My Biggest Mistake Chapter 4
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Biggest Mistake Chapter 4 Of My Biggest Mistake Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Biggest Mistake CHAPTER FOUR: ????
I was getting uncomfortable with Mercy,s behavior in the vehicle, all she talks about is marriage, marriage, marriage, so i have to alight from the vehicle.
After alighting from the vehicle with Mercy although I forcefully drag her out of the vehicle.
“ thanks for the lift.” I wave at Joe. He responded with a nodding of his head before zooming of.
I know Joe don’t understand why I had to do the thing I did. But that’s not my business maybe it will stop my friend to stop talking about marriage which is getting on my nerves.
If she so much like marriage then she should get married gosh this whole scenario is getting me all workup.
Only God will help that my friend if not I will one day act in a way I will later regret.
“ leave me” she forcefully removed her hand from mine “ what’s wrong with you?, I haven’t reach my final destination and you force me out of the car. What’s wrong with you?” Mercy said angrily.
“ girl you want to disgrace me. What’s that for?” I said
“ what is what?” she asked.
“ All about that discussion of marriage , marriage, marriage. Did i tell you I want to get married, see don’t raise that issue of marriage to me ever again or else I will be very angry with you” I said angrily.
“ am sorry I won’t talk about it again” she said
“ better” I replied
After our small argument we decided to walk down the aisle because we haven’t reached out destination.
Not that we can’t pay transport, or bookt a boat but we just decided to walk with our legs.
Which was not okay with Mercy but she has do do it for mine sake.
Not quite long I reach my destination,
“see you later” I said while about to enter the bank, I am working with First City Monument Bank Of Nigeria.
“ see, you have reached your destination in no time but me I still have some miles away” she complained
“ am sorry take this 200 naira use it and pay transport” I said taking money from my purse and handing it over to her.”
“ no worries I will pay for myself” she said pushing my hand back.
Okay I said.
“okay” she said making gesture with her face.
We both went out different ways.
To Be Continued