My Lesbian Crush Chapter 38
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Lesbian Crush Chapter 38 Of My Lesbian Crush Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Lesbian Crush CHAPTER THIRTY EIGHT:
???????? (My Story)????
Asqa: everyone knows that Jermaine is crazy and when her obsession grows in someone she starts acting weird..
Hermione: Jermaine isn’t weird…that’s how she shows you that’s she loves you
Asqa: okay explain this to me ..what kind of a person tell’s her friends to watch every movement I’m doing, who I’m talking and who I’m hugging…what I’m eating and..
Hermione: shut up! Now please get out of this campus..
I told Joe to take Asqa to the gate…
Asqa: you’ll pay for this…
We got to the hospital and the nurse showed us to the ICU patients…
Kieran saw the doctor as asked her what’s going on…
Kieran: what happened doctor..
Doctor: are you guys related to Ms Tayzharn?
Tiara: yes I’m her daughter sniffs and Kieran is my cousin and Rose is my friend, please doctor tell me what happened..
Doctor: your mother overdose on pills and technically they said they saw her driving before the incidence..
Tiara: what happened?
Doctor: your mother lost alot of blood and needs to be in the ICU operation now or else..
Tiara: is somewrong with her
Doctor: well yes, she has to undergo a surgery for her skull it’s badly hurt..
Rose: skull!
Tiara: what cries
Kieran: will she be okay
Doctor: I can’t say…but now we need alot of blood
Tiara: which group
Doctor: o+ blood group, which is hard to found nowadays..but because you guys are family you might share the same blood group..
Kiran and Tiara: i want to help
Rose: same here..
We went to the nurse and she showed us to our beds and took out a little bit of blood to test on..
Nurse: okay guys you can sit down and drink juice… you’ll feel a bit dizzy Gillespie so I need you guys to not go anywhere…
Everyone: okay..
Nurse: I’ll be back…