My Nerd Love Story Chapter 13
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Nerd Love Story Chapter 13 Or Episode Thirteen Of My Nerd Love Story by Dedi Wura Sure Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Nerd Love Story Chapter Thirteen:
In Love With Someone From Different Background ????
???? NATASHA’s POV ????
My driver parked the Porsche in front of the Terrence house gate.
I came out of my car with the three big pizza box I bought for the family.
I have to buy stuff everyday to win the families heart.
I went inside the beautiful terrace, reached the door and pressed the door bell.
“Coming!” The stupid maid shouted as she opened the door “Good afternoon Miss Benjamin…”
“It’s ma’am, alright? You might be older but I’m more classy and mighty than you, okay? Have some respect” I corrected “Or I could get you fired especially for being slow.”
The maid bent her head in fear “S…sorry ma’am.”
“Now leave my way.” I pushed her as I walked into the large luxurious living room.
Soon, all this will be mine.
“Natasha!” Tyler’s mom walked majestically towards me, wearing a black long sleeves skater dress, 4k diamond dangling earrings and Lea Michele sandal heels and side swept hair.
She’s so beautiful and fashionable. Can’t wait to call her my Mom-in-law. I’ll be delighted.
“Did I just heard you talking rude to one my maid?” She asked.
Oh no! She’s not happy, I think she overheard me.
???? FRIDA’S POV ????
“Uhm Sh… She was rude to me first, she said I’m so affronting and she pushed me first, I was just trying to defend myself.” Miss Benjamin lied.
“What?!” I exclaimed “No, I didn’t… Argh!” A huge slap landed on my face from Mrs Terrence.
“How dare you call my daughter such language?” Mrs Terrence scolded.
“I swear I didn’t.” I cried, covering my face with my palm.
“So she’s lying?” Mrs Terrence glared at me.
I became silent, not knowing how to defend myself.
“Why are you lying?” Miss Benjamin cried, acting innocent.
“I’m not lying I swear.” I cried.
“You know what? You’re fired!” Mrs Terrence proclaimed.
I knelt down “What? Madam, please, this is what I’m using to feed my family. Please don’t fire me.” I pleaded.
“You should have thought of that before picking on my daughter.”
My eyes was soaked with tears, Miss Benjamin keeps smirking at me.
“Apologize!” Mrs Terrence ordered.
“I’m sorry Miss Benjamin.” I sobbed weakly.
“It’s ma’am to you.” Natasha corrected.
I sniffed “I’m sorry Ma’am.”
Natasha smirked evilly at me behind Mrs Terrence’s back.
I had to apologize even though it’s her fault, but I need to feed my sick husband and two children, just got my job last week.
“Now get back to work.”
I smiled as I stood up “Thank you so much madam, I promise it won’t happen again.” I left their presence.
Thank God, I just have to avoid Miss Benjamin if I want this job to last. I don’t want any problems.
???? NATASHA’S POV ????
Oh Thank God I’m saved, if not Mrs Terrence will hate me and not get me married to her son.
“Are you okay, Natasha?” Pauline asked.
I nodded innocently “Yes Pauline, I’m fine.”
I can call her by her name because she gave me the right.
“Um I bought lettuce pizzas from Tony’s.” I showed her the pizzas.
She gasped “Oh my, that restaurant is expensive, thank you.” She smiled.
“Kids! Aunt Natasha bought pizzas from Tony’s!” She shouted.
“Pizza!” Bethany and Kyle ran downstairs and collected the pizzas from my hand.
“Thank you.” They said simultaneously as they ran to the dining room.
Stupid brats.
Pauline scoffed “Kids.”
“So adorable.” I fake smiled “Um, is Tyler home? He’s not in school today.”
Pauline frowned “What? Are you sure, he always go to school.”
“Didn’t you see him leaving the house?” I asked.
“He always lock his door since we missed his game, I don’t really know if he’s still in or not.” Pauline explained sadly.
“Well, let’s check on him.” I said as we went upstairs straight to his bedroom door.
If he’s not home that means he went out with Reyna. I’ll be shattered if that happens. Tyler, be inside, don’t hurt me.
I knocked “Tyler?!”
I tried to open the door but it’s locked as usual, I knocked again.
“Tyler, baby please come out.” Mrs Terrence yelled.
“Tyler, open the door!” I shouted.
“What if he went somewhere else?” Mrs Terrence sighed “Where could he be?”
