My Landlord Daughter Season 1 Episode 7
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Landlord Daughter Season 1 Episode 7 Of My Landlord Daughter Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Landlord Daughter Season One Episode Seven:
I looked at her and ask if she’s serious, and she said she’s really serious and she wants my indaboski raw and solid, no wearing of helmet.
My eyes open fiam, raw, I asked her and she replied me yes. She told me I shouldn’t worry that she’s doesn’t have any disease besides I’m the first guy she’s ikukulating with raw.
Though my nerves calmed, I wasn’t still going to do it.
Ever since I started riding Ikuku , I’ve never rode it without helmet, I explained to her.
She told me that we should go to hospital and confirm, if I’m still doubting her. Brother and sisters I love myself and I will Never put my self, especially my health in danger just because of ikuku.i can never be careless or rush for ikuku, never.
I agreed, stood up and changed into a nice wear. We both went out and she unlocked her car and got in. I locked my door, went to the car and got in. She drove and soon we were at the hospital.
She must be really popular because immediately we got into the hospital some female nurses rushed to her and greeted her. She responded and soon the directed us to the lab.
You must be so popular, I said and she smiled.
No I’m not, it’s you who is popular, she said.
What do yo mean, I asked.
Don’t worry, you’ll see it for yourself before we leave here, she replied.
Soon the lab scientist came and took our blood samples, he came back and told us that the results will be out in two days time and left.
Nelly sighed, picked her phone from her bag and dial someone. Soon the same lab scientist who took our blood samples came back and apologized to her saying he didn’t recognise her at first, that the results will be ready in the next ten minutes.
I just sat down, wondering what kind of power this girl has, that she can change things so easily.
Soon the results came out, and we were given an envelope each containing our results.
Let’s not open it here, let’s get to your house first, she said.
Are your afraid, I asked laughing.
No, she said.
We left the lab and went to meet one of the nurses, who she said is her cousin. We got to a ward that was filled with female nurses, some were running here and there, some were sitting, some were talking having conversations together.
This is their nurses station, she whispered to as we walked in.
Immediately they noticed our presence, they organized themselves.
Good morning, she greeted them and they responded.
I’m looking for…
I’m here, I’m here, a young lady said, behind us.
And you kept quiet all this while, Nelly said to her.
Oh I’m sorry, just that I was lost in thought when I saw who you were with, I thought I saw an angel, the young lady said, winking at me.
Don’t even go there, he’s taken, Nelly said boldly.
Nelly always get to have all the good things, she teased.
I’m Daisy, the young lady said, opening her arms to hug.
I’m Savvy, Nelly’s Boyfriend, I said, extending my hand for a handshake.
I could see how surprised Nelly was and also how embarrassed Daisy felt. Well I detest girls who flirt with boys, it irritates me and i’m not someone any girl can mess with.
Well looks like someone’s really got a real man, Daisy said throwing a gaze at Nelly. I like you, bold and outspoken, qualities I’ll love my man to have her, she added looking at me.
Well in that case, I said, walking close to her. Don’t flirt with men, especially on your meeting with us, it irritates us, I whispered in her left ear and left.
With the way she way she was looking at me when I left her, I knew the thoughts the were running through her mind. Like is he human, I’m I dreaming, can someone be this outspoken and transparent. Well let her kill herself with her thoughts.
TO Be Continued