My Boss Boyfriend Episode 19
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Boss Boyfriend Episode 19 Or Chapter Nineteen Of My Boss Boyfriend Story Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Boss Boyfriend Episode Nineteen: ????
Semi Final Episode
Hello, are you miss Taylor, one of the police men asked..
Yes,I’m Taylor. .what’s going on if I may ask?
You are under arrest for a murder attempt, the police man said.
Murder attempt? ..who did I attempt to kill? I asked..
My friend will you keep shut! The elderly woman shouted from behind..Mr police,hurry up and take
this girl away she said angrily..
With all due respect police man..please can I at least know who I tried to murder?..I asked..
Oga arrest this girl na..cecilia queried from behind..
I’m sorry I’m not leaving here until I know who I tried to kill. I said boldly..
Yes,I will like to know too..Smith supported..
Reports says you try to murder one Mister Smith, the police man said. .
Smith laughed from behind and said..”is this how the police force works now?. .couldn’t you have
come to question the mister Smith before arresting the suspect?” Smith asked..
Will you keep quite smith!..Stacey and the elderly woman chorused!..
Well,Mr police, I’m Smith,nobody tried to kill me..I just had an accident..whatever reports you have
are fake! Smith said..”Mum,I really can’t believe a woman of your class would go so low to frame an innocent girl
up..what has she done to you?” Smith asked..
Oh! So that’s Smith mum..I’m not surprised, I expected worse though. .I thought to myself..
Mum!..this is Taylor, my fiance..Smith said..
Fiance?..I thought to myself..not even girlfriend?.. does Smith want to marry me later in the future?
I mean this is the first time smith is introducing me to somebody not just anybody but his mom
and he introduced me as his fiance? Oh my God..
Smith do you even know what you are saying? How can you tell me this thing is your fiance? ..
smith’s mom queried
Stacey, jane,cecilia,police men please excuse us..Smith said as he held my hand so tight!
Why should we leave Cecilia asked?
C’mon cecilia, let’s go..Jane begged her..she reluctantly followed..
‘Well madam,I believe there is some misunderstanding somewhere ‘the police man said.
Yes! Yes! There is..Smith told them..Okay then,I’m sure we can leave since it’s a family something to settle..the police man said. .
Yes oga. Smith answered
We are sorry for the inconvenience, the police men said as they left.
“Mum! This is the woman I want to spend my life with” Smith said..
Will you shut up!..what do you know about marriage? ..the mom asked…
You will never marry this thing. .she said…
You seem to amaze me mum!..don’t worry I will prove you wrong..Smith said angrily..
Listening to their arguments was already making me sick..I can’t believe I’m the reason for this
argument. .Mom. .I don’t know why you hate me,whether it’s my background, I really don’t know,but what am
sure of,is that I love your son! I told her..
Gold digger,you want to reap from where you didn’t sow abi?..she replied me angrily. ..thats how
you cheap tramps from poor background will come and enjoy what you didn’t work for..she said..
Mum!..enough! ..enough please!..Smith cried..
In fact smith..I’m going to book a flight for you are leaving this country! are going to
meet your cousins in Houston..and I mean it!..she said as she left the room..
Houston?..will you leave me?..I asked. .
Never my darling..never! Smith said as he hugged me..You should go now Taylor. .my mum is just angry..don’t worry,I will talk to her..Smith said as he
gave me a kiss on my forehead. .
But will Smith really travel out?..I hope not! But then,the mom was serious about it.. Oh God! I
hope not o..this thoughts kept bothering me as I left the room..
To be continued..
TO Be Continued…