My Crush Episode 24
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Crush Episode 24 Of My Crush by Sir Zack Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Crush Episode Twenty Four:
“Babe, I can’t sleep without you,” Andy said
“It is your punishment for being shameless Mr Francis. So be a good boy and bear a punishment” Amy said while covering herself with a quilt
Andy pouted his li-ps and said “Wife’s are big bullies”
“Honey, What did you say?” Amy asked
“Hehe nothing darling, I’m just saying Good night,” Andy said
“Good night,” Amy said and closed her eyes
Middle of the night
Amy is trying very ha-rd to catch asleep but she couldn’t. It’s been only one day but she already used for cuddling, snuggling with Andy. Now she regretting her decision for making Andy sleep in couch.
After thinking for a while she slowly made her way towards the couch and adjusted herself beside him.
Andy chuckled and pulled her closer “Is Mrs Francis missing her hubby?”
Amy wrapped her arms around his chest said “No, I’m not. I just wanted to see whether I can sleep on the couch or not”
Andy chuckled and said “You are clinging on me like a bear but not missing me. Seriously Amy?”
Amy pouted her li-ps and said “I missed you little bit”
Andy smiled and said “But I missed you a lot. I missed this cuddling”
Andy ki-ssed her forehead and said “I think the couch is not comfortable for you. Let’s sleep on bed”
“No, I want to snuggle beside you,” Amy said while giving a peck on his li-ps
Andy doesn’t like when anyone cling onto him and occupies his place but when Amy does it, he felt special and happy. When his wife wanted to sleep on the couch with him who is he to say no?
Andy smiled and said “Sleep for a while darling”
“Good night hubby,” Amy said and dozed off to sleep
Next day morning
“Are you sure?” Andy asked
“Yeah, I’m not new to this place and I’m already familiar with the hospital,” Nina said
“Okay, what are your timings?” Amy asked
“At present, I have morning shift but I think I have to work night too,” Nina said while eating salad
“Why? I mean why are you stressing yourself by talking double shifts?” Andy asked
“I just wanted to spend more time in hospital,” Nina said
“No, I’m not going to accept it,” Amy said
“Yeah, you shouldn’t take stress like that. It’s not good for your health” Andy said
Nina smiled and said “I’m so lucky to have friends like you”
“Silly, we are like family Andy said
After having their brunch, Andy and Amy left for office
Francis cooperation
“Amy, I think you have to change my schedule,” Andy said
“Why? Isn’t it perfect?” Amy asked while looking at a schedule
Andy pinned her down on the couch and said “You should add pleasurable romantic sessions between every meeting darling”
Amy rolled her eyes and said “An, I already told you we can’t do this in office”
Andy pouted his li-ps and asked, “Why?”
“Because I’m a very strict a-ssistant and I don’t like when my boss misbehaves with his a-ssistant,” Amy said
Andy ki-ssed her forehead and said “when a-ssistant is as hot as you then it’s very ha-rd for bosses like me to control himself”
“Stop being clingy early in the morning,” Amy said
“I’m allowed to be clingy babe because you didn’t give me morning ki-ss,” Andy said
“But” Amy stopped when someone opened the door
“An, everything is —”
“Woahhh I’m sorry,” Ryan said while closing his eyes
“Ryan, just wait for five minutes,” Andy said
Ryan chuckled and left the room
Amy helplessly shook her head. Her husband is indeed the most shameless man in the whole world.
“So babe, I want to charge my system,” Andy said while su-cking her lower li-p
Amy muffled a mo-an when Andy met his tongue with her.
After ki-ssing her for a while Andy reluctantly broke the ki-ss and said “Babe, you can really make me go crazy one day”
Amy blus-hed and said “An, we have meeting in five minutes”
“Just two minutes, let me hug you for a while,” Andy said and buried his head on her neck.
Meeting room
“So how was it?” Ryan asked
“What?” Amy asked
Ryan chuckled and said “Making out in office cabin”
Amy blus-hed and said “Stop it”
“blus-hing and all? I can guess how it was” Ryan said
Amy about to say something but frowned when Andy entered the meeting room saying “I love you” to someone over the phone.
