My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker Chapter 22
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker Chapter 22 Of My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker by Peter’s Gracious Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????????????? My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker CHAPTER TWENTY TWO: ????????
All blame goes to Pie she k!lled her mom herself.
I drove to the location and hurried inside and true to my boys information. Veronica was truly dēad.
I have to dispatch her c0rpse in the river before anything else.
PIE'S POV ????️
I kept directing Richmond to the location where aunt Mona took me, telling him that is where my mother was.
It was an isolated house in the middle of trees.
“Are you certain we are going in the right direction?”Richmond inquires.
“Yes, I am certain this is the location Aunt Mona brought me,” I said confidently as he continued driving into the woods.
At that moment, the house became visible.
“That is the house down there! I pointed to the house, and Richmond responded.
“It is such a creepy house; why on Earth would Mona bring your mum here?”
“I do not know; she just wants to get back at me…” I sniffed my moist nose as tears welled up in my eyes.
He abruptly stopped the car.
And give me a worried look.
He took my palm and fondled it.
With his eyes fixed on mine.
“When you cry, I am so heartbroken, Sweet,” he said dryly. My tears streamed like a broken dam as he spoke.
He drew his face closer to mine and gave me a comforting kiss.
He broke the kiss after a few seconds.
And continue to stare at me. I could not look at him properly because I felt shy, and my adrenaline was pumping faster.
“I love you, bab, and I wish to be by your side forever. “To always kiss away your pain.”
“I love you too, Richmond.”
I said in mare whisper, “I am ready to be your girlfriend.”
“Wow!!! Did you just hear that universe?!! “She said she would be my girlfriend!!!”
Richmond screamed loudly in the car; I was embarrassed by his reaction, but when I realized it was just me and him in the car, I felt relieved; I could even hear the birds on the tree flipping away as a result of his loud scream.
Just then.
He immediately stopped smiling and fixed his gaze on the car windshield.
I followed his gaze only to see Aunt Mona walk out of the house, followed by some of his men carrying something that resembled a human being but was wrapped in black material.
Richmond’s car was parked in such a way that they would not notice it unless they drove toward it. But we can see everything from here.
My heart rate skyrocketed.
“Let it not be what I am thinking,” I prayed to God, asking Him not to let my thoughts come true.
“I think we should call the cops,” Richmond stated.
I could see Madam Mona Boy’s opening the car boot as they folded the person who appears to be lifeless or dead into the car boot.
I covered my mouth with my hands, preventing me from screaming so loudly.
“Fvck! I believe I left my phone at home,” Richmond stated.
I do not have a phone any longer. I have misplaced my phone.
We saw aunt Mona get into the car with his boys as they drove off down another road.
“I think we should follow them closely,” Richmond suggested, and I nodded at him. In approval.
He revised the car and took the same road we came in, and in no time, our car was right behind Aunt Mona’s.
We followed them closely behind, giving them enough space so they would not suspect we were following them.
TO Be Continued