My Nerd Love Story Chapter 9
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Nerd Love Story Chapter 9 Or Episode Nine Of My Nerd Love Story by Dedi Wura Sure Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Nerd Love Story Chapter Nine:
In Love With Someone From Different Background ????
???? REYNA’S POV ????
I woke up, straight to the bathroom, took my bath, came out, applied Vaseline lotion to my skin, wore my uniform, combed my hair into pigtails.
I wore my brown backpack and left my bedroom and headed straight to the dining table, mom’s already serving dishes, corn salad and orange juice.
I smiled as I hugged her “Morning mom.”
“Morning baby, cmon, let’s have breakfast.” She said as we sat down and started eating.
“So Reyna, you haven’t even tell me about your school. How is it?” Mom asked, eating her breakfast.
I still don’t feel like talking about. Mom keeps asking me this question but I will I tell her? It’s been a stressful week.
“Hey mom, I think I’m gonna be late for school.” I stood up “Lemme just pack my food into my lunch…”
“Why do you keep changing the subject, Reyna?” Mom asked.
If I tell mom, she’ll get worried, if she follows me to school, everyone will know I’m not rich.
“Are you hiding something from me, sweetie?”
I scoffed nervously “What no, mom, trust me. The school’s good, the students, teachers, surroundings, everything’s good.”
“What about your fellow classmates?” Mom asked.
Natasha, Tyler, Shay and others are just making my life confused.
“They’re good.” I muttered.
“Hm? Can’t hear you.”
I intentionally stuffed food in my mouth “Hmm… So delicious.” I said with my mouth full.
“Manners young lady, you don’t eat with your mouth full.” Mom said.
I nodded, still stuffing my mouth so I won’t talk. If I say anything I might accidentally say the truth and mom will be worried.
???? TYLER’S POV ????
After I freshened up for school, I left my bedroom, headed straight downstairs, met my mom, dad and my two younger siblings having breakfast at the dining table.
“Morning guys.” I greeted lowly as I wanted to leave the house.
“Morning son, join us for breakfast.” Dad said, drinking his coffee.
I shook my head “Not today.” I held the knob and was about to open.
“Tyler, wait.” Mom called as she quickly approached me “Won’t you at least have breakfast with us today?”
“Yeah, you don’t even wanna talk with us since last week.” Bethany said.
She’s 12 years old.
“Yeah, we miss our older brother.” Kyle whined.
He’s 10 years.
I sighed “Look guys, I don’t have time, it’s about school and stuff…”
“Is it because we didn’t attend your basketball match few weeks ago?” Mom asked.
“It’s okay, I get it, you guys don’t have time for me, you’re too busy with work so…”
“Honey, that’s not true…”
“Why don’t you understand, son? We couldn’t go because we has important work to do, I was expecting a huge contract that day? It’s not like we didn’t want to attend your match. We love you, son.” Dad explained.
“Scott! Not now.” Mom muttered.
“Just forget it mom, I’m gonna be late by the way.” I said.
Ding dong! The door bell rang.
“Frida! Answer the door!” Mom shouted.
Our maid came and opened the door, it’s Natasha, in her uniform as she walked in, holding a pink box.
I smiled “Hey Natasha.”
She grinned “Hi… Um good morning Mr and Mrs Terrence.”
“Morning darling.” Mom hugged Natasha and disengaged.
“Mr and Mrs Terrence, I bought you guys Starbucks donuts.” She said as she gave mom a pink Starbucks pack of sprinkles donuts.
Mom gasped as she collected it “Thank you sweetie.” She smiled.
“I would have bought Meat rolls but I remembered, you guys are vegans.” Natasha grinned sheepishly and mom laughed.
”It’s okay, darling.” She looked happy “Natasha, please tell your friend to join us for breakfast today, just because we missed his match doesn’t mean we don’t have time for him, please convince him.”
I rolled my eyes “Come on Natash.” I held her hand but she removed it.
“No, Pretty Boy, your mom’s talking, you should join them, you’re the son, the heir of this family, forgive them, please. In fact, I’ll join you guys.” Natasha pouted.
???? PAULINE’S POV ????
Natasha is such a sweetheart, I wish she’s my daughter, that’s why I’m insisting Tyler and her to be best friends so they get closer.
It’s Sasha and my idea, we’re best friends since high school.
I just hope Tyler is convinced by Natasha’s words.
He sighed.
Yes, he’s going to join us.
“Nah, let’s go Natasha.” He pulled her hand and left the house.
I sighed sadly.
I really wish Tyler could just forgive us. We didn’t miss his match intentionally.
I know it’s not the first time missing his important days, like his elementary school graduation, spelling bee competition in 7th grade that he won, his first basketball match and his 16th birthday.
We seriously not there for him. I feel guilty, I just hope Natasha convince him to forgive us.
???? NATASHA’S POV ????
I blushed as Tyler is pulling me to the garage, opened his red and black Ferrari car door, made me sit inside at the passenger seat and closed the door for me.
Such a gentleman.
