My Landlord Daughter Season 1 Episode 16
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Landlord Daughter Season 1 Episode 16 Of My Landlord Daughter Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Landlord Daughter Season One Episode Sixteen:
I woke up with a new vibe, feeling refreshed and recharged, I’ve moved over Everything, Nelly now seemed like a person I’ll always remember to forget. I left the bed and went to the door.i was about opening it, when a knock landed.
Who’s there, I asked.
It’s me, came the voice outside and I quickly recognized it as Esther’s voice.
I’ll be with you soon, give me five minutes, I said.
Truth be told, I don’t know oh but I feel happy hearing Esther’s voice. I opened the door, and there she was, sitting on my chair in the varendah. She looked so beautiful In my eyes. I kept smiling sheepishly as walked closer to her.
That’s my personal chair, go get yours inside, I said to her.
Ok sir, she smiled and ran into my house.
Soon she came out with a chair and kept it beside me.
Where’s your own book or pen, she asked.
What, I said, acting like I didn’t hear her.
What are you going to use in teaching me, she asked…
Oh, about that, I said. Everything’s inside her, I added, touching my head, making her smile.
Your cute when your happy and also when you smile, and also very intelligent, she said.
Don’t push your hopes high okay, it will get you no way, I teased.
Are you sure, she asked.
Of course, I replied her.
She was about saying something,when she choked.
Please get me water, she said, breathing hard.
I rushed in into my house in a flash, and went directly to the fridge. I brought out a bottle of water and was about taking it to her, when I turned and saw her.
Gotcha, she said smiling.
You little…
Angel, she said, cutting me off.
I smiled and she also smiled.
Her face suddenly change into a naughty one, and she gave me that naughty smile.
What you up to, I asked her.
You’ll see, she said, laughing diabolically.
She locked the door and hid the key inside her b_a.
Come get it, if your man enough, she challenged.
I didn’t respond, but indaboski was already rising up for the challenge.
She noticed and walked closer to me.
Hey, remember you have a lot to learn, i said.
I know, i know, she said. But since you have everything in there, she said, tapping my head, I’m sure this won’t change anything,she added, jumping on me and landing her warm w_t lips on mine.
I didn’t push her off, but balanced myself and held her strong.i placed my hands under her curvy a_s and lifted her up, so her face could reach mine.
We savoured each other like we were licking lollipop. She pulled down everything she wore, while still in my hold. She directed indaboski to her ikuku and was about mounting on it, when I whispered in her ears that we should take it slow, that we’ve got the whole night.
TO Be Continued