Mina The Side Chick Chapter 6
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Mina The Side Chick Chapter 6 Of Mina The Side Chick Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Mina The Side Chick:
At about 3pm, I was done preparing the orders and so I decided to go deliver. I took Nuella and Emma along simply because I had no one home to leave them with. While in the car, they kept on reciting their Nursery songs and making me laugh.
When we arrived at our first destination, I stopped the car and called the number again.
“Good Day ma’am. It’s Mina. I am actually at the location you gave me, Ok we’re outside.”
A few minutes later she came out and collected the Food tray and we left to our next delivery spot.
When I arrived there, I called and as usual the client picked and told me to wait a little outside. A few minutes later, she called again and I picked. She asked me to come inside, which I did. I told my kids to stay in the car, but soon regretted that. When I was at the door, I rang the bell and waited. And for some reason, my heart pounded in fear. I began sweating profusely and kept on wiping it off. A few minutes later, I heard the door open.
“Hello, ma’am. I am here to deliver this,” I pointed to the big bag I had carried with the food inside.
“Oh yeah, my daughter asked me to come check it out. Oh!! Please come in and sit while I get your money,” she said.
“Oh no ma’am, I wish I could but I have my two kids in the car waiting for me.”
“Oh! That’s a shame. I wanted you to join us for the celebration. My daughter is celebrating her baby’s 1st birthday today. After years of being barren.”
“Oh wow, is that so?”
“Yes, my dear.”
“Congratulations ma’am.”
“Come in and sit while I get your money. I promise I won’t waste your time,” she insisted.
I walked in to the living room, admiring the beautiful house. It was grand and so well constructed. I went straight to the couch where I was asked to sit, sat down before looking around. There were already many people streaming in and out of the living room. There were beautiful girls, sexy, handsome, and sophisticated men. Everyone there was looking good and I was already liking their vibes only for me to look on the wall where family pictures are posted, and find my husband’s picture with another woman hung on their wall. It wasn’t just any woman, but the same woman I had that encounter with in the market.
At first, I wasn’t sure if I had seen right so I got up from the sofa and walked over to see well. Indeed it was my husband. My eyes were not deceiving me. As I stood there in shock, not knowing whether to cry, a voice said from behind.
“Hello! How much is your money?”
I was still facing the wall when I heard him talk again,
“My wife… says I sh…” he froze as soon as I turned around.
“Mina?!! Wha… Wh… what are you doing here?” He struggled to talk.
“Mina, what are you… How did you…”
His guilty face was the last I saw before passing out.