My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker Chapter 12
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker Chapter 12 Of My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker by Peter’s Gracious Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????????????? My Aunty Made Me A Sex Worker CHAPTER TWELVE: ????????
I sat in the garden with Richmond, my head resting on his shoulder, watching the moon and the blue sky.
I have been with Richmond for more than a week now. I spent three days in the hospital.
But, thank God, I am getting better.
Getting away from aunt Mona is one of the best feelings. But my happiness isn’t complete yet knowing I have people to set free from her boundage, especially Ejiro.
“What do you want, Pie?” Richmond spoke softly in my ears.
I pause for a second, thinking about what I really want. I want so many things right now asides from money.
“I want freedom Richmond, I want to be free to go to school and pursue my dreams, just like any other human being. Not to stay with Aunt Mona. I also want to set my friends free. I said to Richmond.
He looked down at me, cupping my face in his hands.
“I will grant you your wish, Pie; I can see how brave you are. “I love you, Pie, and I want you to be my girlfriend!” He said, and my heart rate increased. I could hear it beating against my chest.
I was speechless because I did not know what to say. This feels like a dream come true for me. Since I met Richmond, I have been head over heels in love with him. I feel like screaming for the entire world to hear right now!
“Be my girlfriend, Pie; I am not in a rush. Take your time, he said, fondling my palms.
I gave him a nod.
We talked about various topics before he finally allowed me to go to bed. Of course, he gently placed me on the bed and watched me sleep before going to bed. I had to pretend to be asleep to get him to go to bed, and once I knew he was gone, I took out the phone Richmond had bought for me and called Ejiro. Despite the fact that aunt Mona clone Ejiro phone with hers, Ejiro still have a small personal phone given to her by one of her suga daddy.
She quickly picked up the phone.
I told her it was me and explained everything, including where I was. She was ecstatic for me and encouraged me to say yes to Richmond the next day. She then told me about Aunty Mona’s extensive search for me. We then talked about random things before saying goodnight to each other.
“Madam Mona will not see me,” I thought as I fell asleep.
It has been one week since Madam Mona and her boys searched everywhere for Pie, but their efforts have been futile. She didn’t even go out with her cell phone.
Timmy has been threatening her to bring him Pie or he will deal with her.
Madam Mona offered to pay Timmy a million naira, but he refused, saying he prefers Pie.
I got to the to the Ranch. Got out of the car and walked straight to Pie’s roommates.
“Good morning madam” They said as I barged into their room without knocking.
“Una know where pie dey?” I asked them.
“No Madam me I no know oh?” Ada said. While Ejiro kept shut.
“Ejiro, so you plan with Pie abi?” I asked looking at her suspectingly.
“No Madam, I swear I no know” she said.
“I go give una one last chance make una fit talk the truth.”where pie dey?” I asked again.
“Ma I swear to my grandfather White hair I no know where Pie dey.” Ada said.
“Madam me no fit lie give you na, I no know where Pie go” Ejiro answered. Ada miAda may be telling the truth, but I do not trust Ejiro; she may know Pie’s whereabouts. Maybe a little punishment will get them to open their stinky mouths and talk.
“Tiger!!” I shouted.
“Yes, Madam. He responded as he entered the room.
“Make you and the other guys go teach this two lesson were go fit open their mouth” I instructed.
“Okay, Madam,” Tiger responded, rubbing his palms together.
“Madam abeg na, no punish me I swear I no know where Pie dey if to say I know I for tell you” Ada cried hugging my legs but I pushed he making her to fall on her buttocks.
Before I left the room, I looked at Ejiro once more, causing her to shiver.
Tiger and the other guys dragged Ejiro and Ada into the Brain Setting Room. It is a one-room building in the back of the bar. The Brain Setting Room is a type of punishment room where Madam Mona brings stubborn girls and any girls who attempted to flee to be punished and penalized for their crimes.
The room contains 1 to 15-headed koboko, a leather belt, barbwire, and canes of various sizes to punish defaulters.
Tiger and the other guy tied Ejiro and Ada to an electric chair and connected it to the electric switch, turning it on.
Ada and Ejiro let out a sharp anguished scream as they were electrocuted. While Tiger and the other boys laughed hysterically.
“Una don ready to talk?” Tiger giggled as he asked.
“I d innocent, ooh” Ada voice sounded faintly.
But Ejiro sat still and gritted her teeth.
After about three minutes of sitting in the electric chair, Tiger noticed that they were becoming weak and turned off the electric chair.
He brought down four-headed koboko from the wall, just like the boys, and began flogging the girls, who were too weak to shout or scream and instead lay motionless on the floor.
Ejiro and Ada remained unconscious for a day.
Ejiro awakened before Ada. And realized they were back in their room, she was still exhausted and weak from the effects of the electric chair. She was able to pour herself some liquid milk that she saw by the side of the bed, which was undoubtedly brought by Madam Mona. She gulped down the milk all at once, then drank some blood tablets.
She sat for a while, regaining her lost energy.
She went to her wardrobe and took out her personal phone. When she looked over to the bed and saw Ada was still sleeping, she decided to make a call to Pie.
“Hello Pie,” she said as the phone was answered.
“Hi, Ejiro. How are you?” Pie’s voice came from the other end.
“We were punished by Aunt Mona for…..
“So you know where Pie dey na en u let madam Mona punish us abi, just wait for me as I go tell her everything,” Ada said beside Ejiro, storming out of the room before Ejiro could say anything.
But something happened.
TO Be Continued