My Lecturer And I Episode 19
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Lecturer And I Episode 19 Of My Lecturer And I by Tony Sang Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Lecturer And I EPISODE NINETEEN: ????
After the two days were over,I had packed my belongings and travelled back to town this time hopeful.The family had treated me very well and had prayed with me before I left.
When I got to town I was happy to see Dalia again after a few days.I had explained to her why I was back.She was very happy,she just wished that this time round I win the case.
She had told me that there was a student who was also complaining to the school administration that she had been assaulted by the same lecturer.We talked at length until evening.
I could hear students talk about me in a distance,many were shocked that I was back just a few days after I had left home, anyway they didn’t bother me.
The following Monday morning,after I had prepared myself we had trek to the court with Dalia to hear the court proceedings on my case.I was terrified that maybe I was going to lose the case for the second time.
This time round after hearing both sides the court ordered the remarking of the examination paper in the court plus our phones had to be accessed very well and every message retrieved.
After two hours of the hitted discussions between the lawyers, the judge wanted to present her decision before a young lady who is in early twenties walked in and demanded that she had something to witness.
Each parties were very interested,she was given the opportunity to witness what she knew.She explained to the court that after my last case had been withdrawn the lecturer had tried approaching and raping her,she had refused but the lecturer didn’t stop,“he grabbed me and almost raped me before someone knocked on the door,here is the audio I recorded”,the girl had said.I had pleaded with the girl to come and show the court the audio during my case hearing,so I wasn’t surprised when she entered.
At that time the exams that was being remarked had been completed.In fact I had scored an A,everyone in the court started mummering.The phone that was being checked by the DCI proved that the lecturer had sent intimate message and wanted a relationship but I refused.
The court made its verdict that the accused was to be arrested and jailed for thirty five years.They also apologized and the accused had to pay one million for the shame caused.
I was happy that day and thanked the lawyer and called Wesley and his family to thank him. The Committee then lifted my suspension and informed me that I had to attend school as from Wednesday.
My mum,Dalia and everyone was finally happy that justice had been done.Wesley promised to pay my school fee and other expenses at school.
I went back to school,studied very well and finally graduated.