My Biggest Mistake Chapter 3
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Biggest Mistake Chapter 3 Of My Biggest Mistake Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Biggest Mistake CHAPTER THREE: ????
“ Mercy my friend I will never do that, I will not depend on a man to take care of all my needs I will work and earn money for myself”.
“ Grace I know you have no brains but I will not say anything let’s go to work”
“ better and please don’t remind me of marriage because I won’t do such thing never in my life and don’t even give me that stupid suggestions of depending on a man totally it is awkward”. I said
“ our people said………….”
“our people says nothing” I interrupted.
“ okay na, Grace I will be spending the weekend in your house”.
“ wait which day are we in?” I ask looking surprised.
“ today is Friday” Mercy replied
“ oh! it will be great if we spend time together” I said.
While discussing on the things we will do during weekends because she too will not go to work that Saturday not as if she can’t but she took a day off. Our discussion was interrupted by a gentleman named Joe, he is talk and black in complexion, his well shaved beards and low cut hair makes him look more responsible. Although he is a handsome guy a guy ladies are dying for but in my case he is the one dying for me you know what I mean. He likes me back then in school days and still likes me till now, but me I don’t like Him at all even now. He stopped with his Toyota Camry.
“ hello young ladies were are you people heading to.” he asked wearing a heavy smile on his face.
“ we are heading to that direction” Mercy hurriedly said pointing towards the north.
“ let me give you a lift” he said politely
Before I will say no Mercy answered yes “God this girl have killed me.” I said in my mind.
He came down and opened the door for me which I do appreciate.
I sat in front while Mercy sat at the back and then we zoomed of.
All through our ride I never closes my mouth for once I almost laughed my ass out. Joe was a funny guy I never knew it. Although I never gave him a chance to talk to me.
“ God Joe you are so funny I can never imagined you could be this funny because you always put on serious face on your face” I said.
“ you won’t see a person outfit very well if you look through the window but you will see it well if you come out, you won’t know wether a person is kind by standing afar untill you come close” he said.
“ wow what a wise saying but it is also said, by their fruits you shall know them” I uttered.
“ wow I never knew you are this wise”
He said
“ thanks” I said blushing
“ wow you people are a perfect couple” Mercy added
Joe only smiled to what Mercy said but I looked at her angrily which she do understand that that was not funny at all.
TO Be Continued