My Landlord Daughter Season 1 Episode 18
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Landlord Daughter Season 1 Episode 18 Of My Landlord Daughter Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Landlord Daughter Season One Episode Eighteen:
Immediately I read the message, everywhere became so hot for me. I began pacing up and down my room, like I lost something so important and I’m looking for it.
Esther’s voice brought me out from cloud 10.
Are you exercising, she asked me.
No, I’m not, I replied her.
Then why are you sweating this much, she asked, coming close to me.
It’s Nelly, I said, showing her the message on my phone.
Are you responsible, she asked.
I don’t know, I replied.
You don’t know, meaning what, she said. Have you entered her ikuku without helmet before, she asked.
Yes, I replied her, bowing my head.
Wait let me get this straight, you mean you’ve entered her ikuku without helmet, but when it comes to me you’ll say ” i don’t like it oh, I this, I that, she added.
See it’s not like that, I was…
You were carried away, she asked cutting me off.
Lying doesn’t suit you, you know abi.
You that I slept close to, exposing my Ikuku and milking factory, the only thing you could do was cover me blanket, now your here telling me you were carried away, she added.
Esther see…
See what, I’m I blind, what are you showing me, she yelled.
Why I’m I even angry, after all I’m not your girlfriend, just your side benefit best friend, it’s Alright, she added, picking her clothes and dressing up.
Esther please let me explain, I said, trying to calm her down.
Okay, I’m all ears, she said, after dressing up.
Well, it’s my fault everything happened, it’s just that Nelly was so good to me and I thought giving her a try won’t hurt, and also I began loving, sorry I began having feelin… Sorry I. I. I. I. I, I began stammering.
Shut up, she shouted at me, I was shocked.
Your telling me you had feelings for Nelly and you still kept me by your side, what for, ehn, what for, she yelled, crying.
I’m sorry, I said, trying to touch her.
Don’t touch me, she said, sniffing.
She cleaned the tears from her eyes and stood, looking at me calmly.
It’s my fault, I feel sorry for myself, she added, walking to the door.
She opened the door and looked back at me with her teary eyes. Thanks for everything, she said and walked out.
My conscience began blaming me. what have I done to myself, how did I let all this happen, I’m I really Savvy or I’m someone else.
I wept bitterly for myself.
I didn’t go out through out that day, I spent my time indoors.
I thought about my life and how disappointingly I’ve lived.
How many hearts have I hurt, what I’m I going to do to fix back everything.
I was still in my thoughts when a knock landed on my door.
I went and open the door and saw Esther. I was surprised, I never thought she’ll never come see me again. Because after she left my house in the morning, she blocked me on Facebook, WhatsApp and when I called her, she put my number on call busy.
Hey, I said, nervously.
I forgive you, she said, hugging me.
I felt relieved.
Hey, daddy to be, Someone said and I rose my head and saw Nelly, walking close to Esther and I …
TO Be Continued