My Lecturer And I Episode 13
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Lecturer And I Episode 13 Of My Lecturer And I by Tony Sang Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Lecturer And I EPISODE THIRTEEN: ????
The lawyers office was silent as we walked in.It was already 8:20 am.The secretary who was in told us to wait for the advocate to arrive since he wasn’t around.
Ten minutes later as we sat admiring the the fashionable office a young man who looks he is on his late twenties walks in.The man was slightly dark and tall.He looked nice with his black suit,white ironed shirt and a yellow tie.
He walked directly to where we were seated and greeted us.
“ You must be the two girls who I was supposed to meet this morning”
“ Yeah am Dalia and she is Cate”
“ Okay, come in ladies”
We walked in after he had opened the door.The office was beautifully furnished with modern chairs,desks and shelves that were full of files and books.
A young woman walked in a few minutes with a flask full of coffee and three glasses with three mandazis.She then put everything on the table, welcomed us for the breakfast and moved out.
“ Ok first of all you may call me Lawyer Macky,I want you to explain to me everything that happened” he said taking a sip and a bite then looked at me.
We continued enjoying the coffee while I narrated everything from the start to the end.After we were done we got up from our seats shook hands with the lawyer,thanked him for the coffee and we left.
The case was supposed to be heard in the next one week on Monday at 8:00 am.We walked with Dalia along the streets of Nairobi making our usual teasing stories.For the first time I felt relieved.
That week I was free and attended the classes to make sure that I catch up.The HOD was the one who was taking us through the course that week since Mr Lennox was detained.
I was strong that week and in fact I was back to my sitting position asking and answering questions and in the first two days Madam Lyn had grown fond of me.
The following Monday,I woke up prepared myself and left for the court proceedings.Dalia and my other friends accompanied me to the court.We didn’t attend classes that day.
I was called upon to explain everything before the court and before the people.I had to explain but I felt ashamed and sometimes I explained while tears rolled down my cheeks.I explained of how the lecturer had tied me on the chair and when she heard Madam Lyn had untied me fast before I ran.I then stared a glance at Madam Lyn and saw that she had bent her head downwards
She was called to tell the court if what I was saying true that she had met me in Mr Lennox office that day and that I ran without saying anything,she agreed.
The judge had listened carefully and then listened to the accused persons who said that I tried seducing him but he had not fall for it and that is why I had ran when Madam Lyn entered,he said that maybe I was afraid I could tell everything to the madam and so I had to run.
The court had decided that the case would be heard in two weeks time and verdict be made since the investigation had to be conducted first, I left the court disappointed,I needed justice to be done as soon as possible.
In that two weeks while the investigation was going on in the school I continued with my studies smoothly.The police kept interrogating the students and the lecturers.
When the d-day was finally here,many of the school leaders and officials were in court to hear the verdict.The students were curious to know who was guilty and who was not.
The Lady judge after hearing the case gave his final verdict.She said that there was no evidence to prove that the lecturer tried raping me and that the lecturer should be released immediately.I was broken.
TO Be Continued