Married At 16 Episode 10
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Married At 16 Episode 10 Or Chapter TEN Of Married At Sixteen by Authoress Ricky Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Married At 16 Episode TEN: ????????
???? Love filled with Bitterness ????
???? MARTHA ????
The alarm making me jolt up from the bed scared because I just had a bad dream that consist of John and some guys trying to kill Bryan or something but I’m sure it just an hallucination.
I yawned as I drag my feet on the floor to the bathroom. “Shit”I exclaimed staring at my reflection.
“Bryan!!”I shouted as I ran out of the bathroom the open the door knob.
Gaspedhe slept at the door step yesterday. Geez…what have I done? I remember he slapped me when I refuse to allow him talk and that took me by surprise and I remember refusing to open the door for him but I only wanted to punish him a little but my stupid self slept off last night.
“Bryan”I tap him and he groaned.
“Martha open the door”he mumbled. This guys is been dramatic, is he telling there isn’t any room here apart from this?.
“Bryan it me Martha and we are getting late for school”I tap him again but he shivered into my hand.
WTH!!? I check his forehead and realize he is running temperature.
“Bryan”I called getting scared because he couldn’t open his eye.
I had an hard time carrying Bryan inside before laying him on the bed and went to grab a neat towel and shock it in some water. There was one time Jasper was feverish and he didn’t want his parent so Lucy did something like this so it should help.
I squeeze the towel gently before placing it on his forehead and he let out some grunt sound.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lock you outside the door”I tried to explain but he couldn’t even say anything.
The knock on th door distracted me and I left Bryan to get the door.
“Good morning ma’am”the white lady greeted.
“I came here to let you know it time to prepare for school”She said politely.
“Ummmm… actually” I stammered…I can’t let her know I lock Bryan outside the room and now he is sick because of me.
“Actually Mrs….”
“Rose”she replied and I nod my head in approval.
“Bryan isn’t feeling too well so we decided to take a sick leave today please can you call the school and Inform them”
“Omg….is sir Bryan fine”she tried to shove me away and get her way in but I push her gently back”
“He is fine just some little help and I can fix it since I’m his wife”I replied with a fake smile even though deeply it feel so good to actually call myself his wife.
“Okay ma’am”She bowed smiling at me for no reason.
“Did I say anything worthy of such smile”I asks totally out on Earth.
“Nothing ma’am, I will call the school but remember it your second day in school no excuses would be taken tomorrow so you know what to do”She said before walking away and after confirming she was out of sight.
I shut the door and went back to Bryan who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. He actually look cute even when he is sleeping and should I see he look like a baby when ever he make some grunting sound.
“Martha”he called and I quickly hold his hands.
“I’m here”I pat his hand.
“Do you really have to lock me outside”he open his eye and sit up and I flinched in fear.
“How come you recover so fast”I stare at him in surprise.
“Because I was never sick”he shot me a glare and I raise one of my brows up.
“But your temperature was_”
“You took a sick leave that good”he push the duvet off his body and stood up and walk towards me.
“What are you doing”I kept moving back but he won’t stop coming and I won’t stop going until my back lean on the walk and before I could move away he pin me to the wall.
“What the hell are you doing?”I yelled at him.
“Why didn’t you let me in yesterday?”he asks and I kept mute immediately.
“I_Actually___I slept off”I clear off my mind.
“You slept off when I’m yet to sleep?”he asks but I got no response so I kept quiet.
“Since we are home alone today then I have enough time to explain things to you and get this into your head”
“You know this won’t work and I’m going to school since Bryan decided to trick me but I’m not falling”
“Can you shut up and let me talk”he ordered.
“And what if I don’t?”I roll my eye.
“Then I will do this”he stare deeply into my eye and all I did was stare back.
His eye finally left my eye and to my lips and for no reason I lick my lips maybe because of the effect he is having on me.
He lean closer to my lips and I shut my eye but after some secs and I still haven’t feel his lips on min I open them and saw him staring intensely at me.
“Now I shut you off, yesterday I wasn’t fking any bitch, she came to me asking me out and when I was turning her down she kiss me in the class for no reason and all the time you think I was fking her, I will as trying to explain to her I’m married”
“I know it sounded funny to her and I didn’t know what to do and somehow felt embarrassed but she pleaded in making it looks like I was f**king so she could boast about it”
“how is that my busi_”he interrupted me.
“And I told her I love someone else”he said and I choked on my throat.
“Actually that was just to make it real”he explained and my heart shattered.
What was I expecting in the first place?. Bryan can’t love me because he doesn’t do me.
“Why are you telling me this?”I shrugged.
“Because I don’t want to see you near John trying to make me jealous for no reason”he fired back quick.
“Making you jealous?”I questioned.
“Umm…I mean John is a dangerous guy and if you think you can play a game with him, you might end up been the object he plays”he warned and I press my lips together again and his eye went there.
“Do you really need me to kiss you?”he asks like it just a normal question and I nod my head gently because I seriously need to feel his lips right now, he lean over and gave me a peck.
Wth! is that a kiss? seriously? He is really a jerk????.
“But no one must know we are married, since we might divorce after satisfying my Dad”he crumbled the whole moment with a stupid words and I scoff.
“I don’t even like you so stop feeling big”I hiss and walk away to the bathroom.
Is he for real, he didn’t f**k the Bitch?
TO Be Continued