Married To The Hidden Billionaire Chapter 30
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Married To The Hidden Billionaire Chapter 30 Of Married To The Hidden Billionaire by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
????Married To The Hidden Billionaire:
????(Love After Heartbreak)????
????His Bride From No Where????
A waitress just dropped some food on the table where Mason and Skyler were sitting.
“Thank you” Skyler smiled at her and watched her leave before staring at Mason who was already pouring some wine in the class.
“Here you go” he stretched the glass to which she accepted with a smile.
They began eating but Mason was just starting at her. Come to think of it, how they met and married was quite funny, he met her from no where and proposed to her and she agreed, they married the same they she was about to marry that freak.
Skyler slowly looked up when she felt some gaze on her, she caught Mason gaze but he didn’t make an attempt to hide.
“What? Do I have some food on my face?” She slowly blinked at him.
Mason chuckled a little with surprised Skyler.
“I just want to know more about you, I mean it’s been close to a month, we should know more about ourselves” he told her.
Skyler thought he was saying making sense and she nodded.
“You’re right, what do you want to know about me?” She asked.
“Your last name is Skyler Wang, are you a Chinese?” He started his first question.
“Hmm” Skyler nodded.
“Half Chinese half American, my father was a Chinese man and my mom is an American” she added.
“So you have a Chinese name, can I hear it?” Mason dropped his fork as he seemed more interested in this conversation.
“Yes I do, it’s actually Jingxue” she said.
“Jing xue..” Mason pronounced carefully, “Does it have a meaning?” He then asked.
“It means kind, a helpful person, someone always ready to assist” she answered.
“Interesting, so tell me about your dad” he asked and sipped from his wine.
Skyler sighed a little before smiling hurtfully.
“Well my father was just like me, his name is Chareen Wang, I should say he was a born legend in the fashion industry, his dream is to finally be known as one of the best and he actually worked for it.. you know he was selected to join this popular show of fashion designing, he won and was about to face millions of crowds to collect his reward but he had an accident and died on his way” she narrated to him.
“That sucks” Mason muttered.
“Hmm, but it’s the past, I’ve long accepted it and I promise to make a name for myself and make my father proud” she let out another smile and nodded to herself.
“I trust you, so your wedding dress, I noticed the design looked a bit unique, wanted to ask but I forgot” he raised another question.
“Oh I designed it myself, it took months” she replied.
“Really?” Mason looked a bit surprised.
“Yes but it was such a waste” she sighed afterwards.
“You really are very talented, you know D•S will he holding a design competition next week, how about you join, I’ll send you the link to register” he told her.
“I will love to but Edna’s dress?” She looked at him.
“Take it as your project there, if you become a worker there then it can help you” he replied.
Skyler smiled happily.
“Of course, I’ll love the join oh and I have questions for you too” she leaned closer and smirked at him.
“Shoot” he rolled his eyes.
“If you met another girl on the road that wasn’t me then would you actually marry her?” She asked, paying close attention to him.
“I was gonna go to Paris and drag Linda to marry me” he replied.
“Linda?” Skyler creased her brows.
“Hmm, my ex cause she stood me up but I saw you in a wedding dress and I had no patient so..” he shrugged his shoulders and cut a piece of meat then put in his mouth.
Skyler was shocked with his reply, she shook her head at him.
“Were you really born like this?” She asked.
“Like how?” He looked confused.
“Cold, emotionless, do you even smile?” She narrowed her eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I just love my work too much that I don’t have the time to smile anymore” he shrugged again.
“You’re a workaholic then, why are you one thou?” She asked again.
“No reason, when I was in my junior high school everyone hated me because I was ugly and a dullard, I even asked a girl out and she humiliated me publicly but I decided to buckle up not because of her but everyone and I suddenly became better, as I was getting better I wanted more, I loved the respect and the fame and everything, I just loved it” he explained.
“But you should try to smile more, it’ll look good on you” she told him and he nodded before raising his glass up to her.
“Cheers?” He gave her a look.
“Cheers” she smiled and clicked her class with his.
It’s family dinner, Maya slowly climbed down the stairs and walked pass everyone to get a glass of water but Grandpa Mario called her back.
“Maya, sit and join us, Rosa told us you apologized to her” he said and Maya froze on her step.
She turned back and stared at Rosa who just ignored her and kept eating.
“Thank you Dad” she smiled and went to join them.
They were eating but Carson was busy pressing his son.
“Emily take the phone from your son” grandpa Mario frowned.
Carson heard and tried deleting what he was browsing but Emily snatched the phone from him immediately. She stared at it, feeling a little surprised before staring at Carson who slowly faced his food.
“Always obey the rules Carson, no computer in the dinning” She said afterwards.
Mason and Skyler already came back for dinner and this time they were getting ready to sleep.
While Mason was sitting on his bed and pressing his laptop, Skyler came out of the bathroom in her nightie.
She felt uncomfortable because it was transparent and short, she might have grabbed it by accident.
She ignored Mason and lay down, facing the other side.
“Don’t stay up late too much” she reminded him before closing her eyes.
Mason’s eyes were in his laptop, working for almost three hours before he turned to face her.
He was a bit startled to see her sleeping position had changed, she was now facing him, her blanket was off hey body and her nighties were exposing her fresh laps to his view.
He wasn’t drugged this time but he was begining to get hard by staring.
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