Melody High School Chapter 42
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Melody High School Chapter 41 Of Melody High School by Maavy Gold Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????????? Melody High School CHAPTER FORTY TWO: ????
????(Melt My Heart)????
“She’s your aunt, and this is your cousin,” Miss Sara replied.
“Huh?” Daisy muttered, and Darren’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh, my dear Daisy, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here earlier,” Victoria said. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to stay here. You have a family – me and your dear cousin Elisa.”
Elisa rolled her eyes and muttered, “Oh gosh, I have to pretend to be related to this dirty girl.”
Daisy said, “Huh? I have an aunt and a cousin? My parents didn’t mention that.”
Elisa said, “You should be happy, not questioning us.” She hissed loudly.
Miss Sara said, “Don’t worry, Daisy. I have checked all necessary, and I will check on you at least once a month to see if they are taking care of you. You will have to leave with them today.”
Daisy tried to hold back her tears, then thought, Even if Miss Sara will be checking up on me, I don’t feel like leaving. I love it here.
Daisy suddenly spoke up, “I will be leaving right away, right? Like right now?”
Miss Sara said, “Yes, Daisy.”
“Come on, Daisy, we need to go,” Victoria said.
“Can I have 5 minutes with my friend, please? I need to talk to him,” Daisy said.
“Oh, just do whatever you want. I need to get out of this haunted place,” Elisa said rudely.
“We will wait, dear,” Victoria said.
Elisa, Victoria, and Miss Sara left. And Daisy slowly turned around, just to meet Darren right in front of her.
You… you are leaving. Darren asked, almost in tears, and Emily rolled her eyes.
Yes, Darren, I will have to stay with my aunt now. Daisy said.
But what about the bad guy? Can I protect you while you are far away? Darren asked.
I will inform my aunt about that. Daisy said.
Don’t worry, I will learn how to fight and be strong so I can protect you. I won’t forget my promise. Darren said, and Daisy chuckled.
I hope we will be able to meet again, Darren. Daisy said.
Me too, wifey, don’t forget me, okay? Darren said.
Hey, I asked you to stop calling me that. Daisy said.
Okay, I won’t, wifey. Darren said.
You are stubborn. Daisy said, and rolled her eyes.
No, I’m already practicing how to be a bad boy for you. Darren said, and Daisy blushed.
She quickly moved close to him and hugged him.
Darren was shocked by the way Daisy hugged him unexpectedly, but he wrapped his hands around her slowly.
Daisy whispered into his ears , “Don’t forget me, Darren, or your promise.”
Darren said, “I won’t, wifey.”
“Okay, hubby,” Daisy said, and quickly pecked him on the cheek.
Then, she ran off in tears. Darren was sad about her leaving and blushed a little because she had pecked him.
Darren muttered to himself, “I will find you, D.”
Daisy walked up to Miss Sara, Victoria, and Elisa, her eyes brimming with tears. “I… we can go now,” she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Mom, let’s leave here, I’m so tired,” Elisa said
“Okay, dear, let’s leave,” Victoria replied, her voice softening slightly.
Elisa rolled her eyes and glare at daisy.
Daisy nodded her head slowly and walked up to Miss Sara, her eyes welling up with tears. “Thank you, Miss Sara,” she said, her voice cracking.
Miss Sara hugged her tightly. “Take care of yourself, okay, Daisy? Don’t forget, I’ll be checking in on you.”
Daisy nodded, her tears spilling over as she pulled away from the hug. She took a deep breath and walked away with Victoria and Elisa, her heart heavy with sadness.
They entered the car immediately, and it zoomed off, leaving the orphanage and Miss Sara behind. Daisy gazed out the window, her eyes fixed on the fading figure of Miss Sara, her heart aching with the uncertainty of her new life.
Then, Daisy wiped her tears and said, “Aunty, Mom and Dad’s death was not an accident. They were murdered.”
Victoria’s eyes widened in shock. “What… uhmm… I… How did you know that?”
Daisy’s voice was firm. “I saw the man who killed them. I saw him giving an injection to Mom and Dad.”
Elisa rolled her eyes. “That might just be your imagination, idiot. Stop all this ranting.”
Daisy’s eyes flashed with anger. “It’s not ranting, okay? And I’m sure we are age mates, so watch the way you talk to me.”
Elisa’s eyes widened, taken aback by Daisy’s boldness.
Victoria stammered, “Uhmmm… I… Why don’t we go to the hospital to get you checked up, Daisy?”
Daisy raised an eyebrow. “But I’m fine, Aunty.”
“Uhmmm… I know, I just want to know if… uhmm… you’re not hallucinating or something.”Victoria said
“Okay.” Daisy said but she wondered why Victoria was being so weird.
Elisa yelled, “Mom, did you see the way this dirty girl just talked to me just now?”
Daisy’s eyes narrowed. “Hey, listen to me, okay? If you raise your voice at me again, I will make you pay. And it’s so clear you are jealous of me.”
Elisa tried to slap her, but Daisy held her hand and shoved it away. “Don’t try it.”
Victoria intervened, “That’s enough, you two. Elisa, that’s enough.”
Then, Victoria thought to herself, “I will surely make you pay for doing that to my precious daughter. First, let’s visit the hospital.”
St. Michael General Hospital
Victoria approached the reception desk, her voice firm. “I want to see Doctor John. He should be expecting me right now.”
The receptionist nodded, directing her to a private room. “He’s waiting for you, ma’am. Room 304.”
Victoria turned to Daisy and Elisa. “Wait outside the door, I’ll be right back.”
As she entered Room 304, she found Liam and Doctor John engaged in a hushed conversation.
“What do you mean she saw my face, Victoria?” Liam asked, his eyes narrowing. “You mean she saw me killing her parents?”
