My Lesbian Crush Chapter 39
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Lesbian Crush Chapter 39 Of My Lesbian Crush Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Lesbian Crush CHAPTER THIRTY NINE:
???????? (My Story)????
After a few minutes the same nurse came back with the tests…
Tiara: is everything okay..
Nurse: I have bad news..
Rose: what is the bad news?
Nurse: none of you guy match Ms Tayzharn’s blood group..
Kieran: but how…we are family?
Nurse: yes you may be family but let me explain it your guys being family doesn’t mean that you have to share the same blood group,like Mrs Williams said o+ blood is really hard to find nowadays but we’ll ask for blood in the other hospitals…
Tiara: how is my mother?
Nurse: she’s hanging in there..
Kieran: we have to find blood..
My cousin went out to make a call…
Rose: everything is going to be fine trust me okay
Tiara: how did she even overdose.. everything was fine
I went downstairs and ate breakfast and had am extra plate for Chantay..
Kiran: why are you having two plates
Jermaine: I’m just hungry
Kiran: okay bye..
I went upstairs and and gave Chantay her plate…
Chantay: is everything okay
Jermaine: I’m fine…why are you asking
Chantay: tomorrow we are going to school and…
Jermaine: it’s not like we are going to the same school…
Chantay: actually I am
Jermaine: and anyways I’m…what did you just say?
Chantay: I’m going to the same school as yours
Jermaine: really?
Chantay: yes…now I really need to go home
Jermaine: I’ll make a plan..
I went downstairs and I saw Kiran talking to Hermione…
Kiran: when did you get here
Hermione: actually today but I…
I passed them and went to the kitchen..
Hermione: hey Jerma
Jermaine: fake smile
Kiran: she..
Jermaine: I have to go bye…
I went outside and went to my bedroom window waiting for Chantay to come out…
Jermaine: Hola Chantay!
Chantay: yeah I’m coming…
I waited the for almost an hour..
Jermaine: come on…what are you doing in the?
Chantay: I’m coming…
She came out…and she was wearing my blue and white t-shirt and shorts..
Jermaine: are those my clothes? smirks
Chantay: yes, they are so big.. giggles
Jermaine: okay come on..jump
Chantay: what!
Jermaine: I need you to jump..
Chantay: ARE YOU CRAZY!!
Jermaine: shhh!
Chantay: laughs
Jermaine: when you jump.. I’ll catch you so you won’t get me?
Chantay: okay but I don’t trust you..
Jermaine: seriously?