My Hot Neighbor Episode 14
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Hot Neighbor Episode 14 Of My Hot Neighbor by Aishat Kemisola (Three Stars) Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Hot Neighbor Episode Fourteen:
(I Love Him But He Doesn’t Love Me Back Because I Am A single Mum ????)
GENRE: Romance Comedy
“Sir” she replied and raised her head up from her system. she was shocked to see the person near her boss.
“Alexa this is the real Boss” her boss said. “This is impossible” Alexa said. “It’s possible my dear” the person replied.
“Don’t tell me this company is yours” Alexa said. “Yes my darling the company is mine” Khalid replied.
“I thought you are jobless” Alexa said and Khalid shake his head. am not jobless, I didn’t run this company myself because am trying to run away from my father” Khalid said.
“But how did you know am working here?” Alexa asked. “Alexa I knew all my workers” Khalid replied.
“Why don’t you tell me you’re my boss, when you knew am working in your company?” Alexa asked.
“I decided not to” Khalid replied. “When did you come back?” Alexa asked. “I came back yesternight” Khalid replied.
“Kim will be very happy to see you” Alexa said. “I can’t wait to see my baby too” Khalid replied.
“Khalid” Alexa called. “Why are you being so nice to me?” Alexa asked. “I don’t get you” Khalid said.
“Khalid you understand what am talking about so quit the pretence” Alexa said.
Khalid scratch the back of his head nervously. “Alexa this is a working place, we will talk about it, in the house” Khalid replied.
“Alright you’re welcome back” Alexa said. “Thanks, get ready I want to address my workers in an hours time” Khalid said and pass her a smile.
“Alright” Alexa replied. “Take care of yourself” Khalid said and went out.
Alexa hold her chest with one of her hand and smile happily to herself. “he is so handsome” Alexa said.
“How I wish he wakes up one day and tell me Alexa I love you, Alexa snap out of your dream” she said and smile to herself.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen” their boss greet, “Good morning sir” the workers chorused.
“I once told you guys I am not the real owner of Kay enterprise. the new owner is here and i will like to introduce him to you guys, meet your new boss Mr Khalid” their Boss said and they all clap their hands together for him.
Khalid P.o.v
I clear my throat and they stop clapping their hands, am a very strict person when it comes to work.
“Hi Am Khalid your boss, Firstly I wanna thank my Friend here, leo for being a friend I can trust, I love you for Always being there for me” I said and he smile.
“you’re welcome, you also deserve it becausse your have never give me a reason to doubt our friendship” Leo said.
“and secondly I will like to thank Kay enterprise workers, for being a good workers, thank you all and I hope you all continue being good” I said and they all clap their hands for me.
you guys should introduce yourself to your real boss” Leo said. “that’s not necessary I Know there names” I said and Alexa give me the look that say, how did you know their names.
I point at the lady sitting opposite me. “you’re Flora right?” I ask and they all look surprise.
“Answer my question” I said. “yes sir” she replied. “can you now see I knew there names” I said.
“Wont you ask of their departments?” Leo asked. “Leo you don’t need to bother yourself, you guys should go back to your duties” I said and they all rushed out.
I walk inside the C. E. O office with Leo. “Leo what time is your flight?” I ask.
“this evening” she replied. “so fast I thought you will be going back Tomorrow” I said.
“I have Missed family Alot I need to see them” he replied.
“oh I have forgotten you’re a married man” I said. “That reminds me, did you truly love that girl?” he ask.
“which guy are you talking about?” I ask him. “your manager, Alexa” he replied.
“oh she’s my friend and neighbor” I replied. “Are you sure she’s just your friend” he asked.
“yes she’s just a friend any problem with that?” I ask.
“you better do fast and propose to her, I can see how she looks at you at the meeting today, man that lady really loves you” he said.
“Leo you should be on your way now, my regards to your family” I said.
“fool I knew what you’re trying to do, you better do fast and get married you’re not getting any younger, my prince” he said.
“Thank you very much, senseless adviser, your wife is waiting for you in the house” I said.
“F*ck you man” he said and stood up from the chair.
“where are you going to?” I ask him. “am going to prepare dummy” he replied.
“Alright my regards to your wife and kid, call me when you get to the airport” I said. “Alright” he replied and went out.
Some minutes after Leo left my house. someone knock at my office door and “come in” I replied the person.
“good afternoon sir” the lady I knew as Claudia greet smiling sheepishly at me.
“Afternoon how may I help you?” I ask. “I just want to introduce myself properly to you” she said bringing out her tongue.
the pen she’s holding fell down from her hand, she bend to take the pen showing me half of her ass.
“Hey is this the cloth you wear to the office this morning?” I ask.
“Yes sir, did you like it?” she ask smiling at me. “Did you still need your job, I ask her?” “yes sir” she replied still smiling.
am not sure this girl ever get tired of smiling. “Don’t ever wear this cloth to my company again if you still need your job” I said.
“yes sir” she replied and drag her skirt down so the skirt is even long.
“And don’t ever try to seduce me again. if you try it next time say bye bye to Kay enterprise, understand?” I said and she quickly nod her head in fear.
“good you can go” I said and she turn to leave. “One more thing make sure you watch that thing you wear under your skirt before wearing it again” I said and she rush out in shame.
desperate btch. Alexa love me, but she has never try to seduce me before, if not that I don’t like sleeping with my workers, I would have add her to the list of my btches.
I walk into Alexa office I saw her arranging somethings in her bag.
“Are you ready to go home” I ask her. “yes boss am ready” Alexa replied. “let go together, I wanna surprise my baby by following you to pick her in school today” I said.
“oh she will be very happy” Alexa replied. did you came with your car?” I asked her.
“yes I came with it, why are you asking?” she ask me. “Am asking because we are going with your car” I replied her.
“didn’t you came with your car?” she asked. “I don’t have a car” I replied.
my phone rang out loud. “Excuse me” I said and pick the call. “Watsup buddy, how are you doing?” I asked.
“Am doing good, I am almost at the address you gave him, where are you?” Sam ask.
“oh wait for me, I need to pick my baby in school” I said. “your baby, when did you give birth that I didn’t know?” he asked. “she is not my biological child” I replied.
TO Be Continued