He entered the driver seat and drove off. He’s so cute when he’s angry, his cute curly hair flying, his pink kissable lips. Gosh!
Oh, I need to convince him to forgive his parents “Tyler…”
“Not a word, I seriously don’t wanna talk about it.” He cut me off, totally focused on the wheels.
”Just shut up, Natasha!!!” He yelled, made me frightened.
“Excuse me?!” I felt offended.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you. Please don’t interfere between me and my family.” He pleaded.
“Ouch.” I muttered.
Good thing he didn’t hear that.
But that hurts all little, I don’t know why he still wants to be with that nerdy Reyna, but don’t worry, I’ll be your family. Your wife.
???? TYLER’S POV ????
I alighted my car and zoomed off angrily.
I haven’t really speak with my family since then, they even argue with me because of work. Work is more important than me.
No one have time for me. Even Reyna. She didn’t want to speak with me, she has been ignoring me for a week. It hurts.
???? NATASHA’S POV ????
I seriously hate the way he gives me silent treatment.
I just wish he likes me the way I do instead of that nerdy Reyna.
Gosh, he’s so cute while driving angrily, his furrowed eyebrows and black curly hair covering his forehead making him to look like a bad boy.
I just wish he can firstly talk to me, I hate the awkward moment.
”So, where do you think we should perform the pep rally? Court or auditorium?” I broke the silence.
He shrugged “Court of course.”
I scoffed “That’s exactly what’s on my mind, right now, basketball court is better, I think we should add the gymnastics.”
“Good idea.” Tyler agreed.
We begin to have the sport conversation we always had like before, I wish our conversation is about love.
???? TYLER’S POV ????
I zoomed and parked my car at the parking lot, Natasha and I unbuckled our seatbelt and came out of the car.
“Shall we?” I smiled at her.
She smiled back “Let’s shall.” She entwined our hands tightly.
I frowned with a smile “What’s this?”
“What? Can’t I hold hands with my best friend?” She scoffed.
I shrugged “Whatever, let’s go.”
I blushed inwardly as we walked into the school hallway.
???? Oh my Geez, are they dating now?
???? They look cute together.
???? I wish I’m Tyler.
???? I wish I’m Natasha.
???? Damn!
???? I’m so jealous.
I smiled, hearing the school’s gossip and whispering, that’s what I wanna hear.
???? REYNA’S POV ????
I kept my book in my locker and closed it.
“Oh my God, are they dating already?” Sierra asked.
What’s she talking about and looking at?
I turned and my heart dropped seeing Tyler and Natasha walking majestically, holding hands, looking like power couples.
Why? It’s supposed to be me! I can’t believe Natasha and Tyler are dating. Who am I kidding? Why am I even jealous? I don’t deserve to be with someone like him.
They look good together, Natasha is beautiful, rich and popular. Tyler is also popular, the cutest and the richest, so they’re such a perfect match.
Unlike me, so stupid, nerdy and ugly.
Natasha and my eyes met each other and I quickly bent my head and walked away, feeling hurt inside.
I sniffed, trying to hold my tears.
???? NATASHA’s POV ????
I just feel like following that nerd and make her feel bad more but I have somethings to do before bullying her.
Feels good to make her feel jealous.
Tyler and I headed straight to our lockers which is next to each other.
He opened his locker, me too “Can you believe everyone thinks we’re dating?” Tyler scoffed as he removed his maths book.
I blushed as I removed mine and closed my locker “I know, right? So weird?”
And beautiful, I really wish we date.
“Well.” He closed his locker and leaned on it “I don’t think that’s gonna happen because we’re just bestfriends.”
Bestfriends my foot! I wanna be more than friends.
???? REYNA’S POV ????
“Here are you test results.” Mrs Quin said, distributing the maths test result papers that we had last week Friday.
I closed my eyes hoping I passed, because it’s a little hard but I studied harder.
???? NATASHA’s POV ????
Mrs Quin placed my paper on the table, giving me eye contempt and walk away.
I rolled my eyes with a sigh knowing I might get a C plus. Because the stupid woman hates it when her students gets a C.
I checked my paper and my eyes got widened, a 30 out of 100? a D minus? Seriously? Am I really that bad in maths? I’m worse than before.
Well, maths is my worst subject, by the way, the equations are really confusing and disturbing.
“Very good, Mr Terrence.” Mrs Quin complimented Tyler.
I turned and signaled him to tell me what he got. He showed me his paper with a smile.
Wow! 92 out of 100? A minus? He passed!
I secretly took my phone and texted him.
Natasha Wow, how did you do it? Those equations are pretty hard.
Tyler Easy, Study!
Natasha I did study but I was so busy with cheer practice.
Tyler But you’re not having any championship, I am. You’re just cheering.
Natasha Cheer leading takes a lot of work, you know.
Tyler Whatever, as long as I pass.
That’s my smart pretty boy.
That’s one of the reasons why I love him, he’s the smartest in the class. No one can pass him.
