My Private Teacher Episode 22
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Private Teacher Episode 22 Of My Private Teacher Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Private Teacher:
(Continued from the last scene of the previous episode)…
Me: what are you doing?? i whispered
Lola: what did you mean?? she whispered back
I quickly removed her hand and jumped up leaving some space between us..
Lola: I heard you are the best on bed..after seeing you today..I can’t stop myself from having you jason..
She just called me by name??..she began walking to me while I just stared at her pretty face as she was looking at me innocently in her nightie..
Lola: you might be thinking its a joke..but I think have fall..en for y..ou jason..I didn’t say you should break up with my just have to be dating us both..I just can’t stop thinking about you jason..
I just stared at her agape..she suddenly hugged me tight not giving me anychance to escape..”I love you” she muttered softly..before I know it,,she have already grabbed my d–k through the trouser..I was immediately turned on..our face collided rushing towards the couch..we later landed on the couch leaving me at the bottom while she was on top..we were still doing all this when I remembered kudirat’s warning..I don’t want to run mad..I quickly withdrew my lip while my hard rock thing immediately reduced..
Lola: what happened she asked still ontop of me
Me: I can’t do this,,am sorry..what if your sister knows about this..
Lola: its not a big deal jason..
Me: wh…
shh she interrupted now placing her finger on my lip..
She continued kissing me moaning alongside..we suddenly heard a soft knock on the door..she quickly stand up and redressed her nightie..thank God,,I finally escaped “Who is there” she said with a little angry tone..”Come on open the door” a man replied..”Dad” she said and ran to the door..she quickly opened the door and her dad entered with an herbalist swagger…she then closed the door..
Lola: why are you so late? (11:51pm)
Lola’s father: you’v forgetten that psychiatric patient I just healed need to wash head??..
Lola: oh that’s true..
he stopped walking immediately he sees me..
Lola’s father: who is this youngman by the way??
Me: welcome sir..
Lola: he is sister kudirat’s friend..
Lola’s father: kudirat?,,where is she?
Kudirat: am right here she opened the door
Lola’s father: oh my daughter,,how are you doing?
Kudirat: am very good sir..
Lola’s father: who is this youngman you’ve brought?
Kudirat: he is my b…(Lola interrupted)
Lola: he’s her friend..
Kudirat looked at her somehow..I pray I don’t start a fight between them..
Kudirat: he is my boss’s son..we have some matters to discuss with you…privately..
Lola: why can’t you say it here?
Lola’s father: don’t be rude lola..what’s up to you..
Lola: am sorry,,anyway,,I’ll be waiting here for you uncle jason..she sat on the couch comfortably
We later enter a room consist of herbalist stuffs..I was a bit scared when I saw a naked female statue with a calabash on it head and blood over it body..chaii..we then sat on a mat at the front of the man..
Lola’s dad: so what’s your problem youngman??
i explained everything excluding kuidirat parts
The man smiled and started calling incantations..he sighed after about two minutes of calling incantations..
Lola’s dad: am lieing if I say you are not in problem youngman,,you shouldn’t have done all about ruining your life because of your love for sex..if you have been more careful,,you would still be living peacefully..
I know its all my fault and I vowed to not try all this shit again once I overcome this..
Me: you ther..e is no s..oluti..on to this?? i stammered
Lola’s dad: fortunately,there is only one solution for you..
My heart started beating heavily…I was so glad atthesame time as I stared at kudirat that covered her mouth in happiness..
Me: what am I going to do??
Lola’s dad: I’ll quickly combined many sacrificial ingredient for you right now in two’ll carry one to a river and one to iroko tree..
Me: why iroko tree??
Lola’s dad: because that girl you called tina is the queen of tree monsters,,a monster living in iroko tree..its a miracle you are still alive youngman..
Me: when am I going to carry it and where to?
Lola’s dad: I can feel some fear in your voice,,don’t worry youngman,,I’ll solve your problems…you’ll will be carrying those sacrifices before 1am tomorrow..
I checked my time to see 12:02am..there is still time..
Lola’s dad: you must be naked when carrying these sacrifices..I will follow you and lead the shouldn’t worry about only doing this for you because I heard from kudirat how good you always treats her..
Me: thank you sir..
Kudirat: let me follow you..
Lola’s dad: you can’t my daughter..its too dangerous..
Kudirat: there are things I failed to tell you about us dad..jason is my lover..I can’t let him out all alone..if he dies then I can’t live..please..
After stopping kudirat from going but she rufuses and I also did not want to leave her behind,,we accepted to let her follow us..
We all know the journey might be dangerous and we might not even come back alive..this journey determines my fate..if its sucessful then I no longer have problems and will never make thesame mistake again but if its be it
Though I will still be regretting in my after life