Musical High School Chapter 45
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Musical High School Chapter 45 Of Musical High School by Authoress Funmai Library High School Musical Chapter Books Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Musical High School CHAPTER FORTY FIVE: ???????? ????
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Fiona POV
I smiled inwardly just what I wanted, who I wanted to come
“Nadine please believe me, Tyler wanna rape me” I said faking tears
“Tyler did you? Nick asked Tyler shook his head negatively
“Nadine you are a woman right? You know how it feels? I asked Nadine looked at Tyler and walk towards him, she suddenly slapped him I smiled.
“Tyler do you know why I slapped you because you are in a room with her alone, I know Fiona she can fame anyone, my Tyler is innocent, he can’t rape you can’t he have never tried to rape me before and he wanted to rape you, what were you doing? Nadine asked, I scoff
“I was struggling with him”I replied, she picked up my clothes and throwed it to my face
“If you are struggling with a rapist he was supposed to tear your clothes off not take it off” Nadine said it came dawn on me my clothes was still normal
“Nadine he…
“Shut up Fiona” she yelled
“Nadine I know Tyler is your fiance but he tried to rape Fiona, earlier Fiona had stain in her clothes she decided to wash it, in the process it got wet, she asked me to get her clothes that why her clothes are normal, she took it off, ask Tyler why he is here” Andre lied, I nodded
“Tyler was called here by Fiona” Nadine said I frowned
“Fiona why did you text him to come here huh? Why did you message him? She asked I gasp
“Tyler’s phone was with me and I recognize your number, so I knew you called him here, so you can seduce him but it didn’t work you chose to fame him and Andre you are a shameless guy, how could you lie, you guys are my friends why fuming my fiance? Nadine asked, I stare at the floor speechless.
“Even if I didn’t see the message I will still believe he never did it cuz my Tyler is well mannered even if he is at times naughty but he can’t force himself on you, Fiona am disappointed” she said and hold Tyler’s hand they walk out
“Bitch” Melissa called and walk out
“Whore” Nick spat and followed them.
TO Be Continued