My Lesbian Crush Chapter 46
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Lesbian Crush Chapter 46 Of My Lesbian Crush Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Lesbian Crush CHAPTER FORTY SIX:
???????? (My Story)????
Hermione: I’m sorry she’s gone..
Tiara: what…stop it stop it!!
Rose: I’m sorry…cries
Nurse: what is wrong?
Tiara: I had a bad dream..
Nurse: what was the dream about dear?
Tiara: my m-mom standing up
Nurse: wait where are you going…
I ran to the ICU room and they was no one they and I went to the doctor’s office…
Tiara: where is my mom?
Doctor: your mom?
Tiara: Sandra Tayzharn
Doctor: oh… she’s in room number 19
I went to room number 19 and my mother was covered with oxygen sensors and brandies…
I went closer to her and I could see that’s she’s in pain…
Tiara: m-mom…cries I hope you are okay..i-it looks like…
I turned around and it was Hermione..
Tiara: what?
Hermione: the doctor wants to see you…and where’s your shoes?
Tiara: sniffs I left them in… anyways let’s go..
We went to the doctor’s office…
Doctor: hey guys please sit down..
Tiara: how is my mom?
Doctor: your mom is fine…it’s just that we as doctors made a little bit of a mistake and the blood fall on the floor..
Rose: how is she…how is her skull?
Doctor: smiles well she is fine..we opened up her skull it was badly hurt from the inside..when we opened it up we found a bit of glass in the brain..
Tiara: what?
Doctor: that is what caused the delay in the process…a operation like this takes more than 6 hours but because of the blood situation it was 6 hours and 30 minutes…
Hermione: good and bad news..
Doctor: oh and about that…she will be fine and the operation was successfully done…it will take a full 6 months for her to recover and the bad news her is that she’s in a comma and..
Tiara: what cries
Doctor: and has memory loss which is really bad…but we understand because of the glass in the brain it…important information I’ll give you will work in her recovery…