My Hot Neighbor Episode 12
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Hot Neighbor Episode 12 Of My Hot Neighbor by Aishat Kemisola (Three Stars) Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Hot Neighbor Episode Twelve:
(I Love Him But He Doesn’t Love Me Back Because I Am A single Mum ????)
GENRE: Romance Comedy
“Yeah you’re very lucky” Susan said with a smile. “you don’t know anything, may God forgive me, cause I am a bad girl, it wasn’t my fault” Susan thought.
Khalid ran to his room, he pick his phone from the night stand and dial Alexa number.
“why’s her number not recheable?” Khalid ask hiself he pick his phone and went out.
“hey” Esther said. “I will be right back, wait for me here” Khalid said.
he went to the corridor and dial Alexa number again. the number connect immediately and Alexa pick at the first ring.
“Hello Alexa” Khalid said. “Khalid” Alexa called happily and Kim stood up from the floor, and walked closer to her mother.
“Alexa are you there?” Khalid asked. “yes I am, where have you been?” Alexa asked.
“Am very sorry, I will be back soon, I will explain everything to you when I come back” Khalid said.
“mum give me the phone let me talk with uncle Khalid” Kim said. “give the phone to Kim please” Khalid said.
“Hello uncle” Kim said and gilgled happily. “hello aunty” Khalid replied. “Uncle this is not aunty this is Kim” Kim replied.
“yes I knew is Kim, how’s my baby doing” Khalid said. “Am not fine when are you coming back?” Kim asked.
“soon” Khalid replied. “not soon just tell me when you’re gonna come back” Kim said.
“Alright a day after tomorrow” Khalid replied. “Alright uncle I will be expecting you” Kim said.
“Alright baby give the phone to your mom” Khalid said. “Alright” Kim said and gave the phone back to Alexa.
“Alexa hope your friend gave you the gift I gave him to give you?” Khalid said.
“Are you the one that gave jack the necklace” Alexa asked. “yes, hope you like it” Khalid replied.
“I don’t like it I love it but the necklace is quite expensive” Alexa said.
“you deserve it, Alexa I need to go I will see you later” Khalid said. “Khalid thank you, I really appreciate you” Alexa said.
“you’re welcome, I will talk to you later” Khalid said and end the call. Kim jump up happily.
“my uncle is fine, I can now sleep, please make sure you call uncle jack tommorow” kim said and run to her room. Alexa shake her head. she stood up and yawned tiredly, and she went to her room to freshen up and sleep.
“Am sorry for the delay” Khalid said and smile to Esther. “There’s no problem, as far as you are here now” Esther said.
“Alright” Khalid replied. “it’s nice meeting you, I have been dieing to see you” Esther said.
“really?” Khalid asked. “yes I am happy you’re mine now” Esther said.
“you said?” Khalid asked. “I said am happy you are mine now, or don’t you like me” Esther asked.
“I like you, but I am not ready for what you are thinking about, I am not for anybody I am for myself alone” Khalid said.
“I will wait till you are ready” the lady said. “Suit yourself, let go inside my room” Khalid said. “Alright” Esther said and stood up with her bag.
The next day.
Alexa drop Kim off at school and drove to her working place. “Thank goodness you came earlier, I was about to call you, your real boss is coming to this company tommorow and we need to plan a welcome party for him” Alexa boss said.
“Alright sir” Alexa replied. “Firstly we need to renovate this company before tommorow” he said.
“Alright I am always ready and I can’t wait to see the so called boss” Alexa replied.
“Jack and caro went to Kim school to pick her up and kim was more than happy to see jack.
“uncle welcome back, where have you been?” Kim asked. “Kim am around” jack replied.
“you’re around and you didn’t come to our house, why don’t you come to our house again?” Kim asked.
“Kim am sorry, I was very busy” Khalid replied. “Hi pretty” caro greet. “good afternoon ma, I think I have seen your face before” kim said.
“yes my dear, I am your uncle Khalid friend” caro replied. “oh now I remember you” Kim said.
“did you know her?” jack asked. “yes I knew her” caro replied. “she’s my friend I told you about daughter” jack replied.
“I never knew you are talking about Alexa all this while” caro said.
Alexa went to Kim school to pick her up she was surprised when the principal told her jack has came to pick her.
“Thank you” Alexa said to the principal and went out.
she get into her car and drove off. she was surprised to see jack and caro in her apartment.
“Hi” caro greet. “Hello, how are you doing” Alexa replied with a smile. “I never knew you are the one jack has been telling me about” caro said.
“jack where have you been” Alexa asked and jack fall on his knees.
“jack stand up, you’re embarrassing me” Alexa said. “let me remain like this” jack replied.
“jack stand up because I don’t understand the reason you’re kneeing down” Alexa said.
Khalid phone Rang out loud and he picked his phone from his back pocket.
“Hello who am I speaking with?” Khalid asked. “dummy so you want to tell me that you don’t have my number anymore” the caller said.
“Am sorry I don’t know who am speaking with, but the voice sounds familiar” Khalid said.
“Guess” the caller said. “Sam” Khalid said. “You’re not dull as I thought, it’s Sam” the caller replied.
“oh Sam long time man” Khalid said. “yeah how are you doing?” the caller asked. “Am doing good” Khalid replied.
“I called to inform you that am on my way to America” the caller said.
“you mean, you’re coming back today” Khalid asked. “yes buddy” the caller replied.
“so bad I am not in town now” Khalid said. “Where are you?” Sam ask. “Am at the palace” Khalid replied.
“Long life my prince” the caller said and they both burst into laughter. “you’re not serious, I will go back today because of you” Khalid replied. “Alright I will be expecting you” the caller replied.
these past days, my health took the better part of me. thank God I am better now.
TO Be Continued