My Father Impregnated Me Episode 11
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Father Impregnated Me Episode 11 Of My Father Impregnated Me Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Father Impregnated Me Episode Eleven:
Four Hours Later
As Time past by, I looked through the window for a sign of any convent Bus. I have been in this position for the past three hours. Still no sign of her.
Is she really going to come? Rev’d Mother gave me her word ????.
I pondered hard on that question.
I really can’t tell if I should trust on the Rev’d Mother’s word and keep waiting for my daughter ….
I am so exhausted ????
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???? MIRIAM’S POV ????
“How long does it take to get there? ” I furiously asked the old lady who unfortunately was the driver of this bus. She drives the bus too slow for my liking. I wonder if it’s because of her old age or something cause seriously… I don’t get it.
“Few more minutes we’ll be there” she assured and fixed her eyes back on the road.
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???? PATLEY’S POV ????
“Finally Samantha, Miriam is gone. She was the only one who suspected your movements” I sighed out in relief collapsing on Samantha’s bed.
“Yeah … Good thing” she nodded
I thought hard for a while, Miriam as I got to know won’t be coming back till after a week’s time, what if I spend the rest days here in Samantha’s room before her return?
That’ll make complete sense and easier too for us. I smiled inwardly and made the idea known to Samantha.
“Do you think sis Mag will be okay with it?” She asked.
“Leave that to me” I replied almost immediately.
“Besides…. I’ve got words from Elisa….” I started….
I saw a weak smile stretch out from Samantha’s lips.
“She sent the money already into my account. Since you are yet to have one.
You’ll be using my account for any transfers till you get yours”
“Oh’My Goodness! She sent the money ?” She squealed in happiness.
I haven’t seen her this happy for the past two days and it makes me happy that she’s happy.
“That means Mama’s Hospital Bills are settled for now” she admonished and I nodded in agreement.
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“She said you’ll earn more if you’ll just do as she says” I added
..”anything for my family” she retorted with a great calm in her voice.
“Besides I’ll think of a safe way for us to sneak out tonight”
“Alright” she sighed reluctantly….
She’s still not used to our sneaky Night walks….
With time.., she’ll adjust.
*. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *.
???? ELISA’S POV ????
“Strip for me girls!!!” I smirked harder as I watched my girls swayed their body round the dancing pole. Dancing to the tune of the music.
“Practice Harder! A big catch is coming to town” I announced as I grabbed one of the girls @ss.
“Lord Skylar is coming to town days from now and he has given me his word to visit with a promise that my girls give him the best treat”
I added ….. As I saw the excitement on their faces.
Everyone here knows Lord Skylar… He is their favorite customer.
Lord Skylar is my Biggest client. He pays huge amount whenever he wants a treat from my girls. He is my Billion Van.
That very day he is to visit, I’m gonna prepare a three-some for him????
I would have loved Samantha My virgin Nun to strip for him that very day????.
But she’s too timid. She won’t be able to catch his attention or turn him on…
she’s still a Novice. She needs more time and Some training skills…
Too bad. Her time is limited.
Patley did a great Job by bringing a New girl. I get to pay her twice as before cause of it.
I thought within as I watched my girls dance their best…
I’ll have to pick out the best Two for Lord Skylar’s treat.
I want him to pay me something much bigger.
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“She’s Here!” I shouted out as I saw through my window a convent Bus approached my house.
“She’s here?” John asked rushing towards me.
“Yes!” I quickly replied as I rushed outside to have a better view with John behind me.
We watched as the Bus Came to a halt before us.
I could already hear the beating of my own heart.
John held my hand, squeezing it so tight to his.
I am about to see my daughter after so many years…
What does she look like?
I couldn’t help but wonder.
soon, the door opened and a lady stepped out carrying a small luggage.
Her head facing the ground with her hair sprouted all over her face.
She was on a Grey Long fled Skirt which past her knee level and a blue Lace top.
“Miriam?” I called almost in a whisper…
At the mention of her name, she raised her head to look at me….
That face????, ….her eyes…
I would never forget those pretty eyes????…
It’s her! It’s my daughter!
“Miriam!” I called out again as I ran towards her
“Don’t you come any closer”
She shot back at me with a death stare… Causing me to uneven my steps and trip by mistake to the floor… Falling flat before her. …
“Sarah!” John ran over to where I had fallen….
TO Be Continued