My Lesbian Crush Chapter 33
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Lesbian Crush Chapter 33 Of My Lesbian Crush Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Lesbian Crush CHAPTER THIRTY THREE:
???????? (My Story)????
Today it’s the good bye party for the LGBT group campus I couldn’t handle it anymore that’s why I left…
Karin: Jerma
Jermaine: what!!
Karin: it’s 6pm and you haven’t eaten anything
Jermaine: I’m not hungry!
I stood up and opened the door…
Karin: let’s go..
We went downstairs and ate dinner…
Jermaine: can I go now?
Karin: you can go now I’ll wash the dishes…
I went back upstairs and took a shower and wore my black shorts and bra…and my sneakers and waited for the two love birds to go to sleep…
After a few minutes they switched off the lights and went to sleep…
Jermaine: where are the keys..
I was looking for the keys and I found them on top of the kitchen counter..I opened the door and walked down the neighborhood…
Jermaine: who’s that now..
I turned around to take a look and it was Chantay…
Jermaine: Yo, Chantay!
She came and hugged me..
Chantay: bro! I missed you so much
Jermaine: what’s up dawg
Chantay: nahh, just yo friends messing everything up
Jermaine: what do you mean
Chantay: some mafias came looking for you..
Jermaine: Delena..
Chantay: and some ass hole called Asaq said…
Jermaine: what did she do
Chantay: you’ll just have to find out for yo self tommorow… tried everything didn’t work and they just don’t wanna see your face again..
Jermaine: really?
Chantay: mmmh
This girl is going to pay for this…
Chantay: well what are you going to do now?
Jermaine: nothing
Chantay: are you joking with me!
Jermaine: man…what will I do that girl is obsessed!
Chantay: she’ll just have to pay someway or the other..
I looked at her and give her a big kiss on the cheek…
Jermaine: we’ll chat later
Chantay: bye..
She went home and I was to the tuck shop..
Anita: Ola Jerma [hello Jerma]
Jermaine: Ola aunta.. [hello aunta]
Anita: Bien? [Fine]
Jermaine: ja, ya aunta..tu Bien vus? [Ha, yes aunts and are you fine?]
Anita: jajaja ya [hahaha yes]
Jermaine: señora [ma]