“Okay darling, I will call you later,” Andy said and hanged the call
Amy frowned and asked “Who is it? I know you are cheating on me.”
Cutting him off Amy sat on a chair and said: “Do one thing, why don’t you marry her?”
Andy cupped her face and asked, “So you want me to marry a 45 years woman?”
Amy frowned and said “Why the hell you will marry —” Amy stopped when she realised something.
She thought for a while and asked “with whom you were talking?”
“Aunt Lily, she is uncle George’s wife”
Andy said
Amy pouted her li-ps and asked, “Why didn’t you say this earlier?”
“I Want to see your jealous face darling,” Andy said
Amy rolled her eyes and said “I’m not jealous”
“Are you sure babe? Your nose turns red when you get jealous” Andy said while tapping her nose
Amy smacked his hand and said, “Your ears and nose will get red when you are jealous.”
“But darling ”
Cutting them off Father Francis said, “If you both stop your public PDA we can continue our meeting.”
Amy wide-ned in shock when she released her Father, Father Francis and uncle George including Ryan standing right beside them and ogling at them.
She quickly got up and asked, “Dad, when did you came?”
“Just before you started throwing tantrums on Andy for saying I love you to someone,” Father Miller said
Amy cleared her throat and said “Dad, it’s just”
Father Miller smiled and patted her head “I’m very happy for you. I thought Andy will bully you every time but you have locked him with your love.”
“Wives never get bullied instead they will bully husbands” Father Francis said
Andy ki-ssed Amy’s forehead and “Lisa and Nina are in my cabin. Why don’t you go and spend some time with them?”
Amy nodded her head and left
Andy straightened his suit and said, “So let’s talk about our new branch in the UK.”
Andy’s cabin
“So you mean he got jealous?” Amy asked
When Nina nodded her head, Amy exclaimed “Oh my god, this is awesome. Erik wants to become one woman man for you. He actually felt jealous of you.”
Lisa squealed in excitement and said, “Wow, I know this would happen but this is like super fast.”
“Stop it. Nothing is going to happen between us” Nina said
“Why? You love him right?” Lisa asked
“I don’t know, I still hate him for being a jerk in past,” Nina said
Amy smiled and said, “Yeah he is a jerk but the fact is he is cute kind of jerk.”
“Okay, let’s get straight. Do you love your finance?” Lisa asked
“I talked to him twice but I didn’t have any feelings for him. Maybe it will take some time” Nina said
Yes, she engaged because she trusts her uncle’s decision but that doesn’t mean she has feelings for him and she loves him. For Nina, Erik was the only man who touched her body and soul but she want not sure about her feelings right now. Though she loved him past, how can she let go everything and patch up with him again? She doesn’t know whether to accept Erik or not? They are many emotions building inside her. She was not sure that Erik loves her or not. What if he again broke her heart? What if he again flings with another woman in front of her?
“Ni, you are such a stupid. You didn’t have any feelings for your finance because you still love Erik.” Lisa said
Cutting him Nina off, Amy said “Ni, give Erik a chance to talk. If he genuinely feels for you why don’t you give him a chance to love you? I’m not saying to forgive him so easily, he made you suffer and now it’s your turn to make him realise your worth. Let him suffer from hunger before giving him a plateful of meal.”
“Do you think he loves me?” Nina asked
“Yeah, getting angry and jealous when you talk about your finance, leaving womanising for you, requesting you to forgive him and saying that he wants you, These are evidences that he loves you,” Lisa said
Nina cheeks turned red and smiled. She was feeling giddy all over her body with the thought that she is more important to him.
Lisa chuckled and said “Look at you, you are blus-hing”
“Ah, I’m happy for you both. I’m waiting for that day when Erik kneels in front of you and propose you” Amy said
“What about Leo?” Nina asked
“Ni, if you don’t love him, there is a point of marrying him. Just say him that you like Erik and I’m pretty sure that he will understand your feelings” Amy said
“Yeah, you can’t sacrifice your love for sake of someone,” Lisa said
Yes, we can’t marry someone whom we don’t love right? Though they got engaged there is no point in marrying him if she feels for Erik.
Nina smiled and said, “So what about you both?”
“What? We are good” Amy said
“Did you both have se-x?” Lisa asked
TO Be Continued