My Landlord Daughter Season 1 Episode 19
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Landlord Daughter Season 1 Episode 19 Of My Landlord Daughter Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Landlord Daughter Season One Episode Nineteen:
I was shocked when I saw Nelly. She walked close to me and was about giving me a hug when Esther blocked her.
What do you think your doing, Esther asked her and Nelly laughed.
Get out from my way girl, can’t you see I want to give Junior’s daddy a hug, Nelly said.
What do you want Nelly, I asked.
You, she said. I just want you, all of you, she replied smiling.
You can’t have me, I’m sorry, I said.
Yes I know I can’t, but now that i’m carrying your baby, I’ll have you, she said.
Can we talk about this inside, I said, feeling defeated.
I was wondering if you’ll keep me outside forever, she said, pushing Esther and entering into the house.
I’ll see you soon okay, I said to Esther, hugging her.
Be careful okay, she’s psychotic, she said, breaking the hug.
I’ll be fine, I said, entering inside.
Why is your bed so scattered, did you enter Ikuku last night, Nelly asked, immediately I entered into the house.
And how’s that your business, i said.
Oh, deary dear, it’s my business now, because this is my new home, no, our new home, she said, touching her tummy.
Nelly, your not pregnant for me, I said. And even you are, I’m not responsible for it, I added.
You’re not serious, have you forgotten when you poured everything inside Ikuku, ehn, have you forgotten, she asked.
I’m not denying the fact that I poured everything inside but do you remember the juice I gave you that morning, I asked and she nodded. I added contraceptives to it, so there’s no way you can be pregnant.
I could see how shocked and surprised she was.
Your trying to tie me down with pregnancy right, I asked. You can’t have me Nelly, you can’t have me no matters what you do, I said. My life would have known peace, if I had just turned down your father’s invitation. But I regret nothing, I take full responsibilities for my actions, I added.
All that one you’re saying, is entering me here and coming out her, she said, demonstrating with her hand. Here’s the test result, she said handing me an envelope.
I told her I don’t need it, that she should wait for me to change into something appropriate, that we’ll be going to that hospital together for the test.
I want to use the toilet, be ready before I come out, she said, entering into the bathroom.
I was about going to my closet to search for clothes, when a message entered Nelly’s phone, which she had dropped on the bed.
I picked up the phone and saw it wasn’t locked, the message was from someone called Mike, so I opened the message and it read “Is the plan working, have you gotten him to believe he’s responsible, I don’t want to be a father yet, tie it on him. Shey we’ll still be having fun.
Do fast and come over, I’m horny, I even dropped some messages on WhatsApp for you, I love you”
Immediately I finished reading the SMS, I wanted going into that bathroom and beating Nelly up, but another plan came into my head and I smiled
I picked up her phone again and screenshoted the SMS, I also opened her WhatsApp and saw messages that really got me pissed, but i forsook it for the sake of the plan I had. The plan was to have evidence, just in case she plan to double-cross me.
I screenshoted everything and sent it to my phone. After sending it, I deleted the screenshots from her phone, and kept her phone in the same position, I saw it.
I ran to my closet immediately and brought out a black joggers and a white Polo and wore it.
Madam your taking so long in there, I said, immediately I dressed up.
I’m coming, she shouted, from the bathroom.
Oya I’m ready, let’s go, she said, the moment she stepped out from the bathroom.
Alright, I said.
She picked her phone from the bed, and stretched her hand to hold me. I can walk, I told her and she scoffed.
She walked towards the door and I followed her behind. Immediately she stepped outside, I bounced my door and locked it ( all this is part of the plan).
She yelled and yelled and yelled, till she couldn’t yell anymore. I was just inside, sleeping on my bed and laughing.
I came out after an hour and thirty minutes, and found out she had gone. I sat down on my chair outside and still continued laughing.
It wasn’t long, before I turned and saw Nelly coming into my compound, with some Police officer, in their Hilux.
TO Be Continued