My Private Teacher Episode 14
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Private Teacher Episode 14 Of My Private Teacher Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Private Teacher:
Continues from the last scene of the previous episode..
Me: marry you? are more older than me..
Amaka: that matters not,,the love between us is what matter most..
Love?..who love who? you?..
Me: I can’t so young..
Amaka: am pregnant jason..
Pregnant?,,a week pregnancy? And besides she said she can’t concieve anymore..she think say I be one stupid boy?..I wonder oo..
Me: how can you be pregnant?
Amaka: you are asking me?,,when you are doing it you didn’t know..
I just stared at her agape and flame of anger burning inside me..
Amaka: sweetheart let’s just get married..
She placed her hands on my cheek while I hurriedly pushed her hand away..
Me: I can’ sorry..
Amaka: will..
Me: I said I can’t..
I stood up and was walking to door,,I later realise I was walking on thesame spot..what??..suddenly I can’t even move again..I was so scared..what’s happening to me?..amaka then walked to me,,rubbing my chest smiling devilishly..
Amaka: yes you will..
Me: what are you doing?
Amaka: will you marry me the princess of water or stay in this spot forever..
How can I stay like this forever..this girl be complete devil..
Me: alright,,I will..when are we getting married..i said with scared tone
Amaka: I know you love me..don’t worry I’ll come take you when its time..
She then released me..”Run” my mind told me..I was just about running out when she held me back..
Amaka: remain one thing..
She dug her hand in my knicker bocker caressing my d–k..
Amaka: I want you to bleep me really hard..
I found myself rushing her to bed..she later removed her clothes and the match kicked off..we went several rounds that I can’t even count..I later laid on my bed after cuming inside her..she later left and I sat on my bed regretting I was born to this world..who is really that she a ghost or something?..after thinking about this for long I checked my time to see 9:25pm..I went downstairs to see kudirat again sitting on the couch..this a great opportunity,,I sat beside her..
Kudirat: what did you see in that girl that I didn’t have?..its so unfair,,I still caught you red handed today..
I just don’t know what to say..I finally speak..
Me: am sorry..
Kudirat: sorry?..I really hate you she sobbed then walked away
I finally slammed my head to the couch edge in frustration..why is this happening to me..I later retired to my room only thinking about kudirat..I think I have fallen for this girl..I was still thinking about her when my phone began ringing,,I checked the caller to see dad..I quickly picked it..
Me: hello dad..
Dad: how are you my son..
Me: am fine sir..
Dad: business is keeping me busy that’s why I can’t even sleep in my own house again..oh..I want to tell you something..
Me: what sir?
Dad: I heard from tina you two were this true?..
What??,,she wan kobalise(implicate) me..chaii..
Me: Ye..s i stammered
Dad: that’s good,,I wanted to tell you you two will be getting married next’ve already been engaged when you were kids..
Next month?..what is he saying?.
Me: but dad…
Dad: you don’t need to say anything jason..that’s my decision and its final.. hung up
What??..marry tina?.am getting married at the age of 19..funny enough..don’t even know what’s wrong with dad,,if mum is alive,,it won’t be like this..d–n..val call came in immediately..I quickly picked it,,he is best in gisting anyway…
Me: guy hw far na
Val: omo you sabi say that girl Queen be mrs psycho daughter sha..
Me: really?
Val: tha woman don suspend me for three days oo..
Me: weytin you do?
Val: I wonder oo..just bcoz she caught me toasting her daughter..I have a feeling the girl is not even a virgin..
Me: Na u sabi..dey chill for house..
We chatted more and he later hung up..I laid properly on my bed preparing to fly to wonderland..I gradually began flying to wonderland and I finally slept off..I felt a different touch on my hand..who is this,,kudirat?..I opened my eyes to see amaka standing beside smiling in a wierd cloth..a golden cloth with a golden crown on her head..she was just smiling staring at did she got here sef.
Amaka: time to be hitched my husband..
What??..what is she she by anychance a monster?..yeeh,,mogbe moku modaran..what have I pushed myself into..