist buried the man beside the river..”he is the man to die first beside the merciful river” people rumoured..I and kudirat later get dressed ready to go back home..lola insisted she will follow dad will surely kill me if he knows this..we have no choice than to bring her along..
I was just thinking of how ruined my life finally become..on getting home..we went inside with our luggages..I knocked the sitting room door but no response so I pushed the door open and to my suprise amaka was sitting comfortably on the couch probably waiting for us..
Amaka: welcome jason she stand immediately
Kudirat: what are you b—h still doing here?
Amaka: waiting for your return,,you dare plan to chase me dare plan to ruin the love between I and my husband..I’ll make sure to finish you off today..referring to kuddy
Her eyes turned black again..kuddy quickly draw a bracelet from her bag but before she could use it..she has found her self groaining on the floor after hitting her back with the wall as a result of amaka great power..
Amaka: you think you can fight me??chuckled
Kudirat: lola run she managed to say
I was just trembling in fear as I watched lola kneeled to amaka who was standing like a goddess..
Amaka:’ve done your can now go..
So lola is also a mermaid..she was even sent by amaka..lola later fear I stared at kuddy and can see blood dripping down her leg..I was about going to kuddy when amaka commanded me to stop and I also stopped..she walked to me and gave me a very rough slap that my head kept ringing bells..
Amaka: I loved you with my whole heart..jason..did you really felt nothing for me? tears trickled down her eyes..
Jason: am sorry,I felt nothing i boldly replied
“Then you shall die” she shouted and was about attacking when we heard stopped..I looked back to see that woman in white celestial garment from before(ep 13) that saved me from eric and his gang..
Woman: I told you to this why God directed me here..and its you again young manreferring to me
Amaka: want to die with him?
The woman started quoting bible..I was so impressed..she later pointed the bible at amaka and she screamed claiming she is on fire..”We are going together” she shouted and pointed her finger to me..I found myself flying on the sky until I finally hit my head with the wall..amaka then vanish into thin air..the woman rushed to me as I’v already landed on the floor..
I watched from afar as kudirat was gradually closing her eyes as a result of heavy blood loss..the pain I was feeling became worse and my eyes began force closing..I thought I would made it..I thought I would survive,but I was wrong,I also did not wish kudirat this kind of fate..God forgive me..
“Let’s go together kudirat” I finally said and everything went blank
Thanks to you readers and the great commenters… More stories coming your way…
I’m sorry if the ending is bad, I was in a hurry writing this story, I might make a season 2 of this story soon…