Melody High School Chapter 34
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Melody High School Chapter 34 Of Melody High School by Maavy Gold Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????????? Melody High School CHAPTER THIRTY FOUR: ????
????(Melt My Heart)????
“Chill girl, why don’t I punish her this time, but I will only do that with her partner in crime right beside her. they will scream because of the pain I will make them feel. But where the hell is Rocky. I think he needs to watch a vedio that looks so familiar. summer said and Barbie smirked
“what???. Elisa muttered with her eyes widened
“Barbie, what’s really going on here?sage asked with a confused look
” Oh, this is what actually happened this morning, so I had to act. It all started when…
The flashback sequence begins, revealing what transpired earlier that day.
” Just take a chill pill, girl. I’ll get out, but I’ve got something to share with you.summer said
” And what the fuck is that?. barbie yelled
Summer’s smirk widens, her expression as mischievous as ever.
“stop yelling barbie, trust me it’s something important but you have to tell me something important too.she said and smirked again
” Why the hell do I need to make a deal with someone like you? barbie yelled
“You don’t have to look at me or my behavior. Just listen to me first. It’s about Summer said calmly
” What about Ricky?. barbie asked
“That’s what you should be asking me, not those stupid questions.summer said and Barbie glare at her
” It’s not a stupid question, girl! You and I aren’t friends, and I know you’re evil, okay?. barbie snapped
Summer tried to hide she is hurt, her expression turning cold.
“Whatever you think, you talk too much. Stop diverting and let’s talk about why I’m here instead.summer said coldly
” You’re the one with stupid answers, fool! You keep making me question you.
“Let’s just talk about why I’m here, okay?. summer said
“Yeah, tell me why you barged into my room like a mannerless girl you are.barbie snapped and summer glare at her
” I have better things to do than exchange words with you. Fuck, I hate you.summer said
” Fucking mutual, bitch.barbie said and smirked
“Okay, Barbie. Let’s just talk, okay?. summer said
“Maybe if you say “please”, I can reconsider.barbie said with a smile on her face
” Fuck… Okay, please listen to me.summer said
” Okay, speak.barbie said and summer rolled her eyes
” I have evidence that can really help Summer said
” What do you mean by that?. barbie said
- You know what I mean, girlll.. summer rolled her eyes
Barbie shakes her head in confusion.
“No, I don’t.barbie said simply
” You’ll understand soon enough.summer replied
Summer holds her phone up and plays a video, the content of which leaves Barbie speechless.
” What the fuck? Becky and Rocky?. barbie said with a stunned look on her face
Summer’s smile widens at Barbie’s reaction.
“Yes, I knew those two were up to something, so I had to investigate. And I’m so glad I did.summwr said proudly and barbie rolled her eyes
” Oh, shut up! We also know Ricky is innocent, but we didn’t know Becky and Rocky were this evil.barbie said
Summer, unimpressed by Barbie’s outburst, rolled her eyes.
” Look, Barbie, all these insults should be kept for later, okay? Let’s talk about what we’re going to do with this video.Summer said
“What do you mean, what are we going to do?. barbie asked
Barbie’s eyebrows furrow in confusion as she struggles to understand what Summer means.
“We need to show this to Ricky, so he can prove he’s innocent?. barbie asked
“Think, Barbie, think. You’re smarter than this.Summer muttered
Barbie was silent for a few moments, her mind racing. Suddenly, realization dawns on her.
” Oh, yes,Becky and Rocky now know you have the video. They won’t just sit and watch while you show it to Ricky! I’m sure they’re planning something right now.barbie said in a rush
Summer nods, impressed by Barbie’s quick thinking.
“You catch on quick, Barbie. But don’t you worry. I’ve already thought of a way to stay one step ahead of them.summer said
” If you’re already one step ahead, why are you here? barbie said
” It’s because I need your help, you fool. Just listen. Now that they know I have the video, Becky has left school and go back to new York. But Rocky and Elisa have a plan. I heard the entire thing, but they didn’t know I was there with them .Summer smirked
“Elisa?! Again?! That girl hasn’t learned her lesson. I will deal with her properly this time. Barbie said
” Barbie, just listen to me, okay? Listen to the plan. This is how it goes. I will be sending the video to you right now, and I will be going to the hospital with one of you girls. You can’t come along because I know they’ll be suspicious. You will have to act like you don’t care at all. Okay? Even though they’re keeping an eye on us right now, they will think I’m here to turn you against your best friend. I will go with my phone. I know they’ve planned to send goons after me for this video. I’ll make them think they’ve actually won, but you, Barbie, will also have the video.
Barbie listens intently, her expression turning grim.
” Why me? Why not Lovie? You two are friends, aren’t you?. barbie asked and smirked
“Sorry to say this, but I feel you all are stupid for listening to Lovie immediately and believing she actually changed. Don’t you think it’s odd, someone changing because of Becky’s mistake? I’m sure she’s up to something. I know how she really liked Ricky. Summer said
” You’re right. Daisy felt sorry for her, But I can’t trust that Lovie girl. I never liked her. there is a strange aura whenever she is around.There’s something odd about her. I think she’s not as innocent as she appears. She’s hiding something.barbie said
“You are wise, though. You should save your best friend from that obsessed summer smirked
“What about you?. barbie asked coldly
“You also like Ricky. Why are you trying so much to help him? I’m sure you have ulterior motives.barbie snapped
“You are definitely right, Barbie. But I’m not hiding mine. I like Ricky, yes. And I want him to be only mine.Summer said
“I knew it. You are also a bitch.barbie said slowly
“Yeah, I am. But I don’t do shit behind anyone’s back. I’m not scared of anyone. Please be there for your best friend when she finally starts crying, okay?. Summer said
Summer snatches Barbie’s phone from her hand and sends the video over to it. As Barbie is lost in thought, Summer opens Barbie’s palm and places her phone in it.
” Stop thinking. I just want to start, okay? And you should be a little bit wiser to stop my plans. summer said
“You can’t win this, Summer. You should change. I don’t think evil suits you well.barbie said
” Why don’t you tell your best friend to leave Ricky for me, then I’ll reconsider.Summer smirked
“Fuck you, bitch!. barbie snapped
” Fuck you too, Barbie. Just do as the plan says, okay? Adios, bitch.summer snapped
Summer exits the room, leaving Barbie alone with her thoughts. After a moment, Barbie muttered under her breath.
“The fuck. I will not let my Daisy cry. Don’t test my patience, Summer. You won’t like it when I do.
She grips her phone tightly, her knuckles turning white, as she contemplates her next move.
“No wonder you were weird earlier, Barbie.sage said
” Let me go, bitch! I didn’t do anything to your Daisy. Elisa said aggressively
” Oh, yes you didn’t. But why can’t you stop doing evil, huh? I’m going to make you pay on the field again, so just continue to kneel there and shut up.barbke snapped
Elisa glares at Barbie, her eyes blazing with hatred.
” Fuck you, Barbie! I didn’t do anything to your stupid best friend. Elisa yelled and barbie slapped her hand on the face making her staggered backward
“How dare you fool, who are you calling stupid?. barbie yelled
TO Be Continued