I banged the door angrily “Tyler!!”
I swear, Reyna if Tyler isn’t in, I’ll kill you.
“What?!” Tyler shouted angrily as get opened the door, looking as if he just woke up. Cutely messy.
Wearing his white tank top, blue sweatpants and holding his big stuffed panda teddy.
“Sweetie, you were in this whole time?” Mrs Terrence asked.
“Yes mom, why are you disturbing my perfect sleep?” He groaned.
“Sorry dear, why aren’t you in school today?” Pauline asked.
“I’m sick, okay? Now please leave, I need to get back to sleep.” He groaned.
“Okay baby, get well soon, Sam is gonna cook broccoli soup for you, dear.” Pauline said as she left.
“Err! I hate broccolis.” Tyler yakked as he went in.
I stepped into his room giving him suspicious look “Are you really sick?”
He closed and locked the door “Nah, not really.”
“Then why did you lie to your mom? Why aren’t you in school today?” I asked.
He shrugged as get fell on his bed smiling “Well, I went out with someone.”
I frowned “Who?”
I hope it’s not Reyna.
“Why should I tell you?” He asked.
“I have the right to know, I’m your best friend, remember?” I sat beside him.
“Fine.” He sighed “Reyna.”
Oh my God! That f×cking b*tch!! I’ll kill her!!!
“Do you like her and does she likes you?” I asked.
“Yes, I like her since I set my eyes on her beautiful cute face, her hair, her clear skin.” He scoffed, blushing.
I rolled my eyes secretly. Ew! All what he said is a big lie. She’s an ugly useless poor nerd.
“Her big b××bs and fat ×ss.” He whispered.
“Ew, you stupid bad boy.” I fake laughed as I threw a pillow at him.
He laughed back “I’m serious, she’s amazing, she had everything. She’s beautiful, smart, cute, shy…” He trailed off as he lay his head on my lap, thinking about her.
“Um are you two dating already?” I asked.
He shook his head negatively “Not yet, but I hope it’s soon.”
“Oh.” I sighed of relief.
Good thing he hasn’t make it official yet and I’ll make sure it never happens.
“Well, do you think she’s rich?” I asked.
“I don’t care if she’s rich or not, she’s mine.” He smirked.
I clenched my fist angrily. I look happy for him on the outside but my blood is boiling of anger.
Tyler and Reyna went out without letting me know, I’ll make sure that stupid Reyna pays.
“I think she’s super rich.” He added.
I smiled. Good to know that he thinks she’s rich. I know what to do.
But how did he get here without his family knowing he even went out?
???? REYNA’S POV ????
Tyler arrived at the bus stop of San Tee’s Street because I told him to.
“Can’t I at least know where you’re living or I should find out myself?”
“No!” I exclaimed.
Tyler’s smirk turned into a confused frown and he shrugged “Why?”
“Because if my parents know, they’ll ground me for having a boyfriend… I mean a guy brought me home.”
Why did I said that? Tyler’s not my boyfriend, and I don’t think he will be.
He blushed, knowing what I said “Okay, well…”
“Bye.” I smiled “Thanks by the way.”
“Anything for you, girl.” He said deeply, biting his lower lip.
I blushed but frowned as he’s moving his face closer, I quickly came out of the car and waved at him.
He waved back looking disappointed as he drove off.
I sighed feeling guilty. I know I should have kiss him but I have my reasons and he’s not my boyfriend BTW.
I blushed lightly as I went to the bush and brought out my bicycle, sat on it and rode off to work.
???? TYLER’S POV ????
I scoffed feeling happy deep down but a little annoyed that she didn’t kiss me.
I checked the time on my phone while driving.
Geez! 3:45! School closes at 4 O’clock, if I didn’t reach home, on time, my parents would know I’m not in school.
I zoomed the car faster till I reach home, good thing the gate is opened.
I parked my car in the garage, went through the backdoor of the mansion, saw that mom and Natasha are talking.
I rushed straight to my bedroom, locked the door, quickly changed into my pyjamas and scattered my hair, jumped on my bed and hugged my panda teddy.
???? NATASHA’s POV ????
I arrived at her mansion and hit the doorbell ding dong
Kylie opened her door and rolled her eyes “What?”
TO Be Continued
This story is so intresting but you do”not complet it i want to ried it to the ending
Pls we are all still waiting for the rest part of the nerd love story