My Devil Boyfriend Chapter 2
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Devil Boyfriend Chapter 2 Of My Devil Boyfriend by Empress Bims Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Devil Boyfriend CHAPTER TWO: ????
???? (He Is A Neat Freak ???? She Is As Messy As A Pig ????) ????
Mara had distributed all the fishes she had to deliver for the day, she decided to go to the bookshop to get the Drawing book and crayons she wanted to buy.
After bargaining and bargaining, she got the crayons she wanted then she remembered the crispy chicken Angela sent her and she went to get them. She had planned to stop by OUR STYLES mall to check some of their latest designs so as to get idea for her new creation.
Mara had always dreamt of Joining the biggest fashion designing group OUR STYLES but she hasn’t try applying due to news she was hearing about the president of the company about how he fires incompetent workers.
He sat still looking at the lady admiring herself before him, the lady was wearing a very chest Revealing dress and her gown is not even long and her face was plastered with different shades of makeup.
“So Mr Klein did you like what you see? She asked with seductive eyes while he sat there motionless.
They lady continued… “I mean, did you want to know the color of my bra? She asked again this time moving unevenly on the chair like a cagged snake.
Xavier hissed in annoyance then picked the coffee and drank it all in one go abd stood up. The lady came after him and held his suit but he brushed her aside
“Excuse me miss” He said while using his handkerchief to Clean where she touched and left.
Traffic, that afternoon was annoyingly long and boring, then he asked a passing traffic controller and asked him the situation but it doesn’t seems like one to end so soon.
His secretary just dropped a call that one of his bussines rival is around and seeks his attention.
As he sat there waiting, in pensive expression. She galloped through the congested road with her bike and pig head helmet. She also stopped for some moments to access the situation….
Mara hissed with a caress eyebrows… “This silly traffic, I still have to run errands for Mum today I don’t think I can make again” She mumbled.
She waited there still waiting for the coast to be cleared before moving when her phone rang, it was from Angela
“Mara did you want me to die of frustration? Bring the chicken fast or the grim reaper will come for you right now! She thundered
“Since you know the road to he Chicken store why don’t you go there yourself? Or should I have fly over this long traffic in a whim? She asked shouting back which made other people in the traffic looked at her
Angela resorted to cute arrogancy “You know I love you huh? So make the cripsy chicken two packages okay Dawn and Charles are here too? Angela said and hung up then Mara shouted to her phone
“You punks! Are my your maid?
Back In his car, he sat there frustrated because of the unusual hold up and Time delay, if he stayed there any longer than expected he’ll be late for the meeting and he can’t afford to loose face to Ethan Lewis his bussines rival.
As if his frustrations paid off, the once still road kick into motion and everything start moving once again.
As he made to stop at the red light, a whirling bicycle came running towards his car from behind……
“Who’s this barbarian? Didn’t she see that there’s a car before her? He asked himself while looking at the lady in pig helmet speeding towards his car in full speed.
He made to open his door , so that he could come out and direct her…. But to his ultmost surprise, as he opened the door, the lady is already beside his car and the door directly threw away the basin tied at the back of the bike splitting fishes to the ground and the dirty water on his body.
Mara halted immediately and charged at him, this time the traffic light is beaming green.
“What have you done? She asked angrily… But he covered his nose with his hand without saying anything
She proved on further… “Are you blind? Can’t you see you’ve destroyed my fishes? She asked still yet again while bending to pick the fishes into the basin. And the cripsy chicken she brought is thrown into the dirty water.
After picking them she walked close to him and asked again
“Are you mute? Can’t you talk? Huh?
His stoic stature remained solid, and his lips remained in a standstill, while be gently walked towards his car to take his sanitizer
She quickly dragged him back and charged at him again….
“Hey you think you can escape after messing with me huh? Won’t you pay for this you fool? She asked angrily.
Xavier opened his car and sprayed some sanitizer on her but Mara knocked out the sanitizer bottle “Hey are you insane? Are you try to say I am dirty or I am smelling? Did you know who I am? She asked shouting at the top of her voice
People quickly gathered around them. Xavier remained silent without saying anything, he’s at the point of throwing up now, when Mara knocked his sanitizer bottle, she could smell her hair that it was unwashed.
Are dressing are too tack and sticky for his liking and that fish water.. arrghh… It was smelling badly.
“What sort of a person are you? Can’t you at least say sorry? Even if you’re mute you’ll at least bow or something? She ranted like a fool while he brushed her hand away from his clothes as if she’s a piece of trash… And muttered “excuse me” then hoped back into his car and made to drive away but as his tyres snapped back into motion, it brushed through her legs injuring her very bad.
Mara lost her cool and rushed over towards the car before he sped away and he stopped
“You loser! You … You… Just injured me! Did you know who I am? I am Mara…. THE UNBEATABLE FIGHTING GODDESS OF FLAKY TOWN! You dare injured me? She shouted
Xavier had had enough of her dramas, not that he didn’t know how to deal with her, but his stoic Personality cannot be tarnished because of this smelly fish monger.
He checked his wrist watch, he’s really getting late, and this lady didn’t seem to realize that he’s really getting late and he had little time for her jolly dramas.
As he stood, and she was ranting at him, passers by wondered what is going on, for the two grown ups to be performing drama at the middle of the road in that hot afternoon.
Some even looked around for a hidden cameras Maybe they’re shooting a movie or something….
“You just injured me even after turning my fishes down? She asked again but he remained silent
“Oh my goodness.., problems with rich people like you is that you never regard anyone no matter who, at least you should say sorry now for injuring me? She asked….
He bent down into his car and took out some cash from his car safe.
Then threw the 100 dollars bill on her face
“can I leave now? He asked then hop Into his car and sped off.
Before she could get a grip on herself he’s already left… “Hey! Stop! Stop! You rascal!
She quickly squrried to the road and pick the money that’s flying around the road.
“That rich spoilt brat! He injured me and even have the gut and the effontry to throw money on my face as if I was some begger huh? She asked no one in particular
“Adjusting her helmet and hopping in her bike she swore… “Just you wait Spoilt brat! I’ll find you till the end of the end even with the last drop of blood in my body and make you pay!”
Some high school students coming her way stopped… ” Pig sister will you pls leave the road and let us pass? We’re late for school” a boy asked
She looked back and lashed at the kid…”Hey! Did you also think me as a begger” She asked and sped away still mumbling
“I’ll find you….to my last breath I’ll find you and make you pay!!” Still going to OUR STYLES.
TO Be Continued
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