Musical High School Chapter 53 And 54
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Musical High School Chapter 53 And 54 Of Musical High School by Authoress Funmai Library High School Musical Chapter Books Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Musical High School CHAPTER FIFTY THREE AND FIFTY FOUR: ???????? ????
???? Mr. Popular
???? Tyler POV ????
“Tyler” Nadine yell from the sitting room I rush out of the kitchen
“Love are you okay? I asked
“I want watermelon” she said
“Okay I will go get it” I said
“No I want fresh one” she said
“But am cooking” I said she started crying, I frown, this is killing me
“Nadine will you stop crying” I yell in frustration
“Tyler you just yell at me? She asked.
“Yes Nadine, am tired I can’t kill myself because you are pregnant so stop behaving like a baby, Tyler this Tyler that, tell me when last I entered my company, anytime you see me talking to any woman am cheating on you am even scared to talk to my own mom, am filled up with your childlish attitude” I said she continue crying.
“Nadine my baby” Mom called coming into the house, I walk into the kitchen and turn off the gas cooker before going upstairs.
???? Nadine POV ????
“Tyler doesn’t love me anymore” I said sniffing, Sandra scoff
“Tyler loves you stop behaving like a baby, it’s annoying am still pregnant you know, Melissa is still pregnant including Merry, our husband are going to work what about Tyler, he can’t do any work, you always yell at him, turn him to your slave,” Sandra said and walk away
“Nadine you need to change” Merry said and followed her.
“Nadine they are right” Melissa said I stood up and entered my car, through out the drive I was thinking about Tyler what am making him go through I entered the mansion and met him setting the dinning table, I sniff and hug him from behind
“Ty am so sorry for making you go through hell please forgive me” I said.
“Nady am not angry” he said and peck my lips, I smiled happily
“TYLER” i yell, no one told me childbirth was this pain
“Mrs please push harder” the doctor said, I nodded and push with all my strength, I heard that faint cry of a baby, my baby
It a boy” Tyler said and kiss me
“Thank you Nadine, I promise to be the best father and husband, I love you”.
TO Be Continued