Married At 16 Episode 2
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Married At 16 Episode 2 Or Chapter Two Of Married At Sixteen by Authoress Ricky Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Married At 16 Episode Two: ????????
???? Love filled with Bitterness ????
Everyone was really busy except from me am in my room dressing up for the birthday party that would start by 7:00 in the night.
Lucy came early to help me she is just sitting on my bed doing nothing but I couldn’t talk because I don’t want to ruin our friendship and no even on my birthday.
The makeup artist was done and she excuse herself. I check myself in the mirror and it was pretty good.”Lucy check this out, what do you think” I show her my face and she gasped.
“What” I asked and she smiled.
“You are so beautiful” she said and I smiled.
“You scare me anyway when is Jasper coming” I asks.
“Do you Missed him because this is the fifth time you are asking between just thirty minutes” she said and I blushed.
Seriously I admire Jasper alot but like I always say I don’t want want to ruin our perfect friendship because of my selfish desire. A friend like them isn’t really something you see anyhow, even if am from a rich family they treat me equally and I love it.
“Just tell him already I told you it won’t ruin our friendship”she walk up to me and place her hand on my shoulder.
“I can’t do it what if he doesn’t think of me that way” I stare at myself in the mirror at our front. “Try your luck” she whispered and I sigh.
“Hey, I will go check things downstairs and it almost Seven so don’t waste time here”she said and nodded before she walk out.
I stood up and stare at the dress am putting on it was a red dress with a shiny diamond stone on it. It was revealing my curves and stop just before my kneel.
I did a breathing exercise and Walk out of the room. I turned to close the door.”Happy Birthday sweetheart” it was Jasper.
“Thank you” he hug and I felt save.
“This most be for me” I took the bouquet of flowers in his hands and sniffed the scent.
“Yeah dear”he smiled.
“How do I look”I took a spin and he stare at me for a while pretending to be studying me.
“Bad”I asks looking at my dress.
“Still looking for a better word because you are amazingly beautiful”he said and I laugh.
“Thanks” I replied and he gave his arms and I took it as we walk downstairs.
My dad was greeting some people I guess are his business partner when he saw me he ask me to cover. I rolled my eye he is going to use me to gain a contract again.
“Martha, been a while you are looking really good today” he stretch his hand forward and I took it.
Crazy people don’t they know am their daughter age and Dad won’t even say a word or go against it. I bow and excuse myself and went to meet my Mom.
“Happy Birthday dear” she hug me and I smiled. “Thank Mom” I said as I rest my chin on her shoulder. She pulled away and stare at me.
“You look amazingly beautiful”She said and I smiled.”I already said that”Jasper interrupted as he walk towards us again and I smiled.
“Jasper” Mom hug him and I watch the both of them do their thing smiling. Mom really Like Jasper since we were Kids and love the Mutual feelings between the three of us.
“Mom have you seen Lucy” I asks scanning the big Living Room.
“Yeah but I guess she would be busy tonight” Mom pointed toward a direction and I traced only for it to land on Lucy talking to Noah.
Noah is my dad business partner so, they once tried to hook up together but I ruined it as usual because I don’t ever want to have anything to do with someone I love.
“I will just go hang around and greet my personal invited friends” I said.
“I could actually escort you” Jasper added and I smiled.”You are such a sweet guy” I hit him playfully and wrap my arm around his and mom just watch us smiling to your self.
“Mom” I called and she just throw her hands in a am_kidding_ way.
“He is my friend and you know he could have done better” I added and she smiled.
“What were you thinking Martha” Jasper turn his gaze at me and I just shrugged.
“Silly”he pouted and I laugh.
We walk through the crowd until Dad called everyone attention to give his speech and I smiled still standing beside Jasper and Lucy is nowhere to be found.
“Firstly I thank Everyone present here for this great occasion.It a pleasure to see you respect my invitation and came here to celebrate with me my daughter Sixteenth birthday”The crowd clapped.
“Now to the main business of today let welcome my only daughter and the only heir, Martha Justin”he clapped and jasper walk me up to the stage and the crowd won’t stop clapping.
“Thank you”I bowed.
“Now in the count of three we will make a toast to this memorable day”he raise his glass up and every one did.
“1…..2…….3″I cut my cake and the crowd did a cheers. The happiness in me are over filled and I can’t stop smiling so hard that is actually leading to my cheek burn.
“Now let get to the party”Jasper screamed like it was a kid party and I can’t stop laughing.
“The party continue after her engagement” A dark old man walk up to the stage and the crowd gasped.
Actually if am to describe his look he is at least a bit older than my dad, he was putting on a black suit and a hat that cover his face a little bit. “What a joke”I laughed and when I figure out no one was laughing I stopped and face Dad.
I don’t understand the kind of contact Dad is making with the old man but it was a face of bewilderment.
“What going on here”I asks Dad and Mom quickly rush up the stage and hold me. “It been a while Paul Justin” the old man stated with a smirk on his face and he remove his hat and Mom gasped.
“What the f**king hell is going on here, you are ruining the party just tell this old man to leave” I yelled and everyone gasped.
What would happen to me if I go to school on Monday.They would mock me because my party got ruined by an unknown beggar.
“Let settle this matter” Dad pleaded and I was getting pissed off.
“Just tell me what going on here” I yelled.
“Martha it happened some here ago and you are bethroted to him” Dad finally say something I could understand but if I could hear him well bethroted actually means am married to him!!!.
“Mom” I turned to her but she just stood there doing nothing.
????She is married to an old man
????She is the source of dad income
???? Perfect she is damn to proud and need to be taught a lesson.
Different opinion from the crowd and tears roll down my cheek.
“Are you telling me am getting married to this old thing” I asks as tears roll down my cheeks.
“No, he might be here for something else, the deal had been over a year a now and there is no way it still exist” Dad assure me.
“I know this would happened”the old man said and brought out a old pieces of paper out and stretch it to my dad who snatch it angrily and his eye widened as he read it.
“But…… But Nicole”the old man interrupted him.
“Since today is the day everyone came to celebrate her good day why don’t we give her a double celebration because she is going to be engaged” the man screamed to the crowd with a his old deep voice.
“Dad say something” I cried but he just shook his head.
“Mom” I called and she did the same the old man won’t stop smiling.
“You are getting engaged little princess, he love innocent girl like you” he said like he had a empty brain.
But what does he mean by he would Love me am I not getting married to him?.
TO Be Continued