“Wow Miss Davis, 99 out of 100?” Mrs Quin gasped at Reyna.
What?!! I got shocked. How can she pass Tyler? Did she cheat?
“Amazing!” Mrs Quin smiled “For the first time in four years, someone is finally better than Tyler in maths. Keep it up, Reyna.”
???? REYNA’S POV ????
I bent my head nervously, receiving my test paper. Why does Mrs Quin have to say that out loud?
Now everyone’s starring at me. Some are glaring at me, including Kylie and Hailey. Tyler’s smiling at me, Shay too.
Natasha glared but quickly smiled as soon as I spotted her and she gave me thumbs up sign.
I smiled as I folded my paper and kept it in my backpack.
???? NATASHA’s POV ????
I rolled my eyes, felt like vomiting.
“That idiot is so full herself.” Kylie whispered “She thinks she’s mighty just because Mrs Quin praised for being smart.”
“Who knows maybe she cheated?” Hailey scoffed.
???? REYNA’S POV ????
I waited till everyone finally lives the class, then I stood up.
“Hey, Reyna.” Shay called.
I rolled my eyes “What did you want now?”
“I just want to congratulate you, I mean Mrs Quin have never praised any of her student before since I started high school till you came. Nice work.” She complimented.
I folded my arms “Are you done?”
“I said I’m sorry that your secret blew out but it wasn’t my fault, okay?” She apologized again and again.
I sighed “It’s being a week, Shay, you don’t have to talk about the past, it’s gone. It’s just… I can’t trust you like before and I think we should just move on.” I said as I left the class angrily.
???? SHAY’S POV ????
I’m seriously guilty that her secret got out, but I don’t remember telling anyone.
I’m really sad that Reyna doesn’t like me but I’m happy she’s not hanging with Natasha and others.
I’ve been noticing Natasha is trying to befriend her but I just wish Reyna keeps avoiding her like she always do.
I took my pink lunchbox and left the classroom.
???? REYNA’S POV ????
I sighed standing at the entrance door of the cafeteria. Never being here before since a week I’m in this school.
I just hope I don’t get bullied, harassed or disturbed.
I took a deep breath as I stepped into the beautiful cafeteria, like luxurious restaurant with booths.
I went to the counter “Hi.”
“You must be the scholarship student. Reyna Davis.” The lunch lady said.
I nodded “Yeah.”
“Principal said your food is free so what can I get you?” She asked.
Really?! Free food?! Sweet!! So many delicious food. Yummy.
“Um beefburger, French fries, two waffles, three spicy chicken wings and strawberry chilled smoothie.” I ordered as I placed my tray on a counter.
The lunch lady arranged the delicious food on the tray.
I left the counter, turned, standing and looking like a weirdo, searching for where to sit.
Every where’s full of students.
I spotted three girls in four seats, discussing and laughing.
I sighed as I went there “Hi.” I smiled.
They gave me a contempt look.
“Can I sit with you guys?” I asked.
“Sorry, the seats are full.” The blonde girl lied.
“But there’s only one seat remaining.” I scoffed.
The skinny brunette girl quickly kept her books on the last seat “My books are sitting there.”
“Look for another one.” The last girl added.
I left them with a frown. That was rude.
“B×tch.” I heard one of them muttered and they laughed.
I spotted Shay and Sierra sitting together, waving hands at me to sit with them.
???? SIERRA’S POV ????
“Is she still mad at you?” I asked Shay.
“She said she’s not anymore but she couldn’t trust me, she doesn’t want us to be friends anymore.” She explained.
“Well, you shouldn’t have exposed her.” I took my milkshake and sucked on the straw, swallowing the shake.
“I didn’t!! Someone probably overheard us and blew it out.” She said “I would never do such a thing. Reyna’s my friend.”
I know Reyna’s mad at Shay but I wonder why she doesn’t wanna hang with me.
???? REYNA’S POV ????
Yeah, Shay and Sierra became friends in a week, so since I don’t like Shay, I don’t like hanging with Sierra when Shay’s around.
I spotted the Thrice Spice glaring at me, except Natasha who’s signalling me to sit with them.
So I can get bullied? No.
Still don’t trust them. Natasha have trying to befriend me, and she seems nice but I don’t know if she’s lying.
If she’s lying, she would given up but since she’s Tyler’s new girlfriend, I wanna stay away from her, even though I actually trust her.
I don’t want anything to do with Tyler. By the way, he’s not even in the cafeteria.
I spotted an empty seat, so I went there, sat down and started devouring on my food.
I took the beefburger and took a big bite out of it, moaning as I’m enjoying the food, after eating the beefburger, I ate out of the chicken wings. So delicious!
“Hey Reyna.” Kylie stood in front of me, smirking “Why don’t you go back to the class and have your much, and stop eating like an animal. It shows you don’t belong here, even though you’re rich.”
I bent my head feeling embarrassed.
“Argh!” I gasped as Kylie poured my smoothie on my uniform.
“Opss, my bad.” She fake gasped, causing people to laugh.
TO Be Continued