My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker Chapter 29
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker Chapter 29 Of My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker by Peter’s Gracious Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????????????? My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker CHAPTER TWENTY NINE: ????????
Once the girls heard the whistle they all came out of their respective rooms with their weapons some carrying guñs, other knîfe some chemicals and other deadly stuff.
Already one have planted bõmb all over the Ranch house.
They all ran towards the gate. Those with guñs were sh0oting Madam Mona’s men.
Madam Mona’s men were also sho0ting them. All the customers at the bar all scattered about running for their lives.
It was just like world war 1 some of the girls diëd at the process and some made it out alive. After about 1 hour the Ranch house along the bar and restaurant expl0ded. The girls who survived were about 100 while the once that died were about 50.
Madam Mona sat in the car for a long time crying for her child. Immediately she received the call that her restaurant was on fire and most of her men diëd and her girls ran away. She couldn’t control sanity anymore.
She instantly ran mad she got out of the car pulling off her dress left with just her pant and bra she pull off the mask revealing her deep scar as she patrol the busy high way.
One week later.
All the girls that escape from the Ranch all went to the church to get them self delivered from the oath madam Mona made them took. Including Ejiro and Pie.
At the process some girls vomited blood others vomited a life creature such as lizard. And some fainted and woke up some hours after.
After the deliverance three days later.
Richmond decided to relocate from Nigeria to USA alongside with pie so pie could further her education. Ejiro want back to Delta State to her people and the girls were free at last.
Madam Mona roam around the street eating trash and other dirty items and later died a year after.
Be care full of how you treat someone, you don’t know tomorrow. Table might turn any time. True love doesn’t judge!