Victoria’s expression turned cold. “Yes, Liam, she saw you.”
Liam cursed under his breath. “Fuck… how did that happen?”
Victoria’s voice was icy. “I don’t know why you’re busy planning all this, Liam. You even asked me to pretend to be her aunt. That girl has a lot of attitude. Just get rid of her.”
Liam’s face twisted in frustration. “Shut up, Victoria. I could only get a few of her dad’s properties. The bigger share is in Daisy’s name, and she can’t access it until she’s 18 or 19. So, I can’t get rid of her.”
Victoria’s eyes narrowed. “What are we going to do, Liam? We have to do something, or she’ll get rid of us instead.”
Doctor John, a middle-aged man with a kind face, spoke up. “Victoria, I think I can help. It’s possible to wipe a little of her memory, make her forget what she saw.”
Victoria’s eyes lit up. “How?”
Doctor John explained, “We can use a targeted memory suppression technique, a form of hypnosis that can suppress specific memories, making them inaccessible to her conscious mind. It’s a delicate procedure, but it can be effective.”
Liam’s eyes gleamed with hope. “That’s perfect. Let’s do it.”
Victoria’s voice was calculating. “But we need to be careful. If she suspects anything, it could backfire.”
Doctor John nodded. “I understand. We’ll need to proceed with caution. But I assure you, Victoria, this procedure can help you achieve your goals.”
Victoria’s eyes gleamed with determination. “Wipe off everything that happened recently, Mr. John. We’ll be leaving here and moving to Italy. I don’t want that orphanage woman near my house.”
Doctor John nodded. “Okay, Victoria. Let’s get started.”
The three of them walked out of the room, where Daisy and Elisa were waiting anxiously.
Victoria forced a warm smile. “Daisy, sweetie, Doctor John needs to give you a check-up. Just a routine procedure.”
Daisy looked uncertain, but Victoria’s reassuring tone put her at ease. “Okay, Aunty Victoria.”
Doctor John led Daisy to a nearby room, while Victoria and Liam exchanged a sinister glance.
Inside the room, Doctor John began the procedure, using a soothing voice and gentle gestures to put Daisy at ease.
“Close your eyes, Daisy. This will only take a few minutes.”
As Daisy relaxed, Doctor John began the targeted memory suppression technique, using hypnosis to suppress her memories of:
- Meeting Darren
- Visiting the orphanage
- Her parents’ murder
- Liam’s involvement
Victoria watched through a one-way mirror, her eyes cold and calculating, as Daisy’s memories were erased, one by one.
As the procedure ended, Daisy slowly opened her eyes, confusion etched on her face. “Where am I?” she asked, her voice groggy.
Victoria stepped into the room, a cold smile spreading across her face. “You’re with me, Daisy. Your loving aunt.”
Daisy’s eyes widened as she tried to remember, but her memories were hazy. “Aunty…Victoria?”
Victoria’s expression turned cruel, and she slapped Daisy across the face. “I’m your aunt, and don’t even think I’ll be nice to you, idiot.”
Daisy’s eyes welled up with tears as she cradled her stinging cheek. “Ow…why?”
Victoria smirked, her eyes glinting with malice. “You’ll learn to obey me, Daisy
Darren’s eyes widened in shock. “Elisa… your daughter?” He stuttered, confusion etched on his face. “But I thought Summer and Barbie were your only daughters?”
Godfather let out a hearty laugh. “You’re smart, Darren. That’s why I like you. But don’t think you can figure everything out. I have secrets, and I don’t need to explain myself to you,
“But how is that even possible?”Darren muttered
Godfather’s expression turned cold. “I don’t need to explain myself to you, Darren. Just remember, if you don’t do your job well, you’ll pay. And don’t even dare think you’re the only one I can use. I have a pawn in that school, and she’s called Slow Poison. I don’t think you can even fight her.”
Darren smirked secretly, but his expression quickly turned serious. “What’s my punishment for hitting your daughter?” He asked
Godfather chuckled. “Ah, let’s just say… you’re lucky I’m in a good mood today. Hey, Tiger, let his sister go.”
Tiger roughly pushed Iris toward Darren, who tried to move but was stopped by Iris’s whisper in his ear. ”
“Calm down, bunny. We need to save Princess, right?”
Darren closed them tightly, taking a deep breath. Godfather’s voice broke the silence.
“Leave before I change my mind, Darren.”
Without hesitation, Darren scooped up his little sister in his arms and quickly walked out of the room, leaving the tension and secrets behind. As soon as he was gone, Tiger turned to Godfather. “Will he be able to do the job, Master?”
Godfather’s smile was sinister. “I can’t say, but Slow Poison won’t disappoint me.”
Darren drove his bike into the grand mansion, the doors automatically closing behind them. He and Iris walked into the living room, where they were greeted by a woman in her 50s.
Iris ran to her, hugging her tightly. “Mummy Sara!” she exclaimed in her tiny voice.
“Oh, my baby, how are you doing?” Mrs. Sara asked
“I’m not fine, Mrs. Sara,” Iris replied, her voice trembling. “Some bad guys abducted me and asked Bunny to hurt Princess or they would hurt me.”
Mrs. Sara’s gaze shifted to Darren, who has cuts on his head and lips. She turned back to Iris. “Nanny!” she called out, and a woman promptly entered the room. “Yes, ma’am?”
“Take Iris to her room, please,” Mrs. Sara instructed. “She’ll be fine.”
Iris nodded slowly, and the nanny led her away. Mrs. Sara turned to Darren.
“What’s going on, Darren? You’ve decided to use your secret house?”
“Liam Campbell found out about Iris,” Darren explained. “I can’t let him get to her again. I won’t have to choose between her and Daisy again. Trust me, Aunt, it was so scary.”
TO Be Continued