My Husband Married Our House Girl Episode 8
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Husband Married Our House Girl Episode 8 Of My Husband Married Our House Girl by Teachable Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Husband Married Our House Girl EPISODE EIGHT: ????????
“Sa’tan, What are you doing here with your wife Je’zebel? Did my sister not tell you that I don’t want to see your d!sgusting face? Mabel asked Dominic Fur!ously.
“Honey, please calm down, it is not what you’ve been thinking. Everything was a game, I never slept with Esther let alone fell in love with her. I did everything just to teach you lessons, but I am extremely sorry that every turned out that way. Dominic responded.
“Dominic, what are you saying? I don’t get it and where is the pregnancy that Esther was carrying? Mabel asked confusingly.
“It was a fa’ke pregnancy Mabel, I just wanted the prank to look realistic. Esther, please narrate everything to her. Said Dominic.
“Ma, I am extremely sorry for everything you went through because of me, I cried day and night because of the pa!ns your husband and I caused you.
Ma, you’re Like an elder sister to me, you treated me like your bl00d sister. When you gave me the 500k to sleep with your husband, I couldn’t sleep that night, I had a sleepless night because of that. I didn’t want to sleep with your husband because he is like my brother-in-law.
Ma I swear with my life I can’t let you down, I remember when my mum was as sick as a parrot, you were the one who gave me money to take her to the hospital and you also paid her hospital bills.
During my dad’s burial last year, you and your husband contributed immensely to the burial.
“Ma after you gave me the 500k to sleep with your husband my mind and spirit were seriously trou’bled, I couldn’t sleep that night. “First thing in the morning, I packed all my belongings because I was ready to give you back the 500k and leave your house that morning.
“ But when I told your husband that I wanted to resign from the work, he asked why, I disclosed everything to him.
“Good morning Sir. Esther greeted.
“Morning. Esther, you look unhappy what’s troubling you this morning? Dominic asked.
“Please, Sir, I am not interested in working here any longer, I want to quit the work. Esther replied.
“But why? What’s wrong? Did my wife do anything ba’d to you? Dominic asked.
“Not at all, Sir, I want to use the little money I saved to establish a business. Esther replied.
“Esther, you’re ly’ing that’s not why you want to quit the work, Esther tell me the truth what’s wrong?
“Okay Sir, I will tell you but don’t tell your wife oo.
“I won’t tell her. Esther, I am all ears. Said Dominic.
“Your wife gave 500k to se’duce you and sleep with you and she promised to give me an additional 500k when I get pregnant for you. Sir ever since she sent me that 500k my mind has been seriously troubled, that’s why I want to quit the work, because I can’t sleep with you. Esther replied.
“Oh!! God. What’s wrong with Mabel? What should I do now…
“Please Sir, I want to go, I don’t want to work here anymore. Said Esther.
“Esther, I understand, but calm down, don’t allow that to make you leave your comfort zone. I have a plan. Said Dominic.
“What plan Sir? Esther asked.
“Any day, my wife tells you to sleep with me, just let me know. I want to teach her very good lessons. Said Dominic.
“Okay Sir, but please Sir, I don’t want us to do anything that will hu’rt her. Esther replied.
“Don’t worry about that Esther. Please go and continue with your work. Said Dominic.
“The next day, Dominic installed CCTV cameras around the whole house.
“2 days later, Mabel, collected the substance from Jennifer and put it in Dominic’s dinner.
“After Mabel put the substance in Dominic’s food, she mistakenly left her phone unlocked on the dining table and went to shower.
“So when Dominic wanted to eat the food, he saw the phone and carried it just to check the time because he was not with his phone and his Football Club was having a match in less than 15 minutes.
“As soon as he carried the phone, he saw a weird WhatsApp message “Mabel don’t forget to put the substance in his food”
Dominic became extremely shocked and quickly went through all their chats.
“Thereafter, he threw the food away and pretended as if he had eaten the food finish.
“ when Mabel came out from the bathroom, she was very happy to see his plate emptied.
“Honey, you’ve finished? Mabel asked.
“Yes, the meal was very delicious and amazing. Dominic replied and pretended as if he didn’t see anything.
“After he finished watching his football and his club won, he started mis’behaving and talking fakely like a drunkard, and when Mabel realized that he was mis’behaving, she knew the substance was working, so she forced him to enter their guest room and when he entered, Esther entered too, locked the door, and when she wanted to sleep on the same bed with Dominic, Dominic said;
“Esther, you can’t share a bed with me, so take this blanket, spread it on the floor, and sleep Esther happily collected the blanket, spread it on the floor, and slept.
“Around 5 am, Dominic woke Esther up and said;
“Esther, you remember I told you that I want to teach my wife lessons?
“Yes Sir, I remember. Esther replied?
“Okay, I want to fakely in love with you and I will tell my wife that I am madly in love with you, that I enjoyed you on a bed more than her. Said Dominic.
“Please Sir, that’s pure w’ckedness na, and she would get hu’rt and fru’strated badly, please I am not interested in the game. Please, Sir, bring another game. Said Esther.
“Esther, don’t let that one be your headache, she’s my wife and I need to teach her the lessons she will never forget in her entire life. Dominic replied.
“Please Sir, I beg you in the name of God, terminate this game please, it might ru!n your marriage. Esther begged.
“Esther, My wife needs to learn in hard ways. Just play your roles and leave the rest for me. Dominic replied.
“Okay, I will try, Sir. But I don’t want you people to have problems, please. Said Esther.
“There will be no problem at all, is because of this game that I installed CCTV cameras all over this house so that she would watch what we’ve been doing. Dominic responded.
“Honey, that was everything that happened, I swear I never knew you were truly pregnant, I thought you forged the pregnancy. Please I am very sorry for the severe pa’in and heartbreak that I caused you, please find a place in your heart to forgive me. Dominic knee and apologies to Mabel.
“Thereafter, Mabel and Dominic reconciled.
“2 months later, Jennifer was released from Police custody.
Dominic and Mabel were about to relocate abroad with their twins on 16 June and Pharoah came to their house on 14 June. That was exactly 2 days to their traveling.
“Good morning Bros. Pharaoh greeted.
“Morning, I don’t know you, who are you? Dominic asked.
“Bros, See I didn’t come here to answer your questions. Your wife here knows me very well.
Last year, your wife gave me 2 Million naira to sleep with her and get her pregnant, so I came to claim the twins because they are my biological children.
Madam here is the 2 million Naira that you gave me.
“Bros. Hold on let me show you my proof, your wife forgot this gown and this her p@nts in my room. So I am coming back in the next 7 days to carry my children. Said Pharoah.
TO Be Continued