My Husband Married Our House Girl Episode 4
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Husband Married Our House Girl Episode 4 Of My Husband Married Our House Girl by Teachable Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Husband Married Our House Girl EPISODE FOUR: ????????
“Jennifer, I can never k!ll my husband, it has not gotten to that extent please, talk about something else, please. Mabel responded.
“Mabel, I never knew you don’t always think and reason like a normal human being, this same husband you’re talking about hate you with a passion, he doesn’t care to know whether you’re okay or not, he doesn’t trust and believe you slightly and above all he impregnated your housegirl and intend to marry her and you’re foolishly here claiming that you have a husband. Jennifer responded.
“Jennifer, I know my husband doesn’t love me anymore and he doesn’t care about me and my conditions but I can’t k1ll him, I rather divorce him than take his life. Jennifer I am beginning to suspect you, it seems you’re always praying for my downfall, this was how you advised me to dru*g and force my husband to sleep with my housegirl and the result turned out to be a d!saster, please I will never k1ll my husband. Mabel responded.
“Mabel you’re a f00l for saying these to me? I told you to secretly sleep with your husband’s friend……..
A few months ago…
“Jennifer I am tired of childlessness, I have been married to Dominic for a good 10 years without having a single kid and he’s not doing anything about it. every time he would tell me to be patient and that children would come at the appointed time and I have been waiting for that appointed time to come, up till the appointed time has not come, I am tired Jennifer. Mabel lamented.
“I feel your pa!ns, Mabel. But let me tell you something that you don’t know if you continue to wait for your husband to get you pregnant, my dear best friend you will wait forever. Forget about the appointed time, he’s just deceiving you. Let me tell you the truth is that, you and your husband are not destined to have children together. Jennifer responded.
“Jennifer, you may be right, but how did you know? Mabel asked.
“Sorry I hid this from you, there was this powerful Prophet that I met a few months ago, so I showed the photo of you and your husband to the Prophet and I told him that this couple have been married for a good 10 years without a child. He said;
“These people are not destined to have children together ”
“That was what the Prophet told me. Said Jennifer.
“Jennifer I believe what the Prophet said, so what do you suggest I should do, please? Tell me I am super confused and disorganized.
“Mabel, You know your husband has a friend who is a womanizer and lover of money, so I want you to secretly give him a huge amount of money and convince him to sleep with you, and don’t stop sleeping with him until you realize that you’re pregnant and when you are pregnant make no mistakes to disclose to him that you are pregnant so that the child will be your husband’s child. Do this and thank me later, trust me your husband’s friend would keep the secret forever. Said Jennifer.
“God forb!d, I will never sleep with my husband’s friend, please talk about something else. Mabel responded.
“Okay, persuade your husband to sleep with your housegirl, and when the girl gets pregnant pay her off immediately, sell all your properties, and relocate Abroad with your husband and the baby. But if your husband doesn’t agree to sleep with Esther, I will give you a substance to put in his food and when he eats it, he will be out of his senses and will not know anything. Said Jennifer.
“That’s a very big risk. What about Adoption? Mabel asked.
“Adoption is not good at all, the child might be possessed by a mysterious ev!l spirit, you know this w!cked world anything can happen, so don’t go for adoption, just do what I said and thank me later. Said Jennifer.
“I agree with you, the world is full of ev!l. I will take the risk please, so where is the substance? Mabel asked.
“The substance will be ready tomorrow. Trust me if you do what I just said you won’t regret it.
“I trust you. Thank you for always wanting the best for me, you’re indeed a best friend. Mabel appreciated Jennifer.
“You can say that again.
“Don’t worry when everything works out as we plan, I will buy you a brand new car. Said Mabel.
“Awwwn!!!…I can’t wait.
“Jennifer thank you for always standing by me, my life would have been m!serable and incomplete without your presence in my life. You’re a great friend. Mabel praised Jennifer.
“Anything for you. Said Jennifer.
(The End of Flashback).
“Jennifer, I swear you’re not a good person, you just want to ru!n my life and my marriage. Said Mabel.
“Mabel, Enough.. stand up and leave my house, and don’t you ever come to my house with your family’s problems, No be me born you. Abeg stand up and use the door before I do something nas*ty to you right now.
“Jennifer fu*riously drove Mabel out of her house and Mabel went back to her matrimonial and continued to mind her business.
“A week later, Mabel got a shocking information that her husband paid Esther’s bride price, so she went and confr0nted her husband and even her husband was stunned when he heard the shocking news of him paying Esther’s bride price.
“Hey Mr. Man, stand here and tell me what I have done to you to deserve all these se’vere pa’ins and heartbreak that you are putting me through every day? Mabel asked fur!ously.
“What did I do again na? Dominic asked
“Oh!! You’re asking me as if you don’t know what you did abi?
“Seriously I don’t know what you are talking about. Dominic responded.
“Stop pretending l!ar.
“It is very obvious that you’re not serious, I don’t have time for this drama this morning, please. Dominic responded and wanted to walk away but Mabel held his shirt and dra’gged him closer to herself.
“ Where did you think you’re going? Sha*meless man stand here and tell me what gave you the guts to pay Esther’s bride price.
“Meeee? Paid Whaaaat? Mabel who fed u with this f@ke information? Dominic asked.
“Dominic you’re are pretender and a bloody l!ar. Said Mabel.
“Mabel, do you truly believe that I can pay Esther’s bride price?
“OH!! Yes I believe, you’re very heart*less and sha’meless, you can f00lishly and unashamedly do anything. Mabel responded.
“Very well then, if you believe that I paid Esther’s bride price then is true. Dominic falsely agreed that he paid Esther’s dowry and walked away.
“Despite everything Mabel went through she never thought of divorcing her husband.
“A few weeks later, Mabel got another shocking information that her husband and Esther were secretly planning to relocate Abroad without her knowing.
“When Mabel heard the information, she couldn’t control herself any longer, because of unbearable heartbreak and se’vere pa’in.
“No I can not bear these pa!ns anymore, I must k1ll him, I have tolerated him enough, I must end his life and make Esther’s life m!serable” Let me go to Jennifer’s house and apologize to her. Said Mabel
“Thereafter Mabel went to Jennifer’s house, apologized to Jennifer, and conspired to k!ll her husband and it was just 2 months to her delivery and for the mysteries behind what her husband and Esther were doing to be revealed. But because of a lack of patience and endurance, she went and conspired with her best friend Jennifer to k!ll her husband